[comp.lang.ada] Sixth Annual ASEET Symposium

adainfo@AJPO.SEI.CMU.EDU ("Michele L. Kee, AdaIC") (05/24/91)

                             Sixth Annual
             Ada Software Engineering Education and Training
                          (ASEET) Symposium

               Ada as an Educational Tool:  The Time is Now

                         September 11-13, 1991
                    Institute for Defense Analyses
                          Alexandria, Virginia

Sponsored by:  
  Ada Software Engineering Education and Training (ASEET) Team

In the past year, there has been a strong emphasis to use Ada technology
for software development and maintenance.  However, the underlying
foundation necessary to motivate integrating Ada into educational
environments is lacking.  The Ada Software Engineering Education and
Training (ASEET) Team is sponsoring the Sixth Annual ASEET Symposium which
addresses the issues faced by academia, industry and DoD in providing Ada
software engineering education and training to meet tomorrow's needs. 
This year's theme is "Ada as an Educational Tool:  The Time is Now."


The ASEET Team is honored to have Dr. Michael B. Feldman as their keynote
speaker this year.  Dr. Feldman is Professor in the Department of
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at The George Washington
University (GW).  He is responsible for courses in data structures,
comparative programming languages, and translator design, and is known for
having introduced Ada to GW.

Prof. Feldman is the author of two Ada-related textbooks:  "Data
Structures with Ada" and a freshman-level book "Ada:  Problem Solving and
Program Design."  He is also the author of the 1990 Software Engineering
Institute Curriculum Module, "Language and Systems Support for Concurrent

Professor Feldman is Co-Chair of the national SIGAda Education Committee. 
During the 1991-92 academic year, he is on sabbatical leave at the
University of Washington in Seattle.


All Symposium sessions will be held at the Institute for Defense Analyses,
2001 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA.  A block of rooms has been
reserved at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, 5000 Seminary Rd., Alexandria, VA
22311.  Please contact the hotel directly to make reservations.


An Overview of Ada:  A Software Engineering Approach
       This tutorial presents an overview of Ada with an emphasis on the
aspects of the language which make it suitable for the development of
large scale software projects.  The intent of this tutorial is to
introduce the attendee to the semantics of the language without delving
too deeply into the syntactic technicalities.  Topics will include: 
modularity; Ada packages; Ada subprograms and separate compilation.

Tasking and Generics
       This tutorial is designed for students who have already been exposed
to basic Ada, and wish to learn more about tasking and generics.  The
first half of this tutorial contains a review of tasking, and an
explanation of some of the "tricks and traps" of parallel processing.  In
addition, it contains some paradigms that demonstrate the potential use of
tasking in real-time and distributed environments.  The second half of the
tutorial discusses the pros and cons of generics, how to write a generic
unit, paramaterized generics and how to effectively teach generics.

Ada for the Program Manager
       This tutorial presents Ada from the managerial perspective.  The
presentations includes:  why Ada; what Ada really is; common
misconceptions about Ada; and Ada technology assessment.

Object Oriented Design Analysis
       This tutorial explains the upstream lifecycle activities of
determining requirements and mapping those requirements to a software
architecture.  Topics of this session include:  object-oriented
terminology; identifying objects, services, and attributes; specifying
requirements; defining design blueprints; and developing Ada PDL.

       A short (1/2 hour) tutorial on Ada resources available and how to
access them.  This no-cost tutorial is presented at various times during
the conference, and is presented compliments of the ASEET Team and the Ada
Information Clearinghouse.


0730-1700    Registration

0830-0900    Welcome/Announcements

0900-1000    Keynote - Dr. Michael Feldman

1000-1030    Break

1030-1200    Panel:  Building Ada Tools
             Chair:  Lt. Cmdr Lindy Moran

1200-1330    Lunch

1330-1500    Selected Paper
       B. Hilden, Undergraduate Software Engineering Courses:  Meeting the
                  Needs of Industry
       R. Willis, Ada and Concurrency in the Classroom:  Using Ada to Teach
       M. Cook, Lessons Learned in the Ada Training Programs at Rockwell

1500-1530    Break

1530-1700    Panel:  Impediments to Ada
             Chair:  Capt Joyce Jenkins


0830-1000    Selected Papers
       U. LeJeune, The Ada Apprentice
       J. Beidler, A Sequence of Integrated Laboratory Assignments for
       P. Bailes, Educational Significance of a Declarative Ada Dialect

1000-1030    Break

1030-1200    Panel:  Ada in Major Programs
             Chair:  Mr. Leslie Dupaix

1200-1330    Lunch

1330-1500    Selected Paper
       J. Nino, A Tool Supporting Programming in the Large for the
                Introductory Software Development Courses
       T. Hillburn, A Top-Down Toolbox Approach to Teaching the Ada
                    Programming Language
       D. Martin, Using a Language Sensitive Editor and Ada in Computer
                  Science I-II

1500-1530    Break

1530-1700    Panel:  Ada 9X vs Ada 83
             Chair:  Major Tom Croak


All reservations must be received by 11 August 1991.  Reservations
requested after that date are subject to availability.  Rooms may still be
available after the cut off date, but not necessarily at the conference
rate of $97 (includes tax).  All reservations must be guaranteed by one
night deposit or major credit card.  Reservations may be cancelled with no
penalty prior to 6:00 p.m. on the scheduled arrival date.  Contact
Radisson Mark Plaza Hotel, 5000 Seminary Road, Alexandria, VA 22311-1772,
(703) 845-1010 for reservations.

Those arriving at National Airport may take the Radisson Hotel courtesy
van to the hotel.  Upon arrival at National, call the hotel and a van will
be dispatched.  In addition, a van leaves the hotel for the airport every
hour on the hour.


Fees for the symposium are:

                                 Before       After
                                 Aug 16       Aug 16
                                 ------       -------
Tutorial                         $50.00       $ 70.00
Symposium                        $30.00       $ 50.00
Tutorial + Symposium             $75.00       $100.00

Registrations accompanied by payment of fees will be assured a copy of the
symposium proceedings and tutorial handouts.

For more information, contact:

       Catherine W. McDonald
       Sixth Annual ASEET Symposium
       Institute for Defense Analyses
       1801 N. Beauregard Street
       Alexandria, VA 22311-1772
       (703) 845-6626
       E-mail:  mcdonald@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu