TRANSLATION OF TOPIC FROM CHINESE: Where are Fifth, Forth? i.e. Where can I get them I've seen lots of messages posted about Fifth, one an upload of some messages on the East Coast Forth BBS. I do not know the phone # of this BBS and could not find it in the message. I used to have an account there, but several hard drive crashes later, I have lost the # (and by now, I presume, the account.) Could anyone post a list of where, both on Bitnet and by modem & BBS one could get Forth & Fifth related files, etc {excluding pay services. I subscrived to GEnie, which I know has a related area, but that was just before I left Indianapolis for my classes here at Wabash college, and the rates the phone company charge to call from here (Crawfordsville, IN) to Indianapolis, where my GEnie access line is, are exortitant, so I've not yet called it.} - Thanks very much / Danke Schoen / Xie xie nimen, Peter A. List (aka Li Henben, List is my real name), LIST_P@WABASH
ZMLEB@SCFVM.BITNET (Lee Brotzman) (04/16/89)
>TRANSLATION OF TOPIC FROM CHINESE: Where are Fifth, Forth? >i.e. Where can I get them > I've seen lots of messages posted about Fifth, one an upload of some >messages on the East Coast Forth BBS. I do not know the phone # of this BBS >and >could not find it in the message. Oops. That would be my fault. The East Coast Forth Board (ECFB) is at (703) 442-8695. That's still long distance from Indiana, but at least you're not lining General Electric's pockets. The North Coast Forth Board (NCFB) might be closer, but I heard that it is down permanently. Besides, I don't know the number, anyway. >- Thanks very much / Danke Schoen / Xie xie nimen, >Peter A. List (aka Li Henben, List is my real name), LIST_P@WABASH Bitte sehr! (I think) -- Lee Brotzman (FIGI-L Moderator) -- BITNET: ZMLEB@SCFVM SPAN: CHAMP::BROTZMAN -- Internet: GEnie: L.BROTZMAN -- The government and my company don't know what I'm saying. -- Let's keep it that way. -- Isn't Cold Fusion how Eskimos are made?