[comp.lang.forth] Domain of Forth

ir230@sdcc6.ucsd.edu (john wavrik) (08/09/90)

Wil Baden says,

> I'd like to see others' ideas of what the proper domain of Forth is.  
> I'm especially eager to hear from John Wavrik. 

This thread started with some postings related to generation of 
permutations. It inspired me to do some work in this area which, in 
my opinion, confirms the superiority of the Forth environment for 
developing and studying algorithms. If the algorithm is the data, 
Forth is a good language to use.
> Every language has areas of application in which it is superior, 
> even Basic, Cobol, and Ada.  I'm trying to discover just what is 
> Forth's domain of superiority. 

Forth has many facets. One of them is that it is a portable assembly 
language. As such, it can be used to create languages. In this light 
it is superior because it can adopt language features from other 
languages, as well as produce innovative features not currently found 
elsewhere. BASIC, for example, has admirable string handling features.
I've used for years a string package for Forth, originally suggested 
by John James many years ago. It adds BASIC-like string commands to 
Forth. For other applications one could add LISP-like storage 
management, PROLOG-like backtracking, etc. 

It is the low level definition of the language and the user's access 
to the implementation that is responsible for this particular facet of 
Forth. One can add new data handling mechanisms, control structures, 
etc. because the language provides the tools needed to build these 

> There are algorithms envolving many variables and complicated 
> expressions for which Forth offers no advantage.  The determination 
> of the date of Easter by 10 quotients and remainders is such, 
> although of course it can be programmed in Forth as any algorithm 
> can be.  Local variables make Forth definitions into something like 
> Tiny C with postfix operators.  If vector operators are important 
> for an application, Forth is not the best language to program them. 
> Forth in these instances is a dancing dog. 

One of the things that is called into question here is "what is an 
algorithm?"  I have in mind a procedure whose steps I understand. If I 
want to generate all permutations of 1..n, I need an idea -- and then 
I express the idea as a procedure. Here is an idea:

   Start with (1,...,n) and switch the last element with the 
   first, then permute the first n-1 elements and switch it back.
   Do the same swapping last with second, last with third, etc.

Here is Forth code to carry out this idea.

  0 \   Permutations  --  generate permutations
  2 : PERMS ( n -- )  RECURSIVE
  3      DUP 1 = IF    PRINT-PERM
  4              ELSE  DUP 1+ 1  DO
  5                                 I OVER XCHG
  6                                 DUP 1- PERMS
  7                                 I OVER XCHG
  8                              LOOP
  9              THEN  DROP  ;
 12      INIT-PERM   CR PERMS  ;

(The words PRINT-PERM, XCHG, etc. do what you think they do!) Does the 
Forth code clearly express the idea?  Is Forth a good language for 
expressing this kind of idea?  Is Forth a good language for testing 
ideas like this?  [P.S. experiments show when an idea is plausible -- 
and help to identify bad ideas. A proof is still needed to show that 
an idea works!] 

On the other hand, the word "algorithm" is also used for cookbook 
recipes. Wil Baden refers to the calculation of Easter. This is often 
given as a sequence of algebraic expressions to be calculated:

          Y = year for calculation  (input )
          G = ( Y mod 19 ) + 1
          C = Y / 100  + 1
          X = 3C / 4 -  12

Wil says that removing the names and doing all these steps on the 
stack with unnamed variables makes things worse. I agree. However, the 
"algorithm" is actually the set of ideas behind this recipe. If we 
understood the algorithm, we might be able to express it well in Forth 
(but not, of course, as a sequence of infix expressions). Suppose that 
you really want to express a recipe like this in Forth. What should 
you do?  Here's what I would do: 

I would load a package called "ALGEBRAIC" written in Forth which has 
the word EVALUATE" as its top level word. The recipe might be written 
in Forth like this: 

     : EASTER  ( year -- month day )
            EVALUATE"       Y = pop                 "
            EVALUATE"       G = ( Y MOD 19 ) + 1    "

One might want expressions without an assignment to put their value on 
the stack (to allow mixing of evaluation of expressions with ordinary 
Forth). It would be easy, in this way, to blend words defined using 
algebraic expressions with other Forth words -- in the same way as we 
blend words defined using assembly language with other Forth words. 
There are several ways the variables can be handled. The simplest is 
to use static storage allocation with standard Forth variables -- 
which would allow words to be factored and share a set of variables. 
The kind of parser needed to implement something like this (with the 
expressions parsed at compile-time) would take about 10 Forth screens 
-- loaded when anyone needs this feature added to the language. 

