[comp.lang.forth] Asking Questions

ir230@sdcc6.ucsd.edu (john wavrik) (08/28/90)


>> It was natural to ask if some agreement was reached on a mechanism for
>> vectored execution.  The answer is no.

>The answer is that there is a simple, portable, reasonably efficient way
>of implementing vectored execution in terms of ANS Forth words.
>Many people claim that is sufficient rationale for not adding additional
>words to the standard.  Those people who are interested in a small
>standard use this argument frequently.
>If you couldn't reasonably define vectored execution in terms of the
>standard, then that would be a strong argument for adding the capability.
>But you can.

Vectored execution is essentially the only mechanism we have in Forth 
for changing the action of pre-defined works. If an application uses 
EMIT and we would like the output re-directed we must change the 
action of the previously defined EMIT. The common way of doing this is 
to vector EMIT.

     EMIT is often trapped to allow users to redirect output
     KEY is commonly vectored to allow users to intercept input 
          (perhaps to create keyboard macros, to make "hot keys", 
     ABORT is oftened vectored to allow users to put in error handlers.

Using vectored execution in critical system words increases the 
flexibility of the system. Most of the Forth systems do this, but they 
use different mechanisms and different words. My question was whether 
agreement was reached on the mechanisms and words used for vectoring 
execution (so that this flexible control over system functions would 
be portable in the proposed Standard)? 

The fact that we are being told that the new Standard supplies 
VARIABLE and EXECUTE does answer the question indirectly:

      NO the vendors have not agreed on a mechanism for vectoring
      the basic system words (i.e. redirection of output, error
      trapping, etc. will not be portable).


>Dennis Ruffer's POSTPONE solution works too.  So the answer to
>question 3 is definitely "can do".

Sometimes one tries to get general information by asking a specific 
question. The general question in this case has to do with what 
control the proposed Standard offers the user over compilation. The
specific question concerned a simple user-defined control structure.
Dennis Ruffer's code will work (provided that POSTPOSE is equivalent 
to ' , in all systems; and that one can move around in the input 
stream by storing things in the variable >IN). 

The code is ad hoc, however. My example in F83 showed how this is done
using ' and ,  (and illustrated how compilation can be affected by a 
mechanism which allows the storing of execution addresses in the 
dictionary). [All of the standard control structures in traditional 
Forth are implemented by just this mechanism.] 

What I was after is whether the proposed Standard has general portable 
mechanisms for controlling compilation -- which can be used to define 
control structures, for example. The answer, again, seems to be NO (at 
least, no one mentioned them in the process of answering the specific 

It would seem quite appropriate, before the ANSI Team wraps up its 
work, to submit their work in progress for testing. People, like 
myself, who use Forth professionally, will want to know
       "Can I (or how will I be able to) do in the proposed
       Standard what I currently do in my work now?"

In my case, the sense that the ANSI team feels its work is almost 
complete led me to be conscious of what techniques I was using as I 
recently solved a problem posed by Wil Baden [The answer proved 
interesting enough that I'm thinking of writing it up in one form or 
another.]. The three questions I asked were not the result of an 
effort to stump the ANSI team -- they were inspired by typical end-
user code. 

        1. How is recursion provided for (not just having RECURSE,
           but making sure there is enough return stack)?

In this case I started using a recursive approach to Wil's problem 
(and had to extended the return stack to test it) -- I eventually 
settled for a camoflaged recursion (like one must do in FORTRAN).

        2. Was agreement reached about vectored execution?

I used a utility (for F83) that I wrote to redirect output to a file.
It uses a hot patch into (print) [but could have used the vectoring of 
EMIT]. I was reminded of other applications where I intercepted KEY 
and ABORT. "Vectored Execution" was on the TC sheet posted by Jack 
Brown -- so I thought I'd ask. 

        3. Mechanisms for compilation control?

It's not too unusual to write programs that affect compilation. The 
little control structure I produced was an effort to impress Wil Baden 
with how nice the coding of the algorithm could be made to look. I 
remember Wil being concerned about the building of new control 
structures from the Standard ones -- so I thought I'd ask what 
progress has been made.  (To other users:  check your work for places 
you've used , [COMPILE] COMPILE AND IMMEDIATE it may be that you, too, 
have taken for granted certain capabilites of Forth that should be 
asked about)

I feel somewhat embarrased at feeling obliged to explain in detail why 
I asked my questions. I just thought it a natural and normal thing to 
do at this stage of the game. 

                                                  John J Wavrik 
             jjwavrik@ucsd.edu                    Dept of Math  C-012 
                                                  Univ of Calif - San Diego 
                                                  La Jolla, CA  92093