[comp.lang.ada] help display some bitmaps on X.

cjg@sps.com (Christopher J. Graham) (05/21/91)

Using Ada bindings, how do I display a bitmap in X. 

I am using the SAIC Ada-X binding. The bindngs fall map well to the C-Xlib, so Non-Ada readers should understand the code.  

I cannot set the pixmap to be the bitmap_id in the following code. I get the BadMatch or BadPixmap errors. 

Any C or Ada example would be helpful. I think it is a simple task, but It isn't working for me.

Note there is a real event to exit this program, just the bare bones of the X-Stuff.

Thanks, Christopher J. Graham

EMail : cjg@sps.com

......Ada Source Code Follows......

WITH x_windows;

PROCEDURE hello_world IS

  display_id : x_windows.display;
  -- Identifies the physical display;

  size_hints : x_windows.size_hint_record;
  -- Identifies the window size hints.

  parent_window_id : x_windows.window;
  -- Identifies the Root Window.

  window_id : x_windows.window;
  -- Identifies the window's main backdrop.

  set_window_attributes_id : x_windows.set_window_attributes_record;
  -- Identifies the window's attributes.

  wa_mask_type_id : x_windows.wa_mask_type;
  -- Identifies the window's attributes.

  user_specified_size_hint_mask_type : CONSTANT x_windows.size_hint_mask_type := x_windows.size_hint_mask_type'(
      0      => true,
      1      => true,
      OTHERS => false);
  -- Size_Hint_Mask_Type for the user window.

  user_specified_wa_mask_type_for_bitmap : CONSTANT x_windows.wa_mask_type := x_windows.wa_mask_type'(
      0      => true,
      OTHERS => false);
  -- Wa_Mask_Type for the user bitmap.

  width : x_windows.pixels := 1;
  -- Identifies the Pixmap Width.

  height : x_windows.pixels := 1;
  -- Identifies the Pixmap Width.

  depth : x_windows.depth_type := 1;
  -- Identifies the Pixmap Depth.

  hot_spot : x_windows.point;
  -- Identifies the Pixmap Hot_Spot.

  bitmap_id : x_windows.pixmap;
  -- Identifies the Identifies the Bitmap.

    -- Get the Display ID.
    display_id := x_windows.open_display(name => "aviion:0.0");

    -- Get the Parent Window ID in order to open the new window.
    parent_window_id := x_windows.default_root_window(display_id => display_id);

    -- Set the Bounds and Mask for the New Window.
    size_hints.bounds.x := 400;
    size_hints.bounds.y := 400;
    size_hints.bounds.height := 400;
    size_hints.bounds.width := 400;
    size_hints.flags := user_specified_size_hint_mask_type;

    -- Create The new Window.
    window_id := x_windows.create_window(
	display_id => display_id,
	parent => parent_window_id,
	bounds => size_hints.bounds,
	border_width => 4,
	depth => 0,
	class => x_windows.input_output,
	visuals => x_windows.Copy_Visual_From_Parent,
	value_mask => wa_mask_type_id,
	attributes => set_window_attributes_id);
    -- Create the Pixamp used as a Bitmap.
    bitmap_id := x_windows.create_pixmap(
	display_id => display_id,
        drawable_id => window_id,
        width => width,
        height => height,
	depth => 1);

    -- Read from a file the bitmap to be displayed.
        display_id => display_id,
        drawable_id => window_id,
        filename => "test.bm",
        width => width,
        height => height,
	hot_spot => hot_spot,
        bitmap => bitmap_id,
        status => status);

    -- Map the window that was just created.
	display_id => display_id,
        window_id => window_id);

    -- Mark the new window as a Window to be displayed.
	display_id => display_id,
        window_id => window_id);

    -- Set the Window Attributes User Defined.
    set_window_attributes_id.background_pixmap := bitmap_id;
    wa_mask_type_id := user_specified_wa_mask_type_for_bitmap;

    -- Clear the New Window.
         display_id => display_id,
         window_id => window_id);

END hello_world;