I should pause here to say something to people who feel that I have 
somehow violated the purity of Forth by suggesting that words be 
created to handle algebraic infix expressions. My view of Forth is 
that its "niche" (if you want to call it that) is that it is more 
flexible and universal than other languages. You can use Forth to 
build anything that you want (and build it portably if the Standards 
are any good). When we want to manipulate a certain type of data, we 
first write words for handling this type of data and the relevant 
operations on it. Then we write programs using these words. [When we 
want to do a job, we first build tools designed for the kind of work 
we want to do!] Algebraic expressions are a form of data -- and the 
operation we want to perform is evaluation. So take the Forth 
approach: build tools appropriate for the task. 

There is yet another way that "algorithms" are presented. Hale 
Trotter's algorithm for permutations, which Wil Baden wrote in C and 
in Forth, is written in what Wil refers to as "spaghetti Algol". It is 
a collection of unmotivated steps written in a language which freely 
uses GOTO. Forth is a structured language (Moore and the early FIG 
group apparently understood the dangers of GOTO at the same time as 
the computer science community became aware of it. Notice that even 
Forth assembly language is structured!). Translating an algorithm from 
an unstructured language to a structured language is always a problem 
-- and Baden's C version is really not any clearer than his unfactored 
Forth version. The fact of the matter is that even the original 
spaghetti Algol version is not very illuminating. 

The point of the above paragraph is that translating a confusing 
program from another language into Forth isn't easy and it doesn't 
automatically make it any clearer --- but neither does translating it 
into anything else. If I understood the ideas behind Trotter's recipe, 
I might be able to write a clear (properly factored, appropriately 
named) Forth word set to carry it out. I wouldn't write a "spaghetti 
Algol" interpreter for Forth -- I'd use Forth to try to understand the 
algorithm and then express the ideas more clearly. [I find it 
objectionable to use recipes without any idea of where they come from 
or why they work.]  In the next installment, I'll talk a bit about 
using Forth to make a "permutation laboratory" -- a tool for studying 
permutations. I think it is a perfect example of something that can be 
done more easily in Forth than any other language. Whatever the domain 
of Forth, it definitely includes "experimental computing". 

                                                  John J Wavrik 
             jjwavrik@ucsd.edu                    Dept of Math  C-012 
                                                  Univ of Calif - San Diego 
                                                  La Jolla, CA  92093 

dwp@willett.pgh.pa.us (Doug Philips) (08/10/90)

In <12218@sdcc6.ucsd.edu>, ir230@sdcc6.ucsd.edu (john wavrik) writes:

[I must admit that I'm surprised to find myself mostly agreeing with
John Wavrik here.]

[JW gives example of cookbook method for computing when Easter is.
 Admits that a straight forward stack implementation is even worse.
 Shows solution using new EVALUATE" word from the "ALGEBRAIC" package.]

>                                                           However, the 
> "algorithm" is actually the set of ideas behind this recipe. If we 
> understood the algorithm, we might be able to express it well in Forth 
> (but not, of course, as a sequence of infix expressions).

I think this is an important point to remember.  I'm not sure I agree
with your solution (algebraic infix expressions _in strings_), but I
don't have a better one to offer.

> I should pause here to say something to people who feel that I have 
> somehow violated the purity of Forth by suggesting that words be 
> created to handle algebraic infix expressions. My view of Forth is 
> that its "niche" (if you want to call it that) is that it is more 
> flexible and universal than other languages. You can use Forth to 
> build anything that you want (and build it portably if the Standards 
> are any good). When we want to manipulate a certain type of data, we 
> first write words for handling this type of data and the relevant 
> operations on it. Then we write programs using these words. [When we 
> want to do a job, we first build tools designed for the kind of work 
> we want to do!] Algebraic expressions are a form of data -- and the 
> operation we want to perform is evaluation. So take the Forth 
> approach: build tools appropriate for the task. 

Aha!  You've hit the nail right on the head.  This is what I would like to
see (in the standard of course, but that is a different matter).  Start
with the right tool box, powerful and simple.  Have a standard set of tools
(built from the core tool box tools) available for loading so that I don't
have to build them from scratch myself.  Chuck Moore, from _Thinking Forth_,
by Leo Brodie, pp 196-197:

	If you choose to define the word ARRAY, you've done a
	decomposition.  You've factored out the concept of an array from
	all the words you'll later put back in.  And you've gone to
	another level of abstraction.

	Building levels of abstraction is a dynamic process, not one
	you can predict.


	Of course I try to factor things well.  But if there doesn't
	seem to be a good way to do something, I say, "Let's just
	make it work."

