[comp.lang.forth] Standards and Portability

ZMLEB@SCFVM.BITNET (Lee Brotzman) (11/22/89)

John Wavrik writes,
>Tom Almy writes,
>> It's sad but true -- to get the best results with Forth you have to
>> throw portability out the window.
>That's only because we've made some bad decisions about what constitutes
>the language -- but fortunately we have a chance to rectify these mistakes.
>I think that the use of implementation details in Forth is the subject of
>dishonest controversy...
>>    ... The problem, if
>> indeed there is one, is that this sort of program plays around with the
>> internals of Forth, and the internals are decidedly non-standard.
>> Unfortunately, if these details were to become part of the standard then it
>> would inhibit better implementations.
>Please let's distinguish things like the use of assembly language or features
>of the host processor from "the internals of Forth". A Standard COULD be
>proposed in which implementation details are specified (the FIG model was of
>this type) and then these details WOULD be standard (and portable). A
>decision to declare such programming "non-standard" is made by a committee of
>human beings, not forced on us by our computers. It's quite a reasonable idea
>to take a look at that decision to see if the reduction in power of the
>language is a price worth paying for baptizing a variety of deviant
>If you give people a "compiler" that they can modify, guess what they will do.
>There is no problem with someone producing a private version of Forth that
>they feel is "better" for them -- and many people do just that. It is quite
>likely that some of the most important applications of Forth in the past 10
>years have been written using "non-standard" versions of Forth. I don't think
>that Standards inhibit people from experimenting with the language. The issue
>is more what can be done powerfully and portably. You do not add power to a
>language by removing some of its features and declaring them to be "decidedly
   I'm not a member of the ANSI Forth Standards Committee, but I have had
some experience with that committee.  If what I say is contrary to the actual
Standards efforts, I ask that a ANS TC member correct me.
   The ANSI Standard (and the previous Forth standards, as well) make a
distinction between "Standard Systems" and "Standard Programs".  The above
discussion seems to have blended the two concepts.  The Standard sets down
criteria for qualification of Standard Systems such as the required word
sets and extension word sets, but there are also specifications for required
documentation and labelling.  The Standard specifies what should be done
but not *how* while at the same time saying that the "how" must be documented
by the implementer.  This is as it should be.  (Let's be realistic:  do you
really think a requirement for specific internal design would be adhered to
by one of the most independantly minded programming communities in existance --
Forth programmers?  Any such Standard would be dead on arrival.)
   Standard Programs also have to meet certain criteria such as avoiding
some implementation dependant features.  The points of implementation
dependance are (or should be) clearly marked in the Standard.  The Standard
does not stipulate that non-portable code can not be created with a Standard
System, only that such code can not be labelled and marketed as an "ANSI
Standard Program".
   The issue of portability is part of standards, but not wholly encompassed
by it.  Standards issues are a proper subset of portability issues, not vice
versa.  I have never experienced any language implementation -- Forth, Fortran,
Pascal, C, etc. -- that is completely and without question portable to another
implementation of the same language.  All have implementation dependant
features over and above the underlying Standard.
   Now, when I write a program in, say, IBM S/370 Fortran 77 and stick to only
standard features, I can be reasonably assured that the program will compile
and run under VAX VMS Fortran 77.  But if I use some of nifty add-ons provided
by either of those compilers (i.e. if I use knowledge of the implementation
details), I might be in for some trouble when I port the code.  Since the
Standards require documentation of non-standard features, I can avoid or use
them if I desire.  Forth is by no means the only language that has some
characteristics that depend on internal design, nor can it be made otherwise
in a universally acceptable way.
   The Forth Standards Team should be commended in their efforts to determine
and label anything that would cause someone to encounter portability problems.
They have done a pretty good job at specifying most of the Standard so that
implementation-specific details are kept to a minimum across disparate
hardware platforms.  Considering that Forth programmers are as close to the
hardware as a high-level programmer can get, this is an impressive feat.

