[comp.lang.forth] More quibbling

wmb@MITCH.ENG.SUN.COM (Mitch Bradley) (01/28/91)

> The one and only criterion recognized by the TC is "do I like it", applied
> iteratively across the members who are present.

Yep.  That can be measured by counting hands, and everybody gets the same

However, there are some criteria that tend to sway people's votes in the TSC:

a) Can you convince me that this issue is important?
b) Can a proposed new function be portably implemented in terms of
   other standard words, or is there an easier way to do the same thing?
   (If so, it will usually be defeated)
c) Does this name or function conflict with any existing system that
   is in widespread use?  (Strong argument for a different name).
d) How many words does it add to or subtract from the standard (measurable,
   but emotionally-charged)
e) Has this issue already been argued to death?
f) Does the proposed thing break anything else in Basis?
g) Does it have any unexpected side effects?  (Clearly, this can only
   be definitively answered in the positive.  It is often the case
   that somebody does think of a nasty side effect, and that kills
   the proposal).

> "Democracy is simply the bludgeoning of the people, by the people,
>  for the people."  - Oscar Wilde.

Somebody else said something to the effect that:

"Democracy looks like a pretty terrible system, except when you compare
it with any other system."
