[comp.lang.forth] FORTH processors

6106264@pucc.Princeton.EDU (Paul Licameli) (11/13/87)

To the gentleman who posted a few days ago with an info request, sorry, I
lost your address and have to make this public.
The 1986 FORML conference proceedings has several articles from a team at
Johns Hopkins who designed an experimental (not commercial) FORTH chip.
To wit:
Robert Williams, Martin Fraeman, John Hayes, Thomas Zaremba.  _The
Development of a VLSI Forth Microprocessor._  On p. 189.  They discuss
technical aspects of the design and realization (choice of silicon-on-sapphire
for space-based work, use of chip real estate, etc).
Same authors.  _A 32 Bit Processor Architecture for Direct Execution of
Forth._  p. 197. The interesting part, instruction set details.
Hayes, John.  _An Interpreter and Object Code optimizer for a 32 Bit Forth
Chip._  p. 211.  Shortcuts, like in the cmFORTH assembler:  crunch primitives
where possible, expand low-level cliches in-line; also replacing calls with
branches to avoid unnecessary tail recursion and stack violations.
Having read these articles and Ting's _Footsteps in an Empty Valley,_ I can't
help but notice similarities in the chip designs.  For example, there are two
on-chip stack caches, externally microcoded instructions (more bit fields
available than on the 16-bit Novix), ability to combine stackops with
arithmetic, and the single-cycle call, distinguished -- you guessed it! --
by setting the MSB of the instruction to a 0.  Nowhere do I see any credit to
Chuck Himself, but I do see a reference in the third article, dated 1984:
Ballard, B.  "FORTH Direct Execution Processors in the Hopkins Ultraviolet
Telescope," _Journal of Forth Applications and Research,_ 2,1 1984, pp. 34-37.
Are these old ideas?  Or are these similarities inescapable features necessary
for any worthy Forth processor, the real ingenuity lying in the invention of
Forth itself?  One wonders.
Oh, I almost forgot:  the name of the beast was JHU/APL 32, if that means
anything to you.
Please mail me your final results if you don't post.  I saw your BYTE article;
could you mail me some info about the WISC machine et al?
Paul R. Licameli

koopman@A.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (Philip Koopman) (11/17/87)

In article <3832@pucc.Princeton.EDU>, 6106264@pucc.Princeton.EDU (Paul Licameli) writes:
>[...stuff deleted...]  
> Having read these articles and Ting's _Footsteps in an Empty Valley,_ I can't
> help but notice similarities in the chip designs.  For example, there are two
> on-chip stack caches, externally microcoded instructions (more bit fields
> available than on the 16-bit Novix), ability to combine stackops with
> arithmetic, and the single-cycle call, distinguished -- you guessed it! --
> by setting the MSB of the instruction to a 0.  Nowhere do I see any credit to
> Chuck Himself, but I do see a reference in the third article, dated 1984:
> Ballard, B.  "FORTH Direct Execution Processors in the Hopkins Ultraviolet
> Telescope," _Journal of Forth Applications and Research,_ 2,1 1984, pp. 34-37.
> Are these old ideas?  Or are these similarities inescapable features necessary
> for any worthy Forth processor, the real ingenuity lying in the invention of
> Forth itself?  One wonders.

     In a 16-bit Forth machine, the use of the MSB to determine whether the
instruction is an operation or a subroutine call is a pretty obvious idea.
However, there are other ways of doing it!  For example, before the Novix
chip was completed, Chuck Moore talked about using the LSB instead, and 
constraining all subroutines to beginning on even byte boundaries.

     Also, the WISC CPU/16 uses the highest 8 bits equal to 1
(i.e. hex FFxx) to denote an operation.  This allows using almost a 
full 64K cells of memory for programs.  Of course, this only leaves 8
bits for the opcode specification, but that's no problem on a microcoded
machine -- it allows 256 possible opcodes.

     Searching through some of the bit-sliced designs reveals that many
experimental and commercial forth-hardware systems are microcoded,
not hardwired.  There are various trade-offs to be made here, but
the idea is one of flexibility versus raw speed on simple instructions
(did someone say RISC/CISC???)

     In short, there are a great many different ways in which to build
Forth processors -- it just happened that the APL folks ended up with
some features similar to Novix's.

Phil Koopman              koopman@faraday.ece.cmu.edu
5551 Beacon St.
Pittsburgh, PA  15217

Disclaimer:  I'm a grad student at CMU.  I also designed the WISC
             Furthermore, no-one listens to me anyway.