[comp.lang.forth] Basis12, forget TeX

carroll@udel.edu (Mark Carroll <MC>) (08/09/90)

I just had to good fortune to successfully print out a copy of
the Basis doc (or at least part of it) from Microsoft word. As
it turns out, I misinterpreted large parts of Word file format,
and thus, my entire copy is worthless. Based on the fact that the
Basis12 is only current for another 3 weeks or so, I don't think that
it's worth the effort for 12 to redo the entire thing.

However, I hereby volunteer to properly format Basis13, if it becomes
available in time for me to do a worthwhile job before it's out of
date. To the gentleman who asked "Was it worth the effort when you
could have bought it for $10?", I answer: yes, because an online
version of the document is worth a lot more to me than a printed
copy. And I think that TeX is sufficiently portable that it will be
a fairly useful document to a very large number of people.


|Mark Craig Carroll: <MC>  |"We the people want it straight for a change;
|Soon-to-be Grad Student at| cos we the people are getting tired of your games;
|University of Delaware    | If you insult us with cheap propaganda; 
|carroll@dewey.udel.edu    | We'll elect a precedent to a state of mind" -Fish