	My motivation isn't laziness, it's knowing that there are
	other things coming down the pike that are going to affect
	this decision in ways I can't predict.  Trying to optimize
	this now is foolish.  Until I get the whole picture in front
	of me, I can't know what the optimum is.

One of the reasons I'm a minimalist is the above: "building levels of
abstraction is a dynamic process..." so I feel it is best not to try to
predict.  One of the reasons I like add on packages (sort of kitchen
sink-ist) is that since I don't know what is coming down the pike until it
gets to me anyway, I would rather work on the understanding rather than
wasting my time trying to grow an abstraction that is not going to be a
best fit.  I would just as soon throw in an off-the-shelf part and leverage
my way up to the whole picture.  Once there, then it makes sense to junk
the off-the-shelf part and grow the right abstraction.  But at least I've
not junked the time I put in on my own variant of the off-the-shelf part
that just has to be tossed anyway.


Preferred: ( dwp@willett.pgh.pa.us  OR  ...!{sei,pitt}!willett!dwp )
Daily: ...!{uunet,nfsun}!willett!dwp  [last resort: dwp@vega.fac.cs.cmu.edu]

ir230@sdcc6.ucsd.edu (john wavrik) (08/21/90)

                         EXPRESSING ALGORITHMS

Wil Baden raised a general question about the proper domain of Forth. 
He presented an algorithm for generating permutations and asked 
whether Forth is a good language for discovering and implementing 
mathematical algorithms of this sort.

In this article, I'd like to present a Forth implementation of an 
algorithm for the permutation problem -- leaving the discussion of how 
it was discovered to a sequel. 

Terminology:  For the purposes of this article, a permutation of
   a set is a rearrangement of its elements. A transposition is a 
   permutation which interchanges two elements. An adjacent 
   transposition interchanges two adjacent elements. If a set has n 
   elements we will sometimes use 1 , ... , n-1 to refer to the 
   adjacent transpositions -- j will be the adjacent transposition 
   that switches the element in position j with the element in 
   position j+1. 
Problem:  Given n, find a sequence of adjacent transpositions which 
   when applied successively generate all permutations. Define a 
   function  PERM  which depends on n (and also the state of the 
   system) so that each call to PERM generates the next adjacent 

Example:  If n = 3  then the sequence 1 2 1 2 1 2 generates
        adj transpo         { 1 2 3 }  <-- starting arrangement   
             1              { 2 1 3 }    
             2              { 2 3 1 }    
             1              { 3 2 1 }    
             2              { 3 1 2 }    
             1              { 1 3 2 }    
             2              { 1 2 3 }    

A solution to the problem was given as ALGORITHM 115 in the CACM 
(August 1962) by H. F. Trotter. Wil Baden independently discovered an 
algorithm generating the same sequence of adjacent transpositions and 
also converted Trotter's algorithm to Forth. Here is the transcription: 

 10 CONSTANT Maxperm
 CREATE P   Maxperm ALLOT   1 P C!
 : perm ( n -- i)
    P C@ 
       0 DO (  )
          0 P I + C!   1 D I + C!
       0 EXIT
    0 ( n k) 1 ROT 1-
    DO ( k)
       D I + C@ P I + C+!
       P I + C@ ( k q) DUP 
          DUP I > 0=
             IF   + UNLOOP EXIT   THEN
          DROP ( k)
          -1 D I + C!
       ELSE ( k q) DROP ( k)
          1 D I + C!
    -1 +LOOP
    1 P C!
    1+ ;

If you lack : C+! ( n a -- ) DUP C@ +under C! ; 

Here is an approach (which generates the same sequence) together with 
the underlying idea:

Idea (and proof):  Start with  {1 2 3 ... n} and apply the adjacent
    transpositions 1,2,..,n-1. We see that the 1 migrates from left to 
    right without disturbing the order of the other elements:
                { 1 2 3 }
             1  { 2 1 3 }
             2  { 2 3 1 }
    We call this the Ascending sequence. Notice that it generates all 
    possible permutations in which 2..n are in a given order 
    (initially in ascending order).
       With 1 in the far right position, we apply the next adjacent 
    transposition for n-1 elements to obtain a new arrangement of
       Now we use the Descending sequence  n-1,...,1 of transpositions 
    to get 1 back to the left -- notice that, again, the order of the 
    elements 2..n is not changed.
       Finally we apply the next transposition for n-1 elements 
    (noting that they are shifted one position to the right).              
       The sequence to be generated consists of cycles of length 2n

            1 2 3 .. n-1   X  n-1 .. 2 1  Y

    Where X and Y are obtained by a recursive call to the function 
    with n-1 as an argument.  We repeat these cycles until all 
    permutations of 2,..,n have been generated and 1 has occupied all 
    positions for each. 

