[comp.lang.forth] Forth on the HP 9000/840

mburke@eecs.wsu.edu (Matthew Burke - grad student) (12/19/90)

I am new to this group and it looks like I just missed a discussion of
relevance, however, ...

I am interested in getting a Forth system up and running.  I have programmed
in Forth before but am now in a local where I don't have access to a Forth
system.  As I matter of fact, pretty much all I have access to currently
is a Hewlett Packard 9000/840 mainframe running Unix.

If anybody has any info on Forth systems that run under Unix in general
(or on the HP 9000 in prticular), please e-mail me.

If there is sufficient interest, I will post a summary.


%      Matthew M. Burke        mburke@cs2.wsu.edu          %
%   Where am I and what am I doing in this handbasket?     %