[comp.lang.forth] Forth in PostScript, for your amusement

wmb@ENG.SUN.COM (Mitch Bradley) (02/12/90)

% Forth in PostScript
% Copyright 1990  Bradley Forthware
% Permission is hereby granted to use this code for any
% purpose, provided that this notice remains attached.
% Mitch Bradley, February 9, 1990
% Address correspondence to:
%  Bradley Forthware
% P.O. Box 4444
%  Mountain View, CA 94040
% Bradley Forthware supplies a variety of Forth-related products and
% service.

% To use, "run" this file and then execute "quit" (this is the Forth
% "quit", which really should have been named "restart", not the PostScript
% "quit")

% The comments describe the implementation in PostScript of a
% subset of Forth.  The comments assume that the reader knows Forth,
% but does not know PostScript.

% This does not presume to be a complete implementation of Forth, but
% instead an intellectual exercise, a "proof of concept", and a brief
% introduction for Forth programmers to some interesting aspects of the
% PostScript language.  Despite its deficiencies, Forth programmers might
% still this program useful as a way to program laser printers using a
% syntax that is more familiar to them.  While I personally feel that
% PostScript syntax is superior to Forth syntax in many ways, my long
% experience with Forth allows me to "think" in Forth more readily than
% in PostScript.

% This program supports Forth colon definition syntax, IF .. ELSE .. THEN
% conditionals, and CREATE .. DOES> (however, "does>" had to be spelled
% without the ">" because PostScript doesn't allow the special characters
% ()[]{}<>/% in names).  Some Forth stack and arithmetic operators are
% provided; others are missing.  Most of the missing ones could be added
% with little effort.  PostScript procedures may be executed from within
% the Forth environment and compiled into definitions, so the Forth syntax
% may be used to write graphics programs using the PostScript graphics
% operators.

% It is a tribute to the power and beauty of the PostScript language
% that I was able to write the following code (excluding the commentary)
% in about 4 hours, while still learning PostScript.

% Define a new procedure "-def" which is like the normal defining
% procedure "def", except that the operands are reversed.  "def"
% associates a keyword with a procedure or a value; "def" performs
% the function of the Forth words ":" , "CONSTANT" , and "VARIABLE"

 /-def  { exch def } def   %  proc key --

% Create a new dictionary (like a Forth vocabulary) named "immeddict",
% with space for 20 keywords (names).  This dictionary will be used to
% contain the "immediate" words for the Forth implementation.

 /immeddict  20 dict   def  %  -- dict

% Create a new dictionary "forthdict", with space for 300 keywords (names).
% This dictionary will be used to contain the "non-immediate" words for
% the Forth implementation.

 /forthdict  300 dict  def  %  -- dict

% Create a procedure named "forth" which will push the "forthdict"
% dictionary on the PostScript dictionary stack (search order stack).
% The procedure "begin" pops a dictionary object from the data
% stack and pushes it on the dictionary stack.

 /forth  { forthdict begin }  def %  --

% Push the forthdict dictionary on the PostScript dictionary stack.
% This causes that dictionary to be searched first, and also causes
% new definitions to be placed in that dictionary.


% Define some Forth names for common operations.  These operations
% all have direct PostScript equivalents, usually with different
% names.  Here we alias them to the equivalent Forth names for the
% convenience of us Forth programmers.  The "load" operator is for
% increased efficiency; it forces the names to be looked up at compile
% time and replaced by the actual executable object.  Otherwise, the
% aliases words would be looked-up at run time, every time that the
% word is executed.  This run-time lookup is the default PostScript
% behavior, in contrast to Forth which defaults to compile-time binding.
% The "load" and "bind" PostScript operators force compile-time binding.

% Note that the "/" operator must be specified differently from the
% rest.  "/" has special syntactic meaning in PostScript; it signifies
% that the rest of the name is to be interpreted as a literal keyword,
% instead of being executed.

