[comp.lang.ada] IWMM, International Workshop on Memory mangement, 92, call for papers

bekkers@irisa.fr (Yves Bekkers) (06/21/91)


                            CALL  FOR  PAPERS

                International Workshop on Memory Management
                              St Malo, France
                         September 17th-19th 1992

High level languages, like Lisp, ML, Scheme, Smalltalk, Modula-3, C++,
Prolog, constraint languages, etc. rely heavily on a very important
feature of their runtime systems, namely Memory Management (MM) of
dynamically allocated storage.  Techniques, such as static program
analysis, are also designed to improve the efficiency of
implementations. Both static and dynamic MM, depend on the language
they have been designed for.  However, the problems which are handled
and solved by MM are very general and it is worth looking at them as
fundamental problems with general solutions.
     This three-day workshop offers an opportunity to bring together
communities of re- searchers working on a common problem but with
different backgrounds and approaches.  For example, the workshop could
be a good place for a spirited discussion between garbage collection
"purists", attached to the specificities of a language and
"pragmatists", who con- sider the environment as being as important as
the language itself.
     Both original research papers and survey papers on practical and
theoretical approaches to MM are welcome. A non-exclusive list of
topics of interest follows :

      Garbage Collection (GC)              Incremental GC
      Parallel, real-time GC               Compile time GC
      Conservative GC                      Correctness and analysis
      Environment structures               Register allocation
      Static / Dynamic MM                  Explicit / Implicit MM
      Backtracking mechanism and MM        Lazyness and MM
      Constraints and MM                   Persistance of objects and MM
      MM for parallel languages            MM on distributed systems
      Hierarchical memories and MM         Hardware and OS support for MM
      Integrating GC with existing environments

  Program committee :

Joel F. Bartlett, DEC, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Yves Bekkers, INRIA/IRISA, Rennes, France (Workshop Coordinator)
Hans-Juergen Boehm, Xerox, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Maurice Bruynooghe, Leuven University, Belgium
Jacques Cohen, Brandeis University, MA, USA (Program Chair)
Bernard Lang, INRIA, Paris, France
David A. Moon, Apple, Cambridge, MA, USA
Christian Queinnec, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France
Dan Sahlin, SICS, Kista, Sweden
Taiichi Yuasa, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan

  In cooperation with :

INRIA, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique
CNRS, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique

  Organizing committee :

Yves Bekkers, INRIA/IRISA, Rennes, (Workshop coordinator)
Vincent Delacour, LIX, Paris
Alain Deutsh, LIX, Paris
Bernard Lang, INRIA, Paris
Christian Queinnec, LIX, Paris
Olivier Ridoux, INRIA/IRISA, Rennes, (local arrangement)
Patrick Sall'e, IRIT, Univ. Toulouse

  Workshop format and accommodation :

The workshop is limited to about 60 selected participants. It will
take place in the convention center called "Palais du grand large"
situated in St Malo, a very attractive and picturesque 15th century
town on the northern coast of Brittany, well known for its famous
"corsaires" and sailing ships. A dinner/cruise party is planned.
     Access from Paris to St Malo is easy by TGV and train or by plane
(Dinard airport, 6 km from the convention center).

  Important dates :

      March 27th 1992          Submission deadline
      May 29th 1992            Notification of paper acceptance
      June 27th 1992           Deadline for revised final papers
      September 17th-19th 1992 Workshop

  Papers should be mailed to :

Yves Bekkers,
INRIA/IRISA, Av. du General Leclerc,
35042, Rennes CEDEX, France

Email : bekkers@irisa.fr
Tel : (+33) 99 84 71 00
Fax : (+33) 99 38 38 32
Telex : Unirisa 950 473 F

  Paper submission :

Send five copies of your paper.  Submission should include the title
and authors' name(s), address(es), phone number(s), FAX number(s) and
E-mail address(es) if available. An abstract and a list of key words
should be included. Original papers should not exceed 6000 words
including references ; survey papers should not exceed 7000 words.
Abstracts should not exceed 200 words.

  Publication :

Proceedings of the workshop will be published in the Springer LNCS
series (or SIGPLAN NOTICES).


| Yves Bekkers                             | Phone :    +33 99 84 71 00 |
| IRISA/INRIA-Rennes                       | FAX :      +33 99 38 38 32 |
| Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu         | Telex :   UNIRISA 950 473F |
| 35042, Rennes CEDEX - FRANCE             | e-mail :  bekkers@irisa.fr |