[comp.lang.forth] JAX for FIG Board !?!?!

jax@well.sf.ca.us (Jack J. Woehr) (06/17/90)

	In the July/August issue of FORTH Dimensions magazine,
(4D xii/2), on page 35, the Forth Interest Group issues a Call
for Nominations to the FIG Board of Directors.

	A member may submit his/her name to the Nominating Committee,
or may alternatively "obtain at least 25 signatures from FIG members
and send this petition to the FIG Secretary c/o FIG office".

	I would like to serve on the Forth Interest Group Board of
Directors. Everyone following the brouhaha through postings on
various telecom nets knows that FIG needs to wake up from its
slumber and take a forward-looking, upbeat attitude toward the
world of Forth programming and Forth programmers.

	BUT ... "jax" has stirred up enough dust in the community
that I want to know that my actions and attitudes have fairly
wide-spread approval of the Forth community before I trouble FIG
any more by thrusting myself forward for office again.

	SO ... I ask that interested FIG members please print
out and circulate the following nominating petition at their
local Forth Interest Group chapter and return same to me for
forwarding to the Forth Interest Group secretary. If it seems
that I have general support, I will submit the combined nomination
petitions and run for the Board.

	Please send partial or completed petitions to:

		Jack Woehr
		Vesta Technology
		7100 W. 44th Ave, Suite #101
		Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

	phone: (303) 422-8088
	fax:   (303) 422-9800


        The following FIG members nominate Jack Woehr (JAX) to the FIG
Board of Directors:

	    MEMBER NAME            SIGNATURE            MEMBER NUMBER

1.      -------------------   ----------------------   ---------------

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 <jax@well.{UUCP,sf.ca.us} ><  Member, >        /// ///\\\    \\\  ///
 <well!jax@lll-winken.arpa >< X3J14 TC >       /// ///  \\\    \\\/// 
 <JAX on GENIE             >< for ANS  > \\\  /// ///====\\\   ///\\\ 
 <SYSOP RCFB (303) 278-0364><  Forth   >  \\\/// ///      \\\ ///  \\\