We use the language construct  If( c1 e1  c2 e2 ... ck ek )If
Where the ci are non-destructive conditionals (they add a flag to the 
top of the existing stack). This construct finds the first ci which 
tests TRUE, executes the corresponding ei and exits the construct. 
Each ei is responsible for cleaning the stack -- the last conditional 
is often TRUE to clean the stack if all other conditions fail.

The state of the system is given by the position (0 < pos <= 2n) 
within the cycle. The position must be maintained for each n. Here 
is the code for the required function:

     : Perm  ( n -- t )  DUP  2 =  \ terminal condition
          IF    DROP  1
          ELSE  DUP  Next-Pos  ( n pos )
                If(    <n?      Ascending       
                       =n?      p(n-1)          
                       <2n?     Descending      
                       true     p(n-1)+1     )If
          THEN  ;

Where, of course, we must explain the meaning of a few words 8-)

: Perm-Init  %Pos 20 CELLS ERASE ;
: Next-Pos  ( n -- pos )  CELLS %Pos +  DUP @ 1+
            DUP ROT !  ;
: 0Pos   ( n -- )  CELLS %Pos + 0 SWAP !  ;

\   Conditions:  ( n pos -- n pos flag )
\   Actions:     ( n pos -- t )

: <n?        2DUP > ;
: Ascending  SWAP DROP ;

: =n?        2DUP = ;
: p(n-1)     DROP 1- p ;

: <2n?        2DUP  SWAP 2* <  ;
: Descending  SWAP 2* SWAP -  ;

: p(n-1)+1    DROP DUP 0Pos 1- p 1+  ;

\                Main function
: Perm  ( n -- t )  DUP  2 =
     IF    DROP  1
     ELSE  DUP  Next-Pos  ( n pos )
           If(  <n?      Ascending
                =n?      p(n-1)
                <2n?     Descending
                true     p(n-1)+1     )If
     THEN  ;

' Perm  IS p      Perm-Init


The If( .. )If construct was introduced for a clean appearance (and to 
raise the question of the extent to which the proposed ANSI standard 
will support user-created language constructs). Here is the definition 
with IF .. ELSE .. THEN:

: Perm  ( n -- t )  DUP  2 =
     IF    DROP  1
     ELSE  DUP  Next-Pos  ( n pos )
           <n?   IF    Ascending       ELSE
           =n?   IF    p(n-1)          ELSE
          <2n?   IF    Descending      ELSE
                       p(n-1)+1     THEN THEN THEN
     THEN  ;


I feel that Forth expresses the algorithm as clearly as any language. 
Forth supports many writing styles -- in this example, the main word 
is written so that the logical flow stands out clearly. The stack 
manipulations take place in the auxilliary words where the desired 
outcome is so simple that their definitions can be easily understood. 
This alleviates one of the problems that Forth critics are quick to 
notice: the mixing of "SWAP DROP FLOP" stack manipulation in with the 
main definition makes code flow hard to understand.
     : PERM2  ( n -- t )  RECURSIVE  DUP  2 =
          IF    DROP  1
          ELSE  DUP  CELLS %Pos +  DUP @ 1+
                DUP ROT !  
                2DUP >  IF   SWAP DROP        ELSE
                2DUP =  IF   DROP 1- PERM2    ELSE
                2DUP SWAP 2* <
                        IF   SWAP 2* SWAP -   ELSE
                DROP DUP 0POS 1- PERM2 1+     THEN THEN THEN
          THEN  ;

A writing style that is becoming popular in Forth (perhaps because of 
the use of text files rather than blocks) is to write unfactored 
definitions vertically -- adding copious comments in an effort to 
compensate for the resulting lack of clarity. I have made an effort to 
reproduce this style here. Since I don't consider myself adept at 
this, perhaps someone can show us how to rearrange this code and 
improve the clarity. 