 /dup     /dup   load def  %  obj -- obj obj
 /swap    /exch  load def  %  o1 o2 -- o2 o1
 /drop    /pop   load def  %  obj --
 /+       /add   load def  %  n1 n2 -- n1+n2
 /-       /sub   load def  %  n1 n2 -- n1-n2
 /*       /mul   load def  %  n1 n2 -- n1*n2
 (/) cvn  /idiv  load def  %  n1 n2 -- int(n1/n2)

% Now that we have redefined "/" , you may wonder why it can still be
% used in its normal way in the following code.  The answer is that
% "/" has meaning to the lexical scanner; it is not "looked up in
% the dictionary".  By analogy, the character "." in some Forths has
% special meaning to the number parser (signifying a double number),
% even though there is also a "." entry in the dictionary with a different
% meaning.

% Some Forth names for common stack manipulation operations.  Note the
% PostScript operator "roll".  It is quite powerful; rotating "n"
% stack cells by "m" positions, in either direction.  The Forth "ROLL"
% is a special case of the PostScript "roll".  The Forth "ROLL" could
% be defined as  /forth-roll  { -1 roll }  def

 /over    { 1 index }    def  % o1 o2 -- o1 o2 o1
 /nip     { swap drop }  def  % o1 o2 -- o2
 /2dup    { 2 copy }     def  % o1 o2 -- o1 o1 o1 o2
 /rot     { 3 -1 roll }  def  % o1 o2 o3 -- o2 o3 o1
 /-rot    { 3  1 roll }  def  % o1 o2 o3 -- o3 o1 o2

% Here are a couple of handy Forth words.  Their definition also
% illustrates 2 PostScript features: nested procedures and the "if"
% operator.  The innermost set of braces defines a nested procedure.
% The "if" operator is completely postfix; its stack diagram is
%       boolean proc --
% The procedure object is executed if the flag is true, and dropped if the
% boolean value is false.  PostScript also has "ifelse"; its stack diagram is
% boolean true-proc false-proc --

 /max  { 2dup lt  { swap }  if  drop  }  def % n1 n2 -- max
 /min  { 2dup gt  { swap }  if  drop  }  def % n1 n1 -- min

% Here are the run-time words which the Forth implementation compiles
% for the  IF .. THEN  and  IF .. ELSE .. THEN constructs.  "0 ne"
% converts a number into a flag.  Forth conditionals use particular
% values of integers to signify truth values.  PostScript has a separate
% boolean data type, and a "typecheck" run-time error will result if
% a conditional operator encounters a number on the stack instead of
% a boolean.

 /pif     { swap 0 ne swap if }     bind def % n proc --
 /pifelse { rot 0 ne -rot ifelse }  bind def % n t-proc f-proc --

% Handy constant

 /bl      32  def    %  -- n

% The Forth text interpreter uses "STATE" to distinguish compilation from
% interpretation.  In this case, it is more like a "VALUE" than a
% "VARIABLE", because it doesn't need to be followed by "@" in PostScript.

 /state  0  def     % -- n

% Read an edited line from the keyboard, placing it into the string
% object on the stack, returning the filled substring of that string

 /expect  {     % string -- substring
  (%lineedit) (r) file /ifd -def  % string
  ifd swap readstring drop  % substring
  ifd closefile    % substring

  % dup length 1 sub 0 max  % workaround for bug in
  % 0 swap getinterval      % Imagen UltraScript
 } def

% Read an edited line, placing it in a string named "tib"

 /query  { 80 string  expect  /tib -def  }  def % --

% Parse a delimited string from the input string "source", updating
% the source string to contain the remainder of the input after the
% string that was parsed.

 /word    {   % delim -- string
  /ws 1 string  def % delim
  ws 0 rot put
  source ws  search
  { nip swap } { () }  ifelse  /source -def
 } def

% Convert a numeric string to an integer

 /number  { cvi }  def  % string -- int

% Search for a string in all the dictionaries on the dictionary stack

 /find  {   % str -- str false  |  proc true
  dup cvn where    % str dict true  |  str false
  { drop cvn cvx true  }
  { false }
  ifelse   % str false  |  proc true
 } def

% Here's how the Forth interpreter handles a word when it is in compile
% state.  Note that a compiled word is not "comma'ed into the dictionary";
% instead, a procedure object for that word is left on the stack for later
% inclusion in a new procedure array.  "immediate" words are those which
% are located in the "immeddict" dictionary.

