[comp.lang.forth] Help requested

ForthNet@willett.UUCP (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (02/03/90)

Category 18,  Topic 29
Message 4         Fri Feb 02, 1990
D.RUFFER [Dennis]            at 10:56 EST
Reply to: bills@hpmcaa.mcm.hp.com (Bill Saltzstein)

 > I am looking for a version of forth for the 80386 (protected mode)
 > which I want to get running on a stand-alone (read: without DOS)
 > system.

Bill, Forth, Inc. sells a 386 product that runs in the 386's flat- memory,
protected mode.  It does need DOS to boot and switches back to real mode
dynamically to use DOS services for I/O, but otherwise could be considered
stand alone.  I'm sure they could make one completely stand alone, but you'd
have to select exactly what I/O services you would want supported.  By using
DOS, you gain the advantage of using whatever I/O DOS will suppport and leave
it up to the manufacturers to write the drivers for you.  If you are really
ambitious, you could write the drivers yourself and convert Forth, Inc.'s 386
product to use them.

Give them a call.   DaR
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ForthNet@willett.UUCP (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (02/27/90)

 Date: 02-25-90 (23:39)              Number: 247 (Echo)
   To: GARY SMITH                    Refer#: 138
 From: JERRY SHIFRIN                   Read: NO

 GS> Has anyone tried out F-PC35 on a 386/dos system?
 GS> Does F-PC35 support the 386?  Is there a 386 assembler
 GS> available for F-PC35?

 Gene Czarcinski is our resident expert on running F-PC on a 386.
 He write a 386 assembler for it which should be up on GEnie. See
 PASM386C.ZIP or something similar.  (Let me know if its' not
  * QDeLuxe 1.10 #214s
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ForthNet@willett.UUCP (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (03/01/90)

Category 18,  Topic 29
Message 8         Tue Feb 27, 1990
D.RUFFER [Dennis]            at 23:30 EST

 > He write a 386 assembler for it which should be up on GEnie. See
 > PASM386C.ZIP or something similar.  (Let me know if its' not
 > here).

Can't find it Jerry, and I don't remember it ever getting up here. Could you
find some time to upload it?  I'll handle the descriptions if you're short on

[As soon as it shows up on GEnie I'll send it along to SIMTEL20.  -dwp]

Thanks.   DaR
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ForthNet@willett.UUCP (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (07/25/90)

Category 18,  Topic 29
Message 10        Mon Jul 23, 1990
RE: removing drive designations from VIEW files in F83 . Elliot - . In F83,
each file you open actually creates a definition by that name in the
dictionary.  The body of this definition is a so-called "file control block"
or FCB, and the first byte of this FCB (i.e., the first byte of the body of
the dictionary entry) is the drive number on which the file is opened (1 for
A:, 2 for B:, etc.).  If you want MS-DOS to search the default drive, you
simply put a null in this byte before you open the file, BUT... DOS will fill
in the actual drive number when it opens the file. If you then do a "save-
system", this drive number gets saved, and the next time you use the
FCB...well, you can figure it out! . You can hunt through the dictionary and
change the offending bytes by hand, but the easy way to catch all the VIEW
files is to define a word that steps through the list VIEW-FILES and does the
dog-work for you: .
          I @ ?DUP IF >BODY 0 SWAP C! THEN 2 +LOOP ; . Execute NOVIEWDRIVE
just before doing a save-system, and your new F83 will look for view files on
the default drive, whatever it may be.  If you like, you can forget
NOVIEWDRIVE right after you use it, since you probably won't need it very
often.  . - Wilson

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