     : PERM2  ( n -- t )  RECURSIVE
          DUP  2 =
          IF    DROP  1       \  Terminal 
          ELSE  DUP
                CELLS %Pos +   \ get address in position array
                DUP @ 1+       \ increment position
                DUP ROT !      \ store new position
                ( n pos )       
                2DUP >  IF               \ pos < n
                          SWAP DROP      ( pos) 
                2DUP =  IF                \ pos = n
                          DROP 1- PERM2   \ recursive call with n-1
                2DUP SWAP 2* <  IF         \ pos < 2n
                          SWAP 2* SWAP -   \ return t=2n-pos
                DROP                       ( n)
                DUP 0POS                   \ set position to 0
                1- PERM2                   \ recursive call with n-1
                1+                         \ shift position to right 
                THEN THEN THEN
          THEN  ;

Footnote on execution speed:
     PERM2 is 8% faster than Baden's transcription of Trotter's algorithm.
     It is 20% faster than the factored version PERM. It is 8 times slower
     than the 'C' version which Wil supplied in an earlier posting 
     (high level Forth typically runs about 8 times slower than 'C' --
     but Forth with selected words coded in assembly language runs 

Comment on Style:
     Sometimes the word "efficiency" is used solely in terms of 
     execution speed. Another view of "efficiency" takes into account 
     the programmer's time and the usefulness of the ideas represented 
     in the code. In some areas it is very useful to write code 
     "efficiently" -- in the sense that it can be easily modified, 
     that larger structures can be built from it, and that the ideas 
     can be used by the author and others in future applications. 
     Forth can be written clearly (and efficiently in this sense) 
     but probably not by adopting the stylistic conventions of other 
     languages. I think that Wil Baden's idea of starting some 
     exchanges on the subject of Forth style is excellent.

                                                  John J Wavrik 
             jjwavrik@ucsd.edu                    Dept of Math  C-012 
                                                  Univ of Calif - San Diego 
                                                  La Jolla, CA  92093 

ir230@sdcc6.ucsd.edu (john wavrik) (08/21/90)

                            ANSI QUESTIONS

I.  Machine Readible BASIS
    I waited for a machine readible BASIS12 only to find that I would 
    need Microsoft Word to read it.

    Some postings suggest a misunderstanding of the rationale for a 
    machine readible copy of the BASIS. It is NOT to save money. 
    Downloading from GEnie, even if successful, probably costs more 
    than $10. It IS to allow people to study the document and to 
    comment upon it. It would have been nice to have some exchanges on 
    the network with quotes from the document. It would also be nice 
    to pick the document apart and put it into a database. A lot of
    the information we all have about the workings of the ANSI team is 
    hearsay and opinion -- a document in a useful form would be a good 
    tool to focus the debate.

    Suggestion: The ANSI team make available a packet consisting of 
    the printed BASIS document and a diskette with the document in 
    machine-readible form (preferably including a plain ASCII text 

In a recent posting I gave an implementation of an algorithm about 
permutations. Three things arose that I would like to ask someone on 
the ANSI team to address. 

II. Deferred Execution
    Will the proposed ANSI standard have a portable mechanism for 
    deferred execution (like the F83 words  DEFER and IS)

III. Recursion and return stack size
    When implementing a recursive algorithm it often becomes necessary 
    to increase the size of the return stack. Will there be a portable 
    way to do this? 

    Along the same lines:  will there be words analogous to RP0, SP0,
    RP@, SP@?

IV. Language Constructs
    A major feature of Forth is the user's ability to create control 
    constructs. An extremely simple one appeared in the permutation 

            If( c1 e1  c2 e2 ... ck ek )If

     The ci are non-destructive conditionals (they add a flag to the 
     top of the existing stack). This construct finds the first ci which 
     tests TRUE, executes the corresponding ei and exits the construct. 
     Each ei is responsible for cleaning the stack -- the last conditional 
     is often TRUE to clean the stack if all other conditions fail.

     A.  My original implementation of this has it compile to

             handler | addr of end | c1 | e1 | ...  ck | ek 

         Where the handler employs a loop to execute the ci until it
         finds one which is TRUE.

         My impression is that the proposed ANSI Standards will not 
         provide a portable means for accessing the IP (and that code 
         which involves handlers cannot be portable). Is this correct?

     B.  In this case, the construct is easily built up from IF .. 
         ELSE .. THEN.  The following definition just uses these:

         : )IF  ;
         : IF(  0  >R     \ count the number of IFs used
               BEGIN     ' DUP  ['] )IF  <>
               WHILE     , [COMPILE] IF
                       ' , [COMPILE] ELSE
                       R> 1+ >R
               REPEAT   DROP
               R> 0 DO  [COMPILE] THEN  LOOP  ;  IMMEDIATE

         How would this be rewritten to comply with the proposed ANSI 

         (I'd like to emphasize that this is a very elementary and
         useful construct -- BUT I AM NOT ASKING FOR IT TO BE INCLUDED
         IN THE STANDARD -- only (1) whether the Standard will permit 
         the user to make simple constructs like this and (2) how much 
         alteration of existing code is required) 

V.  Power of Proposed Standard
    Far more significant than the controversy over certain proposed 
    words are the circulating rumors that some members of the ANSI 
    Team do not expect it to be possible to write significant programs 
    using only proposed words and programming practices. 

