(Michele L. Kee) (05/23/91)
Ada9X UPDATE MAY 1991 Draft Mapping Document Released The draft Mapping Document was distributed in March for public review and comment. It specifies the preliminary mappings of Ada 9X Requirements into language solutions, and key features include enhancements to support tasking (protected records), separate compilation (hierarchical libraries), and object-oriented programming (single inheritance and polymorphism). This first public discussion took place at the Ada 9X Mapping Workshop in Orlando, Fla., 11-14 March -- which was a big success in obtaining valuable feedback. Comments have been quite favorable, though much work still remains to be done to simplify proposed mappings in order to facilitate use and lessen the implementation burden. Expect the next version of the Mapping Document in June to be streamlined while retaining important functionality. Requirements Rationale Document The Ada 9X Requirements Document was released in December, and its rationale document is now complete. The rationale features discussion supporting the selection of Ada 9X requirements and an index tracing revision requests submitted by the public to specific requirements. This document is available electronically on the AJPO host and on the Ada 9X Bulletin Board -- 1-800-Ada9X25 or 301/459-8939. Or contact the Ada 9X Project Office at the address below to receive a hard copy. Keeping Compiler Vendors in the Loop In an attempt to keep validated Ada compiler vendors up to date on Ada 9X, the Project Office is routinely sending Ada 9X documents to all vendors. Furthermore, to solicit feedback, the Project Office issued a vendor survey in February. Several vendor workshops are also planned, including a workshop in conjunction with TRI-Ada in San Jose, Cal., on 21 October. All vendors will receive an invitation. Ada in Academia In order to provide researchers, instructors, and students with necessary resources to study, teach, and use Ada, the Ada 9X Project Office is exploring several options. The first is to provide free compilers on widely used platforms based on existing Ada products. (No development from scratch here!) Important issues concerning licensing, documentation, maintenance, etc. still need to be worked out. The second approach is to provide source code of government-owned tools for computer-science researchers to use so they can extend the state-of-the-art in tool technology, bindings to associated standards, distributed/parallel processing, etc. Expect more news on these topics in the near term. If you have suggestions on these ideas or others to facilitate the use of Ada in academia, please contact the Project Office. Coordination with the International Standards Organization (ISO) In order to ensure that Ada retains its American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and ISO status, a lot of international coordination is taking place. The chairs of non-US delegations to ISO Working Group 9 (Ada) were invited by the Ada 9X Project Office to participate in the ANSI Ada 9X canvass. Furthermore, a special ISO WG9 meeting featuring Ada 9X is planned for September. At the last ISO WG9 meeting, the Ada 9X Project Manager, and the Ada 9X Mapping/Revision Team technical lead, Tucker Taft, were nominated for ISO Ada 9X Standard editor and co-editor respectively. Every attempt is being made to bring the two standardization processes closer together. This, of course, assists users world-wide in ensuring Ada uniformity . Coordination with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Ada is also a NIST standard, FIPS PUB 119. A Memorandum of Understanding is being established between the Ada 9X Project Office and NIST to facilitate the NIST adoption process for Ada 9X. NIST is the primary maintainer of standards used by the U.S. Government. Coordination with the Military Ada is also a military standard. Coordination with DoD agencies and other U.S. Government agencies interested in Ada is also taking place to facilitate the final publication of Ada 9X in 1993 as a military standard. The Ada 9X Project Manager meets regularly with the Ada 9X Government Advisory Group to coordinate key aspects of the project. Because recent DoD policy favors adoption of non-military standards in lieu of the administrative overhead of maintaining military standards, it has been agreed that when Ada 9X receives ISO standardization approval, the military designation will be dropped. The DoD-sponsored Ada Joint Program Office will still be the lead ANSI and ISO agent for the standard however. Open Door Policy As always, please free to contact me if you have any concerns or comments regarding the Ada 9X Project. I appreciate your support and interest. To obtain Ada 9X documents or discuss the project, please contact me at the Ada 9X Project Office: Chris Anderson Ada 9X Project Manager WL/MNAG Eglin AFB, FL 32542-5434 904/882-8264 e-mail: FAX: 904/882-2095