adainfo@AJPO.SEI.CMU.EDU (Michele L. Kee) (04/29/91)
The following information came from MAJ Thomas J. Croak, AF/SCXS, (703) 695-9931, *************************************************************************** The Air Force has published a policy letter stating our interpretation of the words "where cost effective" in Public Law 101-511, Section 8092, which requires the use of the Ada programming language. The following is a transcript of the entire policy letter. -----------------------Referenced Policy Letter--------------------- 05 Apr 1991 MEMORANDUM FOR THE VICE CHIEF OF STAFF MAJOR COMMAND AND FIELD OPERATING AGENCY COMMANDERS PROGRAM EXECUTIVE OFFICERS SUBJECT: INTERPRETATION OF FY 1991 DOD Appropriations Act- INFORMATION MEMORANDUM The Congressional language of Public Law 101-511, Section 8092 (Atch 1), requires the use of the Ada programming language "where cost effective." This memo provides interim Air Force guidance on the interpretation of this language, pending issuance of consolidated DOD direction. Since the Public Law mandates Ada, the determination of "cost-effectiveness" is interpreted to be the exception and not the norm. As such, a full lifecycle cost analysis is required only when a software system is to be developed and the proposed solution is one which requires a waiver in accordance with my August 7, 1990 memo (which remains fully in effect). Solutions which use COTS software or other software for which waivers are not required by the August, 1990 memo are deemed cost-effective for the purpose of compliance with this law. When computing the lifecycle cost of an Ada solution, any initial investment in Ada support environments, tools, training, etc., must be amortized over all future anticipated Ada projects. In such cases the amortized amount of the total investment should not exceed 50%, since the investment would be used for future projects. Questions on this matter may be referred to Col Hassebrock, HQ USAF/SCXS, DSN 223-2699. (SIGNED) LLOYD K. MOSEMANN, II Deputy Assistant Secretary (Communications, Computers & Logistics) -----------------------End Referenced Policy Letter-------------------- (Michele L. Kee) (05/23/91)
The following information came from MAJ Thomas J. Croak, AF/SCXS, (703) 695-9931, *************************************************************************** The Air Force has published a policy letter stating our interpretation of the words "where cost effective" in Public Law 101-511, Section 8092, which requires the use of the Ada programming language. The following is a transcript of the entire policy letter. -------------------------Referenced Policy Letter--------------------- 05 Apr 1991 MEMORANDUM FOR THE VICE CHIEF OF STAFF MAJOR COMMAND AND FIELD OPERATING AGENCY COMMANDERS PROGRAM EXECUTIVE OFFICERS SUBJECT: INTERPRETATION OF FY 1991 DOD Appropriations Act- INFORMATION MEMORANDUM The Congressional language of Public Law 101-511, Section 8092 (Atch 1), requires the use of the Ada programming language "where cost effective." This memo provides interim Air Force guidance on the interpretation of this language, pending issuance of consolidated DOD direction. Since the Public Law mandates Ada, the determination of "cost-effectiveness" is interpreted to be the exception and not the norm. As such, a full lifecycle cost analysis is required only when a software system is to be developed and the proposed solution is one which requires a waiver in accordance with my August 7, 1990 memo (which remains fully in effect). Solutions which use COTS software or other software for which waivers are not required by the August, 1990 memo are deemed cost-effective for the purpose of compliance with this law. When computing the lifecycle cost of an Ada solution, any initial investment in Ada support environments, tools, training, etc., must be amortized over all future anticipated Ada projects. In such cases the amortized amount of the total investment should not exceed 50%, since the investment would be used for future projects. Questions on this matter may be referred to Col Hassebrock, HQ USAF/SCXS, DSN 223-2699. (SIGNED) LLOYD K. MOSEMANN, II Deputy Assistant Secretary (Communications, Computers & Logistics) - -----------------------End Referenced Policy Letter--------------------