    Is the ANSI team willing to provide clarification, at this point, 
    as to whether or not a purpose of the proposed Standard is to 
    allow users to write significant programs portably? 

                                                  John J Wavrik 
             jjwavrik@ucsd.edu                    Dept of Math  C-012 
                                                  Univ of Calif - San Diego 
                                                  La Jolla, CA  92093 

rob@idacom.uucp (Rob Chapman) (08/31/90)

> John J Wavrik
> II. Deferred Execution
>     Will the proposed ANSI standard have a portable mechanism for 
>     deferred execution (like the F83 words  DEFER and IS)

 I posted a possible word BIND ( tic-token \ tic-token -- ) which would allow
 the same functionality of DEFER and IS.  It would allow the choice of early
 binding as well.

> IV. Language Constructs

>      B.  In this case, the construct is easily built up from IF .. 
>          ELSE .. THEN.  The following definition just uses these:
>          : )IF  ;
>          : IF(  0  >R     \ count the number of IFs used
>                BEGIN     ' DUP  ['] )IF  <>
>                WHILE     , [COMPILE] IF
>                        ' , [COMPILE] ELSE
>                        R> 1+ >R
>                REPEAT   DROP
>                R> 0 DO  [COMPILE] THEN  LOOP  ;  IMMEDIATE
>          How would this be rewritten to comply with the proposed ANSI 
>          Standards?
 I've always found [COMPILE] things confusing especially when COMPILE is
 included as well.  Rewriting the definition for IF( to make it ANS
          : IF(  0  >R     \ count the number of IFs used
                BEGIN     ' DUP  ['] )IF  <>
                WHILE     COMPILE-TOKEN  ['] IF EXECUTE
                        ' COMPILE-TOKEN  ['] ELSE EXECUTE
                        R> 1+ >R
                REPEAT   DROP
                R> 0 DO  ['] THEN EXECUTE  LOOP  ;  IMMEDIATE

 When I'm explaining the delayed execution of immediate words to people,
 I find it clearer by using:
   ' something EXECUTE  (we use the state smart definition of ' from figForth)

 It is complementary to:
   ' something COMPILE

 As an example, this might be the definition of OF for a case extension:
   : OF  ( ? )

  Our COMPILE is the equivelant to the ANS Forth COMPILE-TOKEN which takes
  a tic-token off the stack and compiles a call to it.  ( If I miss the mark
  on quoting ANS Forth, its because its from memory).  Its a pity that
  COMPILE was initially defined as a look-ahead-at-runtime construct.


ir230@sdcc6.ucsd.edu (john wavrik) (09/04/90)

                        DISCOVERING ALGORITHMS

One of the most important features of Forth is that it has properties 
that make it ideally suited for experimental computing -- and hence 
for discovering algorithms and proofs of theorems. Some of the reasons 
that make Forth a good prototyping language also account for its 
excellence in developing algorithms. Forth is also one of the few 
languages that allows a great deal of flexibility in the introduction 
of new data types and operations on them. It is one of the few 
languages that provide an environment in which algorithms can be 
modified as easily as data. 

It is hard to write about the process of discovering algorithms. 
There are no standard rules or procedures. Sometimes an algorithm is 
the result of systematic hard work. Sometimes it is a matter of 
gaining enough experience with the subject matter until it becomes 
obvious. Mathematics is presented in such a theoretical way that few 
people outside the subject appreciate the amount of experimentation 
that goes in to the development of theory.

Wil Baden asked about the "Domain of Forth".  My claim is that the
domain of Forth includes the ability to write tools to help in the
discovery of algorithms -- and I'd like to give an example to show 

I can't think of any better way to explain how Forth is useful in 
discovering algorithms other than to give an illustrated account 
showing how Forth was used to discover the solution to Wil Baden's 
permutation problem. 


The permutation algorithm was a good test case. Most mathematicians 
are familiar enough with permutations (as algebraic objects) to work 
with the problem -- but may, as in my case, be unfamiliar with the 
combinatorial point of view needed to deal with this particular 
problem. (Combinatorics is the part of mathematics that deals with 
counting or listing things; Algebra is the part of mathematics that 
studies operations on sets).

I started this problem fairly ignorant. By the end the solution 
appeared so simple and clear that it should have been obvious at the 
start. What was lacking was some experience with this way of looking 
at permutations. In the old days this experience would have come from 
working with pencil and paper. Here it came from playing around with a 
Forth-based permutation system -- a lot faster and more fun. 

