[comp.lang.forth] TCOM & DEFERRED WORDS

ForthNet@willett.UUCP (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (01/06/90)

 Date: 01-02-90 (19:52)              Number: 2744 (Echo)
   To: KENNETH O'HESKIN              Refer#: 2731
 From: ZAFAR ESSAK                     Read: NO

 Thanks for your comments on Zimmer's TCOM.  In response to your 
 remarks about Deferred words, 

 KO'H> Deferred words ... are largely a programmer's convenience during 

 KO'H> there are other ways to handle runtime revectoring 

 I can think of other ways to handle runtime revectoring but I can also 
 come up with a number of uses for deferred words that aren't just for 
 convenience during development.  It seems somewhat reminescent of 
 discussions on this board several months or more ago, about vectored 
 execution words.  The concept of vector variables, wherever it 
 originated from certainly offers simplicity and would probably work 
 both with F-PC and TCOM.  For example: 

 VARIABLE 'chameleon ( --adr) 

 : chameleon ( --) 'chameleon @execute ; 

 : yellow.chameleon ( --) yellow 'chameleon ! ; 

  * Via Qwikmail 2.01

 NET/Mail : British Columbia Forth Board - Burnaby BC - (604)434-5886   
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ForthNet@willett.UUCP (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (01/06/90)

 Date: 01-05-90 (00:06)              Number: 2752 (Echo)
   To: ZAFAR ESSAK                   Refer#: 2744
 From: KENNETH O'HESKIN                Read: NO

 ZE>KO'H> Deferred words ... are largely a programmer's convenience during
 ZE>      development 

 ZE>                                                            I can also
 ZE>come up with a number of uses for deferred words that aren't just for 
 ZE>convenience during development.

         I didn't mean that to sound glib! I should have said for ME
         they are largely used as a tool for blocking out ideas that
         havn't yet been coded, or for using words whose source code
         hasn't yet been loaded (for whatever reason). More than a
         mere convenience, they are an indispensible tool and a typical
         file of mine may have a couple dozen Deferred definitions.

         But quite often they are temporary, and once I've decided
         what a given word will do I'll un-defer it. In the case of
         using TCOM I found none of the deferred words were really
         necessary for that particular project, and it was the easiest
         way to get the compiler to behave. Eventually I will still have
         to get to the bottom of TCOM's eccentricities, since I'll be
         using it a lot.

  ~ EZ-Reader 1.14 ~ 

 NET/Mail : British Columbia Forth Board - Burnaby BC - (604)434-5886   
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