wdence@NSWC-WO.NAVY.MIL (Walter Dence) (03/26/91)
I am considering buying a bank of i860 coprocessor cards for PC's. Languages available for these cards seem to be proprietary FORTRAN, C, and C++. Ada does not seem to be available, nor do the companies seem to be considering to provide Ada compilers. Does anyone know of a company that has or is doing an Ada compiler for one of these RISC coprocesssor accelerator cards? WALTER E. DENCE, JR. Data Acquisition Specialist Influence Mechanisms Branch, U23 Office: (301) 394-1708 Commanding Officer Fax: (301) 394-4510 White Oak Laboratory, U23 (W. Dence) DSN (AutoVoN): 290-1708 Naval Surface Warfare Center Detachment MilNet: wdence@nswc-wo.navy.mil 10901 New Hampshire Ave. CompuServe: 73347,663 Silver Spring, MD 20903-5000 Home: (301) 229-7394