[comp.lang.forth] GRAPHICS BUGS

ForthNet@willett.UUCP (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (01/06/90)

 Date: 01-02-90 (05:48)              Number: 1696
   To: MIKE SPERL                    Refer#: NONE
 From: MARK SMILEY                     Read: NO
 Subj: GRAPHICS BUGS                 Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

    Alas, FILL-ELLIPSE  (renamed to FILL_ELLIPSE) didn't work
 for me.  In EGA or VGA640 mode, try:
    : FF  ( -- )     \ draws a centered filled ellipse
         hres @ 2/  vres @ 2/  2DUP  SWAP 2/  SWAP 2/  ;
         FILL_ELLIPSE  ;   FF
    It only filled the horizontal line one away from the bottom
 line of the ellipse.
    On the other hand, EGA 300 200 20 30 FILL_ELLIPSE
 filled only a thin vertical line to the left of center.
    In checking out FILL_ELLIPSE, I discovered another bug in
 DOT ( x y color -- ) and CDOT didn't work properly, due to the
 value of COLOR being used in  set.res2.  The change I made is
 simple, though you may know a better way:
 \ write mode 2 (assumes di=color)
 label set.res2di    \ load set/reset reg. w/ color
     mov dx, # $3ce  \ address graphics contrl. regs.
     mov ax, # $0f01 \ al = enable set/res. reg. index = 1
     out dx, ax      \ ah = all 8 bits on, written to $3cf
     xor ax, ax      \ al = set/reset reg. index = 0
     XCHG BX, DI     \ save BX
     MOV AH, BL      \ send color (host data to vga)
                     \ Can't MOV AH, DI
     out dx, ax
     XCHG BX, DI     \ restore BX (necessary for routines that
                     \ compute the pixel address before calling
                     \ this routine.).  Restores DI just in case
                     \ it's needed by the calling routine.
     ret  c;
 code ega.dot ( x y color -- )
     POP DI                       \ color in di
     pop cx  pop dx       \ dx = col, cx = row (dx=x, cx=y)
 +code ega.d
     push es                      \ save forth; color in di
     call ega.pel.addr
     call set.res2DI    \ does: mov dx, # $3ce  \THE ONLY CHANGE
     not cl                       \ = 255 - cl 
     and cl, # 7                  \ = 0 to 7
     mov ax, # $108
     rol ah, cl                   \ position our bit
     out dx, ax                   \ mask to data reg
     mov ax, di                   \ color in ega = 0..15
     or es: 0 [bx], al            \ write pixel
     call restr.state
     pop es
     next  c;

This message came from GEnie via willett through a semi-automated program.
Report problems to: 'uunet!willett!dwp' or 'willett!dwp@gateway.sei.cmu.edu'

ForthNet@willett.UUCP (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (01/06/90)

 Date: 01-05-90 (01:54)              Number: 1699 (Echo)
   To: MARK SMILEY                   Refer#: 1696
 From: MIKE SPERL                      Read: 01-05-90 (01:46)
 Subj: GRAPHICS BUGS                 Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE


     It's interesting to look at next with tt.  I've said that next 
 is faster than the subroutine call-ret mechanism.  It turns out 
 thhat this is only true for forths with next inline, as F-PC.  
 Forths without inline next are slower than other languages!  And 
 that's igoring nesting and un-nesting, which slows forth even 

 The code:
 Modifications to tt:
 PUSH SI as the first instruction in tt, and POP SI just before 
 NEXT.  The inner loop of tt to test NEXT is: 

     es: lodsw       \ 18 + 11 + 15 = 44 (next not inline)
     mov ax, # here 5 +  \ instruction common to both tests
     jmp ax          \ these two inst. simulate next
 \ next instruction simulates next NOT inline (omit for inline)
     jmp here 2 +    \ each word needs to jmp >next (like ret)

 The inner loop of tt to test CALL-RET is:

     mov ax, # here 5 +  \ filler, to equalize loops
     call testing    \ 23 clocks

 and, of course add:

 label testing       \ something to call
     ret             \ 20 clocks

 The results: (on 8088, with mss = 40)
 For ccaall - ret:
     Elapsed time =  00:00:46.80 

 For next not inline:
     Elapsed time =  00:00:48.11 

     result of testing:
          48.11 / 46.80 = 1.028 (forth takes 3% more time)

     predicted result, from manual:
         44 / 43 = 1.02 (2% more time)

 For inline next:
     Elapsed time =  00:00:37.30 

     result of testing:
         46.79 / 37.30 = 1.254 (call/ret take 25% more time)

     predicted result, from manual:
         43 / 29 = 1.48 (48% more)

 It seems software timing can vary from predicted time by as much 
 as 18%;  however, sometimes, as in the case of next not inline, 
 tt's result appears almost identical to that predicted.  So, 
 what's going on?  Is the INTEL manual inaccurate? 

     - Mike -

This message came from GEnie via willett through a semi-automated program.
Report problems to: 'uunet!willett!dwp' or 'willett!dwp@gateway.sei.cmu.edu'