[comp.lang.ada] LRM's needed, attempted humor


My apologies in advance but several thoughts ran through
my neural nets when I read the request for old LRM's.
1. Mine are so stained with blood, sweat & tears that they
   are unusable.
2. Our local phonebooks are being recycled for wallboard
   covering, at additional expense to us taxpayers, to
   reduce the load on the landfill (seriously, this is true).
   Perhaps the old LRM's should similarly be recycled into
   cartons for MRE's etc.
3. I might bury mine, in case they are someday outlawed.

   When Ada is outlawed - Only outlaws will have LRM's.
4. I'll give up my LRM when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers!
5. Someday we will look back on the LRM and laugh at how we
   tried to communicate with programmable state machines. I
   wouldn't want to be without my LRM at that time.

Seriously, I'll be glad to share a copy of the LRM on diskette
that I downloaded from the SEI. Send me your snail-mail address
and specify IBM DOS floppy disk or Macintosh diskette in
Microsoft Word format. I'll even include what I downloaded from
Ada9X BB so your students will have a heads-up on whats coming.
sam harbaugh 
  saharbaugh@ROO.FIT.EDU <-- note: new address as of 3/25/91       