(john wavrik) (11/18/89)
From the back cover of the latest FORTH DIMENSIONS (the FIG-Forth journal): NEW FIG DISK LIBRARY "Contributions From the Forth Community" $6.00 per disk or 5 disks for $25.00 Forth Interest Group P.O. Box 8231 San Jose, CA 95155 I. FLOAT4th.BLK V1.02 Robert Smith Software floating point for FIG, Poly, 79-Std, 83-Std IEEE Short 32-bit, Four standard functions, Square Root and Log. for IBM (1 disk) II. PocketForth V1.4 Chris Heilman (1 disk) Smallest complete Forth for the Mac. Access to all Mac functions, files, graphics, floating point, macros. Create stand-alone applications and DA's. Based on FIG and Starting Forth Mac III. F83 V2.01 Mike Perry and Henry Laxen (1 disk) The newest version that has been ported to a variety of machines. Editor, assembler, decompiler, meta-compiler. Source and shadow screens. Base for other F83 applications. IBM 83-Std IV. F-PC V2.25 Tom Zimmer A full Forth system with pull-down menus, sequential files, editor, forward assembler [i.e. prefix form], meta-compiler, floating point. Complete source and help files. Base for other F-PC applications. Hard disk recommended. IBM 83-Std (4 disks) V. F-PC Teach Lessons 0-5 Jack Brown Forth classroom on a disk. First five lessons from Jack Brown of BC Institute of Technology on learning Forth. IBM F-PC (2 disks) VI. VP-Planner Floating Point for F-PC, V1.01 Jack Brown (1 disk) Floating point engine behind the VP-Planner spreadsheet. 80-bit (temporary-real) routines with transcendental functions, NUMBER I/O support, vectors to support numeric coprocessor overlay and user NAN-checking. IBM VII. JLISP V1.0 Nick Didkovsky (1 disk) LISP interpreter invoked from Amiga JForth. The nucleus of the interpreter is the result of Martin Tracy's work. It has been extended to allow the LISP interpreter to link to and execute JForth words. It can communicate with JForth's ODE (Object Development Environment). Amiga 83-Std Comment from FIG: "Contributions from the Forth Community" are author submitted donations, generally source, for a variety of computers on their respective disk formats. The files usage is determined by the author as Public Domain, Shareware, or use with some restrictions. This library does not contain "For Sale" applications. California residents must add sales tax, and orders from FIG carry a flat $2 handling fee. (FIG members get a 10% discount). Payment must accompany all orders. To order by phone (with a credit card) call (408)-277-0668.