[comp.lang.ada] TRI-Ada '91 - Abstracts/proposals due 1 March 1991 - Reminder

Judy.Bamberger@SEI.CMU.EDU (02/05/91)

                      Ada:   Today's Accomplishments;
                             Tomorrow's Expectations

                                TRI-Ada '91
                         San Jose Convention Center
                            San Jose California
                           October 21 - 25, 1991

                          Sponsored by ACM SIGAda

  TRI-Ada  '91  is  the  international  conference  and  exposition  for Ada
software and  system  development,  engineering,  technology,  services  and
products.    This annual five-day event brings together representatives from
government, industry, and academia for a truly global perspective on Ada.

  TRI-Ada '91 plans to build on the success of prior years,  and  to  expand
the  focus to beyond the continental USA and the defense industry.  There is
a growing  demonstration  of  Ada  as  a  viable  commercial  language,  and
military-originated   technologies   that  are  adopted  by  the  commercial
marketplace invariably have  a  history  of  becoming  more  robust,  higher
quality, and less expensive.

   - Four  tracks focusing on:             - Invitations  extended  to
     Management,    Education,               senior         government
     Technical,     Experience               representatives,        a
     Reports.                                representative   of   the
                                             European         Economic
   - Days  of  the  conference               Community,         senior
     dedicated   to   each  of               industrial managers  from
     government, industry, and               Europe,  Japan,  and  the
     academia;      increasing               United States; we have  a
     international                           commitment  from  Dr Nico
     participation.                          Habermann,    Dean     of
                                             Computer    Science    at
   - Special  presentations by               Carnegie           Mellon
     the Ada 9X Project Teams;               University as a reknowned
     an  early  glimpse of the               academic   and    General
     language  for  the   next               Ronald   Yates,   US  Air
     decades.                                Force,        as        a
                                             representative  of the US
   - Executive   Briefing   on               armed forces.
     Software              for
     Vice-Presidents,    Chief
     Executive  Officers,  and
     Chief         Scientists,
     coordinated    by     the
     Software      Engineering

             Important dates:
               Mar 1, 1991   Submit paper/panel/experience
                             abstracts, tutorial proposals
               Apr 30, 1991  Acceptance notification to authors
               Aug 1, 1991   Camera ready papers/panel
                             statements/(optional) experience
                             abstracts, tutorial materials due

For program information, contact        For conference information, contact
Program Chairperson:                    Conference Chairperson:
   Garth Glynn                             Judy Bamberger
   Ferranti International                  Software Engineering Institute
   Ty Coch Way                             Pittsburgh PA  15213
   Cwmbran Gwent  NP44 7XX                 UNITED STATES
   UNITED KINGDOM                          bamberg@sei.cmu.edu
   glynng@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu                 +1-412-268-5795
   +44-633-871111                          +1-412-268-5758 (FAX)
   +44-6333-61177 (FAX)

  ACM SIGAda is pleased to host the TRI-Ada '91 Conference  and  Exposition,
October  21  -  25, 1991, at the San Jose Convention Center.  All members of
Conference committees invite you to attend and encourage you to participate.
For conference registration and exposition
information, mail or fax the coupon to:
   TRI-Ada '91
   Conference Management
   Danieli & O'Keefe Associates, Inc.
   490 Boston Post Road
   Sudbury MA  01776  USA
   +1-508-443-4715 (FAX)
  |                                                         |
  |Name                                                     |
  |                                                         |
  |Title                                                    |
  |                                                         |
  |Organization                                             |
  |                                                         |
  |Address                                                  |
  |                                                         |
  |City, State, Zip/Post Code                               |
  |                                                         |
  |Country                                                  |
  |                                                         |
  |Telephone                                                |
  |                                                         |
  |                                                         |
  |Circle as appropriate:                                   |
  |I am interested in attending TRI-Ada '91;                |
  |send me conference program and registration information. |
  |                                                         |
  |I am interested in exhibiting;                           |
  |send me exposition information.                          |
  |                                                         |

  See you in San Jose for TRI-Ada '91!

  TRI-Ada '91 is trying to be  an  ecologically  considerate,  event.    All
TRI-Ada '91 publicity will be done on recycled paper.
The  TRI-Ada  '91  staff encourages you to think ecologically as you prepare
for TRI-Ada '91.  Please share this announcement with your  colleagues,  and
recycle it when you are done with it.