[comp.lang.forth] Missouri

ir230@sdcc6.ucsd.edu (john wavrik) (08/26/90)

Lee Brotzman writes,

>    If you are using a PC, you should be able to at least get a feel 
> for ANS Forth by using Martin Tracy's Zen Forth.  The last I heard, 
> Martin was keeping Zen in step with each BASIS to provide a testbed 
> like you suggest.  (I have not been keeping up with Zen for the last 
> year or so, so I can't say whether it is still "pre-ANSI-
> compliant"). 
>    Of course, you can't directly test portability by implementing on 
> only one system, but, if your Forth-83 code runs in Zen with little 
> or no change, it's a fair bet that porting between ANS systems will 
> work. 

Thanks for the tip, Lee. I had hoped that Martin Tracy (or someone) would 
keep doing this -- but apparently it stopped a few meetings ago. I was 
given a copy of Tracy's BASIS10 version -- and this was instrumental 
in starting my concern about the path that the ANSI Standards were 

I first tried some of my research code and, when I had problems, 
picked examples from my courses written very carefully (as textbook 
examples) to adhere to Forth-83 standards. It soon became clear that
even simple examples ran into trouble.

I think that it is a safe bet that anyone who wants to have existing 
code run on proposed ANSI systems will have to do quite a bit of
question at this point is whether the rewriting is feasible or 
justified: (1) Will the new standard allow us to do the things we 
currently do?; (2) Will it be enough of an improvement over current 
standards to justify the effort?  I started asking questions about 
this and have, so far, received mixed responses. 

I should make clear (as I have done several times in the past) that I 
firmly believe that a good Standard is essential for the survival of 
Forth. What I am now trying to discover (by asking questions) is 
whether the proposed ANSI Standard in its current form has arrived at 
that state. Is it really directed at making sure that significant 
programs can be written portably?  Is it really directed at defining 
the Forth language as well as our current understanding allows it to 
be defined?  Have words names and actions been chosen to facilitate 
programming -- or are we being stuck with clumsy compromises? etc. 

Mitch Bradley writes,

>  Subject: ANS bashing

>>       1. Can the return stack be extended to make recursion 
>>       2. Is there a Standard mechanism for deferred 
>>       3. Can the user control compilation enough to 
            define a simple control-flow structure?
>> I would like to thank for Mitch Bradley for replying. As he has shown,
>> the answer is a discouraging NO on all points. 

> I object to this analysis.  The answer to (1) is indeed no, but I 
> disagree entirely with 2 and 3. 

flame on:
I object to the title (ANS bashing). Those of us not in a position to 
be members of the ANSI Team should be able to make inquiries about the 
progress of the effort without being made to feel that we are casting 
aspersions. There are many of us in the "user community" who have a 
vested interest in seeing a truly excellent ANSI Standard for Forth. 
If the process of examination turns up gaps or defects this should be 
regarded as a contribution to the improvement of the proposed Standard. 

Those who follow this newsgroup have been treated to accounts of the 
politics and pettiness that have plagued the effort -- and have had a 
strong supporter try to excuse it all by saying "welcome to the real 
world". I think most of us will be willing to excuse the unfortunate 
aspects of the process as long as the end result is good. Inquiries of 
the "can the proposed Standard do this?" variety should be regarded as 
natural and normal questions at this stage. Attempts by those outside 
the Team to pin down what can and cannot be done should be welcomed -- 
they are an essential part of the process. 

It does not bode well that attempts to pin things down are greeted as 
"bashing" and "negativism".  If you can't handle questions from 
friends, God knows what you will do when your enemies ask!