Step 1 - Build a Permutation "Calculator"

One of the primary tools for discovering algorithms is a means for 
gaining experience with the objects under study -- a means for 
exploring to test promising approaches and to rule out dead ends.
The Permutation "Calculator" is such a tool.

    A permutation of {1 .. n} is, from an algebraic point of view, a 
    mapping of the set {1 .. n} to itself which sends distinct 
    elements to distinct elements. Permutations were represented as
    arrays. The 0-th element of the array is the size, n. The jth 
    element is the number to which j is sent. Permutations are 
    multiplied by composition:  P1 * P2  is the map P1 followed by the 
    map P2. Notation example: { 2 3 1 4 }  sends 1->2, 2->3, 3->1,

    The calculator provides:
        PERMUTATION  P    ( defining word -- P puts address on stack )
        P*                ( Perm1 Perm2 -- Perm-product )
        PINVERT           ( Perm -- Perm-inverse )
        P.                ( perm -- )  print permutation 
        P=                ( Perm1 Perm2 -- flag )
        { .. }            ( -- perm )  input permutation
        PMOVE             ( Perm1 Perm2 -- )  copy Perm1 to Perm2

    Permutations are also represented in terms of their decomposition 
    into cycles.
    Example:  ( 1 2 3 ) sends 1->2, 2->3, 3->1  it permutes 1 2 3

       C.                 ( perm -- )  print perm as product of cycles
       (( .. ))           ( -- perm )  input cycle

    The storage mechanism from JFAR vol 6 # 1 was introduced to allow 
    permutations to be manipulated like integers. A transposition is
    a cycle which consist of exactly two elements (equivalently, a
    permutation which exchanges two elements and keeps everything
    else fixed).

    Calculator Examples:
     1.  { 1 2 4 3 } { 4 3 2 1 } p* p. {  4 3 1 2 }

           The first permutation sends 1->1, 2->2, 3->4, 4->3
           The second sends            1->4, 2->3, 3->2, 4->1
           So the product (first followed by second) 
                                 sends 1->4, 2->3, 3->1, 4->2

          Notice that { 2 3 1 4 } puts this permutation on the
          stack (what is actually on the stack is the address
          where the data is stored).

          P* multiplies the top two elements and the stack and
          puts the result on the stack.

          P. prints the permutation on top of the stack.

     2.  { 2 3 1 4 } dup pinvert p. {  3 1 2 4 }
     3.  { 2 1 4 3 } c. (1 2 )(3 4 )

     4.  (( 1 2 3 )) p. {  2 3 1 4 }

As is typical for Forth-based mathematical systems, the basic 
permutation system  was extended in a "middle out" fashion. The 
initial system provided the basic algebra of permutations (and I/O).
New features were added and old features refined as the need arose.

Step 2.  Examine sequences of permutations

At this point Baden's problem became mixed with other problems 
involving sequences of polynomials. One is to produce permutations
in lexicographic order. To study this, we put the permutations into
lexicographic order (as an array) and then printed the permutations
and the quotients needed to get from one permutation to the next.
(If you can spot the pattern in the quotients, you will be able to
write the algorithm for generating the permutations lexicographically.)

: QUOTS  CR  #P 1-  0 DO  I P P.            ( print perm )
                          I 1+ P  I P P/
                          14 SPACES  C.     ( print quot indented )
         #P 1- P P.  ;

{  1 2 3 }
              (2 3 )
{  1 3 2 }
              (1 3 2 )
{  2 1 3 }
              (2 3 )
{  2 3 1 }
              (1 2 3 )
{  3 1 2 }
              (2 3 )
{  3 2 1 }
{  1 2 3 4 }
              (3 4 )
{  1 2 4 3 }
              (2 4 3 )
{  1 3 2 4 }
              (3 4 )
{  1 3 4 2 }
              (2 3 4 )
{  1 4 2 3 }
              (3 4 )
{  1 4 3 2 }
              (1 4 2 )
{  2 1 3 4 }
              (3 4 )
{  2 1 4 3 }
              (2 4 3 )
{  2 3 1 4 }
              (3 4 )
{  2 3 4 1 }
              (2 3 4 )
{  2 4 1 3 }
              (3 4 )
{  2 4 3 1 }
              (1 3 )(2 4 )
{  3 1 2 4 }
              (3 4 )
{  3 1 4 2 }
              (2 4 3 )
{  3 2 1 4 }
              (3 4 )
{  3 2 4 1 }
              (2 3 4 )
{  3 4 1 2 }
              (3 4 )
{  3 4 2 1 }
              (1 2 4 )
{  4 1 2 3 }
              (3 4 )
{  4 1 3 2 }
              (2 4 3 )
{  4 2 1 3 }
              (3 4 )
{  4 2 3 1 }
              (2 3 4 )
{  4 3 1 2 }
              (3 4 )
{  4 3 2 1 }

To facilitate further exploration the permutations for n=3,4,5,6 were
generated as virtual arrays. [Converting an in-memory array to a disk 
array involves a minor change in a defining word.]

