[comp.lang.forth] Setting cursor routines for the Forth editor

PAWELKDA@UREGINA1.BITNET (Darrel Pawelka) (05/21/89)

I have looked for the first time into my version of Forth called FORTH 83, ver.
2.1 by Henry Laxen & Mike Perry, a version which I am sure some of you are ac-
quainted with. Since I am new to Forth, many of the words are unfamiliar to me,
though I understand the general methodology of Forth. Presently I need help in
setting up the cursor routines necessary for the in-built Forth editor to work
with my Zenith Eazy-PC terminal/monitor combination. Moreover, this version of
Forth works under an MS-DOS host operating system.
The instructions give as an example how to tell Forth about the cursor routines
for an ADM-3A terminal. I quote this example without comments below:

   27 EMIT  ASCII = EMIT   32 + EMIT   32 + EMIT   ;<CR>
: ADM-3A<CR>
   ['] .ALL      IS  .SCREEN <CR>
   ['] ADM-AT    IS  AT <CR>
   ['] ADM-DARK  IS  DARK <CR>
   ['] NOOP      IS  -LINE <CR>
   ['] (BLOT)    IS  BLOT ; <CR>

(Commands after this verify the the cursor routines etc. installed above. If "
marks appear on your screen somehere in the above definition, they should be
construed as open & closed brackets, which do not always show up in VM or CMS.)

I would like someone to post a comparable definition to the one above for in-
stalling the editor-screen and cursor routines suitable with a Zenith EaZy-PC &
its E.I.A. 343 Model No. 14ZDC3 attached monitor (or compatible configuration)
running MS-DOS 2.0 or later. If they are relevant, I would like the definition
to provide routines for any of "Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, Ins, Del". I would like
to know the Forth theory behind the creation of these screen routines. But if
no one can come up with these definitions straight off, please point me to the
sources of information that would enable me to understand and define these rou-
tines on my own. Once I get past this hurdle, I will be able to start program-
ming in FORTH!
                                        Thanks in advance;   Darrel.

thomson@wasatch.utah.edu (Rich Thomson) (05/23/89)

In article <8905221311.AA00762@lilac.berkeley.edu> PAWELKDA@UREGINA1.BITNET
    (Darrel Pawelka) writes:
> Presently I need help in setting up the cursor routines necessary for the
> in-built [sic] Forth editor to work with my Zenith Eazy-PC terminal/monitor
> combination.

Well, I can't help you out on the exact terminal escape codes for your
system, but somewhere in your docs should be a description of the escape
codes and how they're interpreted for your system.  I can, however, give
you some enlightenment on what the ADM-3A example is doing.

> The instructions give as an example how to tell Forth about the cursor
> routines for an ADM-3A terminal.
>0 NEW<CR>
>   27 EMIT  ASCII = EMIT   32 + EMIT   32 + EMIT   ;<CR>

AT is the cursor placement routine.  Presumably it takes x and y
coordinates on the stack.  ``27 EMIT'' sends an ESCAPE character to your
output device.  In general, n EMIT outputs character code n.  ASCII reads
the next space delimited word in the input string and pushes the ascii code
for that word (which should only be a single character).  So, from this you
can deduce that the escape code sequence for positioning the cursor on an
ADM-3A would be in basic (ugh):



Similarly, CONTROL is a word that turns the next word in the input string
to a control character, so ``CONTROL Z'' pushes ascii code 26 onto the

I'd say what you need to do is to find the escape sequence table for your
monitor and create some new words that emit the proper escape sequences for
the actions the editor wants to perform.

>: ADM-3A<CR>
>   ['] .ALL      IS  .SCREEN <CR>
>   ['] ADM-AT    IS  AT <CR>
>   ['] ADM-DARK  IS  DARK <CR>
>   ['] NOOP      IS  -LINE <CR>
>   ['] (BLOT)    IS  BLOT ; <CR>

This part replaces the old definitions for ``.SCREEN'', ``AT'', ``DARK'',
``-LINE'' and ``BLOT'' and replaces them by the appropriate things for an
ADM-3A.  You want to do this because the editor is calling .SCREEN, AT,
etc.  You are effectively back-patching the hooks into the screen driver
that the editor uses.

Hope all this helps you somewhat.

						-- Rich
[ Editor of the Amiga FORTH Programmer's Newsletter;
  Send add requests to: amiga-forth-request@cs.utah.edu
  Send submissions  to: amiga-forth@cs.utah.edu ]

Rich Thomson	thomson@cs.utah.edu  {bellcore,hplabs}!utah-cs!thomson
"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with
us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain
too cheap, we esteem too lightly." Thomas Paine, _The Crisis_, Dec. 23rd, 1776
Rich Thomson	thomson@cs.utah.edu  {bellcore,hplabs}!utah-cs!thomson
"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with
us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain
too cheap, we esteem too lightly." Thomas Paine, _The Crisis_, Dec. 23rd, 1776

wmb@SUN.COM (Mitch Bradley) (05/23/89)

I believe that most PCs have a file called ANSI.SYS that can be configured
into your system to make it act like an ANSI standard terminal.  This
feature apparently first appeared in DOS 2.0, and is enabled by including
ANSI.SYS in the CONFIG.SYS file.  (Disclaimer: I don't actually own a PC,
so I'm getting this from a book).

Assuming that this is the case, here is a partial list of escape codes
for ANSI-compatible terminals.  These I do know for sure:

left-character         ESC [ D
right-character        ESC [ C
up-line                ESC [ A
down-line              ESC [ B
move-cursor (at)       ESC [ yyy ; xxx H
insert-character       ESC [ @
delete-character       ESC [ P
erase-to-end-of-line   ESC [ K
erase-to-end-of-screen ESC [ J
insert-line            ESC [ L
delete-line            ESC [ M

  ESC means output the escape character, decimal 27
  [   means output the "[" character
  yyy is an ASCII decimal number representing the line number (1..#lines)
  xxx is an ASCII decimal number representing the column number (1..80)

Some of these commands can take a numeric argument after the [ , specifying
a repeat count, but that isn't needed in many applications.

Consequently, in F83, ANSI-AT would look something like this:

: ansi-at  ( x y -- )
   27 emit  ascii [ emit
   1+ (.) type  ascii ; emit  1+ (.) type
   ascii H emit

Note the use of  "(.) type"  instead of just "." .  This is done to
prevent a trailing space from being output after the number.

The rest is left to the reader as an exercise.

Mitch Bradley