Lots of us are expected to explain and show that what we have to offer 
is good -- people don't just accept our personal assurances. You may 
not like this "I'm from Missouri" attitude -- but welcome to the real 

[To non-US readers:  "I'm from Missouri, you have to show me" is a 
popular expression. It isn't clear why, of all the 50 states, people 
from Missouri should be more insistent on concrete evidence than 
others. I have no idea where this expression comes from -- I just know 
it is older than my grandfather (who was not from Missouri but who used 
it every time he felt that I hadn't given enough evidence to support a 
claim I was making).] 

flame off; 


1)  Many algorithms are expressed recursively. The return stack is so 
    shallow on many Forth systems that serious algorithms will not 
    run. In traditional Forth systems, the parameter stack is 
    below the return stack and the initial value of the stack pointer 
    is contained in a variable, so simply doing 
                         -2000 SP0 +!
    increases the return stack size by 2000 bytes. (It may generate 
    an error message -- but the system will then work with increased 
    return stack.) 

    Some manuever of this sort is necessary for any serious 
    recursive programming. Since it came up in some recent work, 
    asking if this is handled by the proposed Standard was natural.  
    The answer is no. 

2)  The program also used deferred execution. Many mechanisms and 
    names for vectored execution have appeared in Forth systems.
    Vectored execution  was one of the topics listed in the TC 
    document posted by Jack Brown. It was natural to ask if some 
    agreement was reached on a mechanism for vectored execution.
    The answer is no. 

> Dr. Wavrik's objection to my (string-based) ANS implementation of 
> his simple control structure was based upon a misunderstanding 
> of the implementation.  The claim that my implementation stores 
> strings in the dictionary for later evaluation is false.

Here I agree that I misunderstood, and since have looked up the 
BASIS glossary entry for EVALUATE (a word which did not exist in
previous standards).

     EVALUATE  ( addr u -- )
         Save the current input stream specification. Set the
         input stream to point to the text string specified by
         addr u.  The input stream is set by altering BLK, 
         TIB, #TIB, and >IN.  When the input stream is 
         exhausted, restore the prior input stream 

This is Mitch's code:

    : IF(  0  >R     \ count the number of IFs used
          BEGIN     BL WORD DUP COUNT  " )IF"  $=  <>
                  R> 1+ >R
          REPEAT   DROP

This is to be used in the form IF( c1 e1 ... ck ek )IF

IF( is IMMEDIATE, so it is now executing. The first BL WORD will 
extract c1 from the input. Since the comparison fails we go to 
WHILE and have the address and count for c1 on the stack. EVALUATE 
should now evaluate this string -- i.e. execute the condition c1 -- 
rather than compile it into the dictionary. Similarly the next BL WORD 
COUNT EVALUATE would execute e1. So now, I don't understand why this 
works at all. 

On the other hand, Dennis Ruffer writes,

>  : )IF  ; 
>  : IF(  0 >R     \ count the number of IFs used 
>        BEGIN  >IN @  '  ['] )IF = NOT 
>               R> 1+ >R 
>        REPEAT  DROP 

> Wouldn't that accomplish your same objectives?  Other than being 
> more careful about how you write applications, I think most of what 
> you can do now is possible with ANS Forth.  Some thought may have to 
> go into ways to make things portable, but the point is that it is 
> possible. 

In spite of the peculiar appearance, this may work. One reason for
hedging concerns what POSTPONE does. I am assuming from its usage that 
it is an alias for [COMPILE] which, in F83, is just defined as 

                : [COMPILE] ' , ; IMMEDIATE

Since my original definition used  ' ,  the above will work if 
POSTPONE is replace by [COMPILE]. The BASIS copy I have, however, just 
says that POSTPONE <name>  "Postpones the compilation action of 
<name>".  Is it clear that the above will work on every ANS system?

The other reason for hedging is the use of >IN to reread the input 
stream. I recall some discussion a while back in which Ray Duncan 
objected (if memory serves) to using >IN in this way. Is this use of 
>IN completely in compliance? 

My third point was,

>       3. Can the user control compilation enough to 
>           define a simple control-flow structure?

If the two questions raised about Dennis Ruffer's definition are 
satisfied then this will be an acceptable answer for this particular 
control-flow structure -- but the task was handled in such an ad hoc 
manner that it isn't clear what tools are available in general.

Circumstantial evidence suggests that there is no general mechanism 
for compilation control (if there were one, someone would have used 
it to answer my question) -- so there is still a question about the 
degree to which users can affect compilation. 