 /do-compile  {     % str -- [ proc | n ]
  immeddict over cvn  known               % str flag

   % Execute immediate words
   { immeddict swap cvn get cvx exec } % <nothing>

   % Leave procs on stack for later,
   % leave number if word not found
   { find not  { number } if  }  % [ proc | n ]
  ifelse     % proc | n | <nothing>
 } def

% This is how the Forth interpreter handles a word in interpret state.
% If the word is found, it is executed.  Otherwise, it is converted to
% a number.  If the numeric conversion fails, PostScript will automatically
% signal an error, which we will intercept at a higher level.

 /do-interpret  {
  find  { exec }  { number } ifelse
 } def

% Interprets a line of text.  Note that PostScript loops are postfix too.
% "loop" executes the preceding procedure until "exit" is executed.
% "exit" terminates execution of the nearest enclosing "loop"

 /interpret  {    % -- ??
  tib /source -def  %% Set up the text line
   bl word     % string
   dup length  0 eq  { drop exit }  if % string
   state 0 ne  { do-compile }  { do-interpret }  ifelse
 } def

% Okay, here it is.  The top level of the Forth text interpreter.
% "stopped" catches error signals (PostScript error signals are sort
% of like Forth "ABORT" except that the program can catch and handle
% them if it chooses).  "stopped" prevents errors from kicking you out
% of the Forth interpreter and back into the PostScript interpreter.
% "( OK)" is the string " OK", which is displayed as the user prompt.

 /quit {
   query     %
   { interpret } stopped   % error?
   { handleerror } { ( OK) print }  if %
 } def

% Some more handy Forth words

 /.   /= load  def  % obj --
 /.s  /pstack load  def  % ?? -- ??
 /depth  { count } def

% Some debugging tools; "words" displays the words in the dictionary.
% "psee" and "see" are decompilers.  "psee" takes a keyword from the
% stack and decompiles the object or procedure it refers to.
% "see" takes a name from the input stream and decompiles it.
% Note how simple these are to implement.  That is because PostScript
% has a function to enumerate the words in a dictionary ("forall")
% and also a general purpose display word "==" which will basically
% decompile anything.  Forth really ought to at least have a standard
% way to enumerate the words in a vocabulary!

 /words  {  currentdict  { pop = } forall  }  def
 /psee   {
  dup where  { swap get == }  { drop (?) print }  ifelse
 } def
 /see    { bl word cvn psee }  def

% Some Forth-style literals

 /'  { bl word cvx }    def % -- proc
 /"  { (") 0 get word } def % -- string
 /"" { bl word cvn }    def % -- name

% Data space operations.  We create a big array called "memory" from which
% we can "allot" space.  Fetch and store access elements of this array.
% When I say "adr" from here on out, I really mean an index into this
% data array, not a real machine address.

 /limit   10000  def   % -- adr
 /memory  limit array  def  % -- array

 /here  0  def    % -- adr
 /allot  { here + /here -def }  def % size --

 /@  { memory swap get }      def % adr -- obj
 /!  { memory swap rot put }  def % obj adr --
 /,  { here  1 allot  !  }    def % obj --

% Here's where it really starts to get interesting!
% Now we start to build some defining words.

% The easiest defining word is "constant".  It's trivial because
% PostScript can associate a number with a keyword, and that's just
% what a constant is.  By the way, "cvn" converts a string to a number.

 /constant  { bl word cvn swap def }  def

% Now we deal with colon definitions.  The PostScript equivalent of a
% Forth colon definition is an "executable array".  The array is an
% important data type in PostScript.  Arrays contain objects, and
% basically everything in PostScript is an object.  Numbers are objects,
% as are strings, procedures, arrays, keywords (names), and dictionaries.
% The objects contained in an array can be of any type, and different
% types may be mixed within the same array.