>Forth has been in existence for about 20 years -- readily available for about
>10. During that period of time, we may have learned some things about how to
>improve its implementation. (I think a good case can be made that as much time
>and effort have been spent in experimenting with the language's implementation
>as in actually doing something with the language.) At this point we should
>take stock of what we have learned and embody that in a new Standard. If it is
>decided that direct threaded code actually produces major performance
>advantages over indirect threaded code, then the new Standard should specify
>direct threaded code. If we decide that floored division is preferable, then
>the new Standard should specify that. Instead we have a situation in which a
>vocal group says we should drive on the left side of the road, an equally
>vocal group which says we should drive on the right -- and a Standards team
>which declares the issue to be "implementation dependent".

   If it were only that simple.  The decision about which threading scheme
gives the greatest performance depends almost entirely on the situation.
What might be best for some might be horrible for others, and there is no
one method that clearly outshines the rest (or we all would have heard about it
by now).  Like I said, some implementation dependance is unavoidable.
A Standard that specifies the internal implementation might as well go
ahead and specify the hardware, host operating system (if any), and tasks
to which Standard Forth can be applied.
   Another factor is cost of compliance.  Clearly, since no one threading
scheme dominates the market, a choice of one will render obsolete a very
large fraction of existing systems and programs.  Forcing a change of internal
design would be much too expensive.
   Let me sum up.  A Standard can not ensure 100% portable code, but it should
at least define a set of bounds within which maximum portability is maintained.
A Standard is meant to define and reconcile "common practice" not to improve a
language.  A Standard should apply to the widest possible range of situations,
but recognize the fact that it can not apply to EVERY situation.  And finally,
a Standard must specify "what" not "how".

>                                                  John J Wavrik
>             jjwavrik@ucsd.edu                    Dept of Math  C-012
>                                                  Univ of Calif - San Diego
>                                                  La Jolla, CA  92093

-- Lee Brotzman (FIGI-L Moderator)
-- Internet: zmleb@scfvm.gsfc.nasa.gov
-- The government and my company don't know what I'm saying.
-- Let's keep it that way.

ZMLEB@SCFVM.BITNET (Lee Brotzman) (12/02/89)

John Wavrik writes:
>Lee Brotzman writes:
>> (Let's be realistic:  do you really think a requirement for specific
>> internal design would be adhered to by one of the most independantly minded
>> programming communities in existance --Forth programmers?  Any such Standard
>> would be dead on arrival.)
>Mathematicians tend to be independently minded too -- but at some point in
>history they decided to agree on the shapes used for the numerals and the base
>to be used for the number system. They also agree on a set of basic
>assumptions (axioms) and definitions. Without this agreement, progress in
>mathematics would be impossible.

   The key phrase here is "at some point in history".  Man was counting for
thousands of years before the numerals we use today became "standard".  There
were many systems of lines, curves, and dots to describe quantities.  Each
was sufficient to perform the job at hand.  The Roman numeral system is only
useful for quantities numbering in the few thousands.  In Roman times, who
needed to count farther than that?  Would it have been a good idea to freeze
the standard at that point?
   There is by no means a standard means of denoting numbers today, either.
The representation of quantities depends heavily on the application.  When
writing on paper, a circle can represent zero.  In a computer, a series of
transisters in a low voltage state represents zero.  The same quantity -- two
quite different applications and representations.
   By the same token, a Forth system destined for a small ROM chip might
prefer to use indirect threading because every byte counts, while a Forth
system on a VAX may be best suited to subroutine threading because of
speed considerations.  This doesn't mean that a Standard should only be
defined for one and not the other.

