Hello, Many people have asked for a general program that would give easter dates. Here is one (old) that I wrote 6 years ago. I checked it with Mitch Bradley forthmacs on my sun this morning, still OK (it was written on a HP1000 ...) As for so many other problems, the reference is ... Knuth: The Art ... If you do not have 'VALUE' and 'TO', you can replace VALUE with CONSTANT and TO XXX with ['] XXX >BODY ! or VALUE with VARIABLE , XXX with XXX @ and TO XXX with XXX ! I hope this can help. Regards, Paul Bartholdi, Geneva Observatory ================================================================================ ( Calculates easter dates according to Knuth algorithm ) ( see The Art of Computer Programming, vol 1 p 155-156 ) FORTH DECIMAL 0 VALUE C ( same constant as used by Knuth ) 0 VALUE D 0 VALUE E 0 VALUE G 0 VALUE N 0 VALUE X 0 VALUE Z 0 VALUE YEAR ( Now the real algorithm ... ) ( try " 1990 NEASTR . ", should give " 46 " ... that is for 15 april 1990) : NEASTR DUP DUP TO YEAR ( year NEASTR --- day of easter starting march 1st) 19 MOD 1+ TO G ( see Knuth for details ! ) 100 / 1+ DUP DUP TO C 3 * 4 / 12 - TO X 8 * 5 + 25 / 5 - TO Z YEAR 5 * 4 / X - 10 - TO D G 11 * 20 + Z + X - 30 MOD DUP 0< IF 30 + THEN DUP DUP TO E 25 = G 1 > AND SWAP 24 = OR IF E 1+ TO E THEN 44 E - DUP TO N 21 < IF N 30 + TO N THEN N DUP 7 + SWAP D + 7 MOD - DUP DUP TO N ; ( returns 2 copies of n on the stack ) : EASTER NEASTR 31 > IF 31 - 4 .R ." APRIL " ( prints the full date ) ELSE 4 .R ." MARCH " THEN YEAR 4 .R ; ( CYCLE will be used only for printing, nothing to do with easter ) ( : NA1+ ADDR --- ADDR+CELL_SIZE DEFINED IN FORTHMACS. 4 + ; ) ( : >BODY CFA --- PFA ) : CYCLE CREATE , 0 , ( n CYCLE XX , XX will provide successive ) ( values 0 1 2 ... n-1 0 1 ... ) DOES> DUP DUP @ ( fetch n ) SWAP NA1+ @ ( fetch current value : i ) SWAP OVER 1+ ( keep i, get next i+1 ) SWAP MOD ROT NA1+ ! ; ( get modulo n and store as 2. param ) 5 CYCLE CRC 5 CYCLE CBL ( to get 5 years per line, ) ( and a blank line every 5 ones) : EASTER-DATES ( y1 y2 --- prints all easter dates from year y1 to y2 ) 1 ['] CRC >BODY NA1+ ! 1 ['] CBL >BODY NA1+ ! ( reset CRC etc) 30 SPACES ." ***** Easter Dates *****" CR CR 1+ SWAP DO I EASTER CRC 0= IF CR CBL 0= IF CR THEN THEN LOOP CR ; ======================================== end =================================