Step 3.  Use a backtracking algorithm to find all solutions to
         Baden's problem for n=3 and n=4. Look for nice patterns.

For n=3 there are only two adjacent transpositions ( 1 2 ) and
        ( 2 3 ) we abbreviate these 1 and 2 [see earlier posting]. 
        There are exactly two solutions to Baden's problem:
        1 2 1 2 1 2  and  2 1 2 1 2 1
        Where  1 2 1 2 1 2  means:  start with { 1 2 3 }
        exchange the first two elements, then the second two,
        repeat three times.
        [In this case it is obvious that there can only be two
        possible chains of adjacent transpositions -- but it is
        not obvious that they generate all permutations.]

        We experimented at this point with some possible 
        generalizations to n=4. None of them worked (in particular
        1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 ...  is *not* the pattern for n=4.

For n=4 there are 344 chains of adjacent transpositions that generate 
        all permutations (i.e. 344 solutions to Baden's problem). 
        These were found by using a backtracking algorithm 
        implemented with the permutation calculator of step 1. The 
        problem is to explore a tree. At the root of the tree is the 
        permutation { 1 2 3 }. There are branches to the three 
        permutations (nodes) that can be obtained by applying the 
        three possible adjacent transpositions. The same is true at 
        every node (except that one transposition leads back to the 
        previous node). The algorithm explores the tree and prints 
        every path which generates all permutations.

        soln 1:  1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 1
        soln 43: 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 2 1
        soln 62: 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 1
Looking for patterns is a very human mathematical activity. It is not 
at all obvious what we (as humans) look for when we look for "nice" 
patterns. It would be a very interesting problem in artifical 
intelligence to instruct a computer to scan a collection of sequences 
like this and pick out those which seem most "useful". In particular,
the computer should see #62 as
                1 2 3  2  3 2 1  2  repeated
and #43 as
                1 2 3  1  3 2 1  3  repeated

[#43 and #62 were the "nicest" patterns found by eye]


NOTE:  At this point there was enough information to solve Baden's 
       problem. If only we had stopped to see what these sequences 
       of transpositions do to the permutations (as we did later), the 
       algorithm (and its proof) would have been clear. 

       But the study was taken a step further:


Step 4.  Look at permutations from a combinatorial point of view

Let Xn be the set of (a1,..,an) with 0 <= ai <= n-i
There are n! elements in Xn.

I had a telephone conversation with Wil Baden which informed me that 
he (and probably Trotter) considered permutations as associated with 
elements of Xn. I subsequently looked at the book

         "Combinatorics for Computer Science"    
            by  S. Gill Williamson
          Computer Science Press  ISBN 0-88175-020-4

As it turns out, there are a variety of correspondences between the 
set Xn and the set of permutations of {1,..,n}. None of these seem to 
have anything to do with the algebraic structure of permutations -- 
but they do have something to do with listing the permutations in 
various orders. The permutation calculator was extended to include
include some of these correspondences. In particular we defined
>B and >W to use Baden's and one of Williamson's methods for 
obtaining an element of Xn from a permutation, and B> and W> for the
inverse maps. We also implemented a RANK function on the symbols in
Xn. Williamson gives a "method of adjacent marks" which produces a 
correspondence between symbols in Xn and permutations. If the 
symbols in Xn are arranged in lexicographic order, the corresponding
permutations are obtained from one another by adjacent transpositions.
This provides another (but more complicated) algorithm for solving 
Wil Baden's problem.


What was done here is not easy to do in most languages: we were able 
to easily build what amounts to a special language for studying 
permutations -- and then use the language to develop an algorithm.

An important application area for Forth is experimental computing in 
mathematics. It's usefulness comes from its ability to support the 
definition of new data types and language features -- allowing the 
mathematician to make a laboratory to perform experiments. Forth is a 
good language for making mathematical laboratories.

                                                  John J Wavrik 
             jjwavrik@ucsd.edu                    Dept of Math  C-012 
                                                  Univ of Calif - San Diego 
                                                  La Jolla, CA  92093