[comp.lang.forth] Forth Files on SIMTEL20.

dwp@willett.UUCP (Doug Philips) (01/05/90)

Hi all,
	I'm currently in the process of uploading F-PC version 3.5 to
simtel20.  You'll see some messages from ForthNet mentioning access to it
from various other sources.  Hopefully by this weekend we'll be set.
	Once that is there, I'm going to start looking at what else is
available via GEnie that is not already on simtel20.  I'll accept votes
from people as to what they'd like to have available, esp. items referenced
from ForthNet articles.

Fastest: willett!dwp@gateway.sei.cmu.edu OR ...!sei!willett!dwp

dwp@willett.UUCP (Doug Philips) (01/11/90)

Hi all,

Keith Petersen informs me that pygmy12.arc is now available on SIMTEL20
in PD1:<MSDOS.FORTH>.  Thanks Keith!

FPC 3.5 was prematurely announced (blush)... we ran into some last minute
confusion.  It may or may not actually be there, and if so, it may or may not
be the right thing (blush).  Sorry for any inconvience this has caused.
I'll post another note when its really available (blush).

For those of you on the internet, there is a program called 'autoftp'
which can automate the process of getting through to SIMTEL20.  It accepts
a script telling it which files you want from which directories.  Its
diligent and retries after timeouts, 'too many anonymous users', etc.
I haven't tried to use it, but I did manage to get snarf a copy.
(was that pd1:<unix.misc> or pd1:<misc.unix>, well it was one of them.)
If you're having trouble getting through to SIMTEL20, this program could
help.  Of course, its on SIMTEL20, so... catch-22.  Therefore,
If you want a copy, only available as a uunencoded 16-bit compressed tar
file, drop me mail and I'll try to respond within 24 hours.  As I'm not
set up to be an archive site, I'll can only responding to people with
internet addresses.


Fastest: (willett!dwp@gateway.sei.cmu.edu OR ...!sei!willett!dwp)
...!{uunet,nfsun,sei}!willett!dwp  [in a pinch: dwp@vega.fac.cs.cmu.edu]

usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner) (01/12/90)

From article <249.UUL1.3#5129@willett.UUCP>, by dwp@willett.UUCP (Doug Philips):
> Hi all,
> Keith Petersen informs me that pygmy12.arc is now available on SIMTEL20
> in PD1:<MSDOS.FORTH>.  Thanks Keith!
> FPC 3.5 was prematurely announced (blush)... we ran into some last minute
> confusion.  It may or may not actually be there, and if so, it may or may not
> be the right thing (blush).  Sorry for any inconvience this has caused.
> I'll post another note when its really available (blush).

I downloaded FPC 3.5 from simtel20 late Sunday night. It all seems fine.
The zip files all unzipped and I was able to install the system fine.
I haven't banged on it yet, but it seems to work fine. I'm assuming 
the problem Doug refers to it just getting onto simtel20 and not that
the wrong files were loaded up initially, right?

Unfortunately, I had to install it by hand. I originally did it under
VP/ix under Xenix. I wanted it to go to drive L: and install would
keep going back to c:\fpc on the prompt line after I entered L:\fpc35.
This should be fixed as lots of networks use most of the alphabet for
drive names.

j				|%|John Lawitzke, Dale Computer Corp., R&D
				|%|UUCP: uunet!frith!dale1!jhl	   	Work
				|%|      uunet!frith!ipecac!jhl 	Home
Inquiring minds just wondering. |%|Internet: jhl@frith.egr.msu.edu

ForthNet@willett.UUCP (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (01/13/90)

Category 18,  Topic 14
Message 2         Fri Jan 12, 1990
D.RUFFER [Dennis]            at 22:45 EST
The version of F-PC 3.5 that we have floating around the net has a copyright
problem with the PKUNZIP file that Tom Zimmer uses to install the system onto
your computer.  According to the PKWARE copyright, PKZIP must be distributed
in its entirety.  The PKZ101.EXE package that Tom includes on one of his disks
was removed to save people the extra expense of downloading it.  In effect,
this means that the current package violates PKWARE's copyright.  The network
gurus at SIMTEL20 pointed it out to Doug and we are working on a repackaging
that does comply.  I will post a new set of files this weekend, and Doug will
port them over to SIMTEL20 as soon as possible.

I don't know what SIMTEL20 has done with the current versions, but I have not
deleted them until I have the substitutes ready.  The problem only really
exists on the first file, and it does not affect the usability of the files. 
If you have already downloaded them, then you do not need the revision.  We
are merely solving a legal problem.  Sorry for the confusion, but we will
resolve it soon.


[ Doug here.  My understanding is that Keith has removed PKUNZIP from the
  first file FPC35-1.ZIP.  Keith's new packaging involves only 4 files,
  which are the four floppies you get from Tom Zimmer directly made into
  one .ZIP file/floppy.  I'll post another note when Keith tells me the
  new stuff is available.  I also apologize for any confusion, inconvenience
  and extra work this causes anyone.]

This message came from GEnie via willett through a semi-automated process.
Report problems to: 'uunet!willett!dwp' or 'willett!dwp@gateway.sei.cmu.edu'

adrianho@soda.Berkeley.EDU (Adrian Ho) (01/21/90)

In article <249.UUL1.3#5129@willett.UUCP> dwp@willett.UUCP (Doug Philips) writes:
>For those of you on the internet, there is a program called 'autoftp'
>which can automate the process of getting through to SIMTEL20.  It accepts
>a script telling it which files you want from which directories.  Its
>diligent and retries after timeouts, 'too many anonymous users', etc.
>I haven't tried to use it, but I did manage to get snarf a copy.
>(was that pd1:<unix.misc> or pd1:<misc.unix>, well it was one of them.)
Sorry, that's pd3:<misc.unix>.

>		-Doug
>Fastest: (willett!dwp@gateway.sei.cmu.edu OR ...!sei!willett!dwp)
>...!{uunet,nfsun,sei}!willett!dwp  [in a pinch: dwp@vega.fac.cs.cmu.edu]

Adrian J Ho					   adrianho@cory.berkeley.edu
University of California, Berkeley		   adrianho@soda.berkeley.edu