[comp.lang.forth] Accessing extended memory from FPC

milan@MJM.XYPLEX.COM (Milan Merhar) (04/18/91)

Hoo boy....You're not talking about a DOS interrupt, but a BIOS internal
function instead.  My copy of the IBM-AT technical reference describes
"INT 15 - Function 87H - Move Block" on page 5-149 of the "BIOS 1" listings.

The calling parameters take up about a page of itsy tiny text, so I suggest
that you hunt up a copy of the manual for yourself. I presume that all of
the compatible BIOS'es implement this function; it's used by the VDISK
driver that IBM provided with DOS for the AT.

As for accessing it from FPC, I don't know. You have to set up the ES:SI
register set as well as AH and CX registers and a parameter list in RAM.
I haven't checked to see what registers FPC allows free use of on a
DOS interrupt call...

bushell@FOX.NSTN.NS.CA (Tom Bushell) (04/18/91)


Is there any way to access extended memory from FPC?  I'm SURE I've seen
some reference to doing this somewhere.  FPC comes with support for expanded
memory, but nothing for extended memory that I can find.
I thought there was a BIOS or DOS call, but can't find any reference in
either the Peter Norton or Ray Duncan PC programmer's guides.  Has a call of
this type been added to DOS since these books were published?

All I need is a way to copy a block of memory from low to extended memory,
and back again.  Anybody have any ideas?


*  Tom Bushell                            Software Kinetics Ltd  *
*                                         101 Ilsley Ave         *
*  E-mail - bushell@hawk.nstn.ns.ca       Suite 5                *
*  Phone (902)468-3680                    Dartmouth N.S., Canada *
*  Fax   (902)468-3679                    B3B 1S8                *