(ForthNet articles from GEnie) (12/03/90)
Category 2, Topic 15 Message 1 Sat Dec 01, 1990 NMORGENSTERN at 11:45 EST Mike Zdancewic (M.ZDANCEWIC1) asks if there is any way to tell how many files are open in F-PC. The word .FILES only tells you about files that have been opened on the handle stack. ----- This message came from GEnie via willett through a semi-automated process. Report problems to: or uunet!willett!dwp (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (12/24/90)
Category 2, Topic 15 Message 2 Sun Dec 23, 1990 LRWEBBER [larry] at 16:46 EST I am learning ( and enjoying ) using forth via F-PC 3.50. What a system! My questions are: 1. How do I actually address the serial port (COM1) from forth. I don't know if this is a machine hardware dependent address (for my machine) or should it be done throuth a BIOS call from forth. 2. Is Tom Z. (or anyone else) doing any ongoing work on TCOM. From my F-PC documentation I gathered that there were limitations on TCOM but enhancements were being worked on. Thanks. ----- This message came from GEnie via willett. You cannot Reply to the author using email. Please post a follow-up article, or use any instructions the author may have included (USMail addresses, telephone #, whatever). Report problems to: or uunet!willett!dwp (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (01/02/91)
Category 2, Topic 15 Message 3 Mon Dec 31, 1990 LRWEBBER [larry] at 18:45 EST One last question; what's the difference between FPC version 3.50 and 3.53 (latest version in FORTH DIMENSIONS order form). Thanks. ----- This message came from GEnie via willett. You cannot Reply to the author using email. Please post a follow-up article, or use any instructions the author may have included (USMail addresses, telephone #, whatever). Report problems to: or uunet!willett!dwp (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (01/04/91)
Category 2, Topic 15 Message 4 Thu Jan 03, 1991 NMORGENSTERN at 20:44 EST >One last question; what's the difference between FPC version >3.50 and 3.53 My understanding is that they are the same except for a few bug fixes and minor additions. ----- This message came from GEnie via willett. You cannot Reply to the author using email. Please post a follow-up article, or use any instructions the author may have included (USMail addresses, telephone #, whatever). Report problems to: or uunet!willett!dwp (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (04/16/91)
Category 2, Topic 15 Message 5 Wed Jun 13, 1990 R.SMITH44 (Forwarded) Getting around the 8 deep stack in the 80x87. Based on a suggestion from someone (possibly Jack Brown) I have re-written all of the code in HFLOAT and renamed it FFLOAT.SEQ for use with FPC. I have written it so that the user need not worry about the depth of the floating point stack. Each routine carefully checks and updates the stack depth as is necessary. If an overflow would otherwise occur, the appropriate data is pushed onto a software stack. If the 80x87 needs additional data, it is popped from the software stack. The code is currently being tested by a few users. It is expected to be released in the near future ----- This message came from GEnie via willett. You *cannot* reply to the author using e-mail. Please post a follow-up article, or use any instructions the author may have included (USMail addresses, telephone #, etc.). Report problems to: _or_ uunet!willett!dwp