[net.movies] Tarzan and Bo

datanguay@watdaisy.UUCP (David Tanguay) (10/16/85)

I don't think the Derek's Tarzan should be on the bad movies list. At the time
it came out, I thought it was the best Tarzan movie yet (that's not saying
much ...). The photography was okay, Richard Harris was fun, the orangutan
was okay (B.J. ?), and Miles O'Keefe's Tarzan was the closest to the real
Tarzan (at the time). I know I'm dense, but I never really noticed the nudity.
It seemed natural enough in the heat (I wouldn't be wearing much, once I got
used to the bugs) that it invisible. Some of the scenes I thought were good:
the opening lion's Tarzan call; the little kids playing in the river; the
episode with Tarzan and Jane and the pistol (beneath a big tree); the bad guy
waking up and seeing Jane.  I don't think this Tarzan should belong on any 
top 1000 lists, but it is much too good to be on the all time el barfo list.

David Tanguay