The answer here is a tentative perhaps.


After reading through these glossary entries in the BASIS copy I 
have, I raise the following question for the ANSI Team: 

     IGUOUS?  Would two people who implement a word based on 
     the glossary description produce words that execute in the 
     same way under all conditions? 


>                                                 Other than being 
> more careful about how you write applications, I think most of what 
> you can do now is possible with ANS Forth.  Some thought may have to 
> go into ways to make things portable, but the point is that it is 
> possible. 

This is something that many of us hope is true. We are willing and 
waiting to be convinced.

                                                  John J Wavrik 
             jjwavrik@ucsd.edu                    Dept of Math  C-012 
                                                  Univ of Calif - San Diego 
                                                  La Jolla, CA  92093 

dwp@willett.pgh.pa.us (Doug Philips) (08/29/90)

In <12413@sdcc6.ucsd.edu>, ir230@sdcc6.ucsd.edu (john wavrik) writes:
> I think that it is a safe bet that anyone who wants to have existing 
> code run on proposed ANSI systems will have to do quite a bit of
> question at this point is whether the rewriting is feasible or 
> justified: (1) Will the new standard allow us to do the things we 
> currently do?; (2) Will it be enough of an improvement over current 
> standards to justify the effort?  I started asking questions about 
> this and have, so far, received mixed responses. 

I'm curious to know what the things were that you couldn't do with ZEN1_10.

> I should make clear (as I have done several times in the past) that I 
> firmly believe that a good Standard is essential for the survival of 
> Forth. What I am now trying to discover (by asking questions) is 
> whether the proposed ANSI Standard in its current form has arrived at 
> that state. Is it really directed at making sure that significant 
> programs can be written portably?  Is it really directed at defining 
> the Forth language as well as our current understanding allows it to 
> be defined?  Have words names and actions been chosen to facilitate 
> programming -- or are we being stuck with clumsy compromises? etc. 

I would think you wouldn't even need to ask that question.  As has been
stated several times in the past, the ANS standard is NOT supposed to
break new ground.  It is supposed to condense and solidify what has already
been proven.  I think you need to be asking instead:  Is the ANS charter
compatable with what I want out of a standards process?  If you are interested
in making a brave new Forth, the ANS process is not for you.

> world". I think most of us will be willing to excuse the unfortunate 
> aspects of the process as long as the end result is good. Inquiries of 
> the "can the proposed Standard do this?" variety should be regarded as 
> natural and normal questions at this stage. Attempts by those outside 
> the Team to pin down what can and cannot be done should be welcomed -- 
> they are an essential part of the process. 

Since I don't recall seeing a reply to this along these lines:

X3J14 has broke with ANS tradition by making a machine readable copy of
the BASIS documents available.  Perhaps it would behoove them to set up
an email address for the submission of proposals?  I congratulate Mitch
Bradley on his heroic efforts in explaining the current BASIS and its
politics and history.  I think that perhaps the TC should consider what
will happen if he burns out and stops doing that.  In particular, the
can has been opened and the worms won't go back in.  How much that may
matter on the TC can decide for themselves.

> If the two questions raised about Dennis Ruffer's definition are 
> satisfied then this will be an acceptable answer for this particular 
> control-flow structure -- but the task was handled in such an ad hoc 
> manner that it isn't clear what tools are available in general.

Please tell us how we can tell if the tools are available in general.
What kind of solution would you find acceptable?

You state at the end of your message "we are willing and waiting to
be convinced."  I'm curious as to what the ANS charter says about
how much effort the TC has to/should put into "education and explication
of" the Basis/dpANS" documents.  Does ANS expect that the TC is to carry
the light to the masses, or do they expect the TC to provide a haven
and known place for finding the light?  (Or something different?)


Preferred: ( dwp@willett.pgh.pa.us  OR  ...!{sei,pitt}!willett!dwp )
Daily: ...!{uunet,nfsun}!willett!dwp  [last resort: dwp@vega.fac.cs.cmu.edu]