> It would not be considered creative in
>mathematics to change the shape of 8 (arguing that a different shape would
>allow us to write it more quickly) or to suggest that we change the number
>base from 10 to 12. And it would be total disaster to leave such foundational
>things "implementation dependent". The foundations on which we agree are
>highly portable and are extensive enough to support the superstructure of the
>subject. Lots of independent minded people have made contributions to
>mathematics without feeling stifled by sharing a common language and a common
>set of basic assumptions on which to build -- they show their independence at
>a higher level.

   Mathemeticians, like good programmers, make use of "information hiding".
The axioms you mention are not stated in terms on numerals alone, but have
other symbols (e.g. greek letters) which represent a class or special
quantity.  These symbols are also "implementation dependant".  When an
astronomer refers to right ascension and declination (a form of celestial
coordinates) he uses the greek letters alpha and delta.  Delta can have
a very different meaning when used in a differential equation.  (I almost
washed out of a Diff. Equ. course in college because the professor preferred
his own system of notation to that in the text.)  Mathematical notation isn't
   Most papers have a set of definitions to describe which symbols mean
what.  This is analogous to documenting implementation dependant features.
   Axioms are "truths", not just ideas everyone thinks is a good place to
start.  Theorems can be proven by applying the axioms.  Your analogy simply
doesn't apply to the question at hand: annointing a single Forth architecture
as the only Standard one.  There is no single architecture that is better
than all others.  To state otherwise is only opinion, not truth.

>There is an historical precedent for what I am suggesting. About 10 years ago,
>a group of independently minded programmers decided to make a new language
>available to the general public. They implemented their model on about a dozen
>of the most popular processors of the time. Most people who got past the
>unconventional nature of the language found it almost supernaturally powerful.
>(Much of the supernatural power derived from the fact that the implementation
>was part of the language.) It was also supernaturally portable: the main
>barrier to getting code written on one computer to run on another was getting
>the code transferred (modems were rare and expensive at the time).

   I presume that you are referring to FIG Forth here.  The FIG model was
precedant setting, but is no longer in widespread use.  It has been quite a
while since I used FIG Forth, but I believe that even it had certain
implementation differences between processors.
   Let's get back on track here.  You have stated that the standard should
identify one architecture, specifically a threading scheme, and stick to it.
Could you please supply us with your choice and a supporting argument for
excluding any other implementation from acceptance?  Also, should all other
architectural design features be rigidly specified?  I'm referring to the size
of a stack element, the allowable fields and format of word headers,
bit-ordering in integers, floating point representation, permissible address
space, character codes, whether Forth runs as an operating system or through
the services of a host operating system, etc.
   The current ANSI Basis Standard is designed so that nearly all of these
"implementation dependant" features can be used transparently across all
systems, even though the underlying architectures may be wildly different.
   You said yourself that "you do not add power to a language by removing some
of its features and declaring them to be 'decidedly non-standard'."  The ANSI
TC has added a lot of power to the Forth 83 standard, especially by lifting
the hard-coded 16-bit stack element size and adding standard sets of floating
point and file manipulation words.
   Declaring a feature "non-standard" doesn't remove it from the language,
it only serves to mark a place where the specific design of a system may
cause problems when porting code.  These areas are explicitly described
as completely as possible in the Basis.  I think that the ANSI TC is being
quite responsible in their efforts to make the Standard as encompassing as
they can while at the same time taking care not to break a hell of a lot
of Forth code.
   Forth, like all aspects of electronic computing, is still in its infancy.
There is a lot of room for growth.  Perhaps in a few thousand years, Roman
numeral Forth and Arabic numeral Forth will finally consolidate on a single,
perfect solution.  Until then, it's just too much fun looking for the ultimate
Forth to call an end to the search.

>                                                  John J Wavrik
>             jjwavrik@ucsd.edu                    Dept of Math  C-012
>                                                  Univ of Calif - San Diego
>                                                  La Jolla, CA  92093
-- Lee Brotzman (FIGI-L Moderator)
-- Internet: zmleb@scfvm.gsfc.nasa.gov
-- The government and my company don't know what I'm saying.
-- Let's keep it that way.