% A PostScript procedure is an array which is marked as executable.
% A non-executable array is simply pushed on the stack when it is
% encountered.  An executable array is executed.  An array can be
% converted from non-executable to executable at any time.

% We compile a Forth colon definition by building an array containing
% the procedures the comprise the definition.  When the colon definition
% is terminated with ";", we close the array and mark it executable.

% The basic tools we use for creating executable arrays are "+level"
% and "-level".  "+level" begins the array, and "-level" finishes it.
% Executable arrays may be nested; we need this for implementing
% control structures within colon definitions.  The nesting depth is
% indicated by the value of "state", which is incremented by "+level"
% and decremented by "-level".  When state is non-zero, we are in
% compile state and each word is added to the array we are building,
% otherwise we are in interpret state, and each word is executed as it
% is encountered.

 /+level  { /state   state 1 +  def   [ }  def
 /-level  { ] cvx  bind   /state  state 1 -  def  }  def

% Here's ":".  We remember the name on the stack and start building
% an array.  When the matching ";" is encountered, we will finish the
% array, make it executable, and attach the name to it.

 /:  { bl word cvn  +level  }  def

% CREATE ... DOES> is pretty tricky.  The basic idea is that CREATE
% makes a word of the form:  { <address>  noop  noop  }
% <address> is the value of HERE at the time the word was created.
% If the CREATE'd word is not later modified by DOES>, then the
% noop's will be executed, doing nothing, and the address will be
% left on the stack.  If there is a DOES>, then the first "noop"
% will be replaced with a procedure which implements the DOES> run-time
% action, and the second "noop" will be replaced by "exec", which will
% execute that procedure.

 /noop { } def

 /create {
  [  here  /noop cvx  /noop cvx  ]

  % Remember the non-executable array as "lastacf"
  % so that we can replace the noop's later if we need to

  dup /lastacf -def

  % Make the array executable and bind its procedures.

  cvx bind

  % Read the name from the input stream and associate it
  % with the new procedure.

  bl word cvn  -def
 } def

% Flag which tells ";" whether or not there is a DOES> clause.

 /indoes false def

% The run-time action executed by defining words.  Modifies the child
% word so that it will execute the DOES> clause

 /dodoes  { lastacf 1 rot put  lastacf 2 /exec cvx put  }  def

% From now on, we define immediate words, placing them in the "immeddict"
% dictionary

 immeddict begin

% A CREATE .. DOES> defining word is compiled as follows:
%  : foo  CREATE a b c d  DOES>  e f g  ;
%  ==>
%       /foo  { a b c d  { e f g }  dodoes  }  def

 /does  { +level  /indoes true def  }  def

% ";" has to know whether or not there was a DOES> clause, so it can
% decide whether or not compile "dodoes".

 /;  {
  indoes  { /indoes false def  -level  (dodoes) cvx  }  if
  -level def
 }  def

% IF .. ELSE .. THEN is really quite easy.  It compiles as follows:
% : foo  a b  IF  c d  THEN  e f  ;
% ==>
% /foo  { a b  { c d } pif  e f  }  def
% : foo  a b  IF  c d  ELSE  e f  THEN  g h  ;
% ==>
% /foo  { a b  { c d }  { e f }  pifelse  g h  }  def
% The reason we have to compile "pif" or "pifelse" instead of the normal
% PostScript "if" and "ifelse" is because the PostScript operators
% require a boolean type operand, whereas Forth uses numbers for flags.

% The "nip /pifelse cvx" in "else" replaces the "pif" left by "if"
% with "pifelse".

 /if   { /pif cvx +level  }  def
 /else { -level nip  /pifelse cvx +level }  def
 /then { -level swap }  def

% Other Forth conditionals are left to the reader as an exercise.
% Hint: Use "loop" and "exit" to build BEGIN .. WHILE .. REPEAT ,
% BEGIN .. AGAIN , and BEGIN .. UNTIL .  Use "for" to build DO .. LOOP
% and DO .. +LOOP , being careful of boundary conditions!
