[comp.lang.forth] finding Forth-83

andrewb@wpi.wpi.edu (Andrew J Bastien) (04/03/89)

Does anyone out there know where I can get an MS-DOS Forth-83
system?  I would prefer a freeware or shareware type, but a relatively
cheap commercial program would be ok.

I'm currently using MS-DOS Fig-Forth 1.0, but it has some bugs, and doesn't
support Dos past about 1.5.


RAYBRO%UTRC@utrcgw.utc.COM ("William R Brohinsky", ay) (04/04/89)


The latest version of FORTH in the public domain is called F-PC. I find it
much preferable to the F83 implementation by Laxen & Perry (which is still
a VERY good implementation) because it is optimized for a MSDOS 2.1 or higher
operating system, and includes many documentation and self documentation
features that the original F83 did not have. F-PC is also optimized for
"sequential" files rather than block files, which means that you can use any
programmer's editor to make source files. This implementation also includes
an internal screen-oriented sequential file editor, and a turnkey version
called "Z".  F-PC is implemented by Tom Zimmer.

The entire implementation de-arcs  to about 2.75-3 Mbytes. You can get it
through the net if you have a) a de-archiving program, and b) a UUdecoding
program. The files are on SIMTEL20 (I access it through the address:

you will have to check with your local net gurus for any additional addressing
mantras). The files are titled FPC225-x.ARC (where x=1..5) and FPC-ADD1.arc.
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