[comp.lang.forth] Forth in the Marketplace

GEnie@willett.UUCP (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (12/19/89)

 Date: 12-17-89 (20:46)              Number: 2674 (Echo)
   To: W.BADEN1 [WIL]                Refer#: NONE
 From: SYSOP (ECFB/SHIFRIN)            Read: NO

 W[>(The following communication was given to me, and I am passing it on.
 W[>The author wishes to remain anonymous.)
 W[>Byte Magazine's special Forth issue was in 1981.  That's a long time
 W[>ago. Computing has gone far since then.
 W[>Forth hasn't.

 I don't normally respond to anonymous misinformation, but given
 Wil's imprimatur, I guess it should be treated as a originating
 from someone with a modicum of good sense.

 The first question to be raised is "compared to what?" C, Pascal,
 Fortran, COBOL? I'm not sure how much one could consider any of
 these as advancing. C and Pascal have gone through periods of
 greater or lesser popularity; Forth hasn't. Is that the
 criterion?  If not, then what?  ANSI standards? Hardware
 implementations? OO extensions? Extensive library additions?
 Books?  What does our unnamed correspondent feel is inadequate or
  * QDeLuxe 1.10 #214s
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ForthNet@willett.UUCP (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (01/05/90)

 Date: 12-28-89 (19:19)              Number: 1549 (Echo)
   To: GARY-S                        Refer#: 1546
 From: SYSOP (ECFB/SHIFRIN)            Read: NO

 > Forth didn't catch on for one simple reason... it's whole design is based
 > on the assumption of rigidly limited memory. We're not in that world any
 > more, except for us embedded control weenies.

 Just in case we actually have a two way link-up here, I should
 mention that I have a work application in LMI's PC/Forth+ which
 now takes about 350k (mostly code, not just buffers). It's about
 25-30,000 lines of code.  Needless to say, Forth's compactness
 was not the main reason for its selection (productivity was!).
  * QDeLuxe 1.10 #214s
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ForthNet@willett.UUCP (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (07/28/90)

 Date: 07-25-90 (08:44)              Number: 3568 (Echo)
   To: W.BADEN1 [WIL]                Refer#: 3558
 From: JACK WOEHR                      Read: NO

 >I'd like to see others' ideas of what the proper domain of Forth is.  I
 >especially eager to hear from John Wavrik.

        Proper domain(s) of Forth?


        2) Standalone operating system for any type of computer, as
 long as the selected kernel provides for:

                a) premptive as well as round-robin mtasking

                b) launching "foreign language" apps.


 NET/Mail : RCFB Golden, CO (303) 278-0364 VESTA & Denver FIG for Forth!
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ForthNet@willett.UUCP (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (07/29/90)

 Date: 07-27-90 (03:40)              Number: 3572 (Echo)
   To: W.BADEN1 [WIL]                Refer#: 3558
 From: GENE LEFAVE                     Read: NO

 WW>Every language has areas of application in which it is superior, even
 WW>Basic, Cobol, and Ada.  I'm trying to discover just what is Forth's 
 WW>domain of

 I can't resist getting into this discussion, so here goes.

 I find FORTH to be excellent in small companies or departments where pro-
 grams are developed by a couple of programmers or software engineers on 
 tight schedules.  Granted, it's not that great for algebraic stuff, but that
 is such a small percentage of anything I've done it's irrelavant.  The 
 program where I needed to do an FFT was just 3 blocks out of 200 or so.

 FORTH allows blocks of code to be easily reused.  It allows an easy 
 division of labor.  I've found that it is fairly easy to read given shadow
 blocks.  We brought in a summer student.  After two weeks he was 
 working on device drivers and terminal emulators.  He had worked with FORTH
 on an old S-100 sytem before, and had no problem learning polyFORTH and 
 brought up an 8 channel intelligent communications board driver.   I've had
 clients bring in consultants who were able to work with our program after a
 couple of days, and produce custom reports for them.   

 FORTH is excellent in applications that requires an interpretter.  In my 
 application that does page composition I use essentially three nested 
 interpretters.  The outer one gets data, a second one interprets the page 
 formats, and the final one interprets embedded typesetting commands and puts
 the letters on the page.

 FORTH, once extended with about 200 block buffers, makes a good database 
 language.  Since data resides in the block buffers and isn't being shuffled 
 around all the time, my response time is generally an order of magnitude 
 better then database languages on similar equipment.  FORTH allows the fact 
 that one is working with addresses to be easily hidden.  So most of our work
 is actually done directly in the block buffers rather then in record buffers.

 The block interface to data files has proven extremely reliable, especially 
 under DOS.  This is because we allocate blocks in batches of 100K at a time,
 then close and reopen the file, forcing DOS to update it's directory.
 Therfore, very little changing to the FAT table.  No changes to FAT 
 means fewer DOS problems.

 Our product is very much like a 4GL.  Blocks are loaded that provide high 
 level descriptions of reports.  These descriptions then control the loading 
 of the words needed to actually generate the report.   Finally, we can 
 add a custom layer, which redefines our standard words for unigue require-
 ments. We can out bid any of our competitors that use standard database
 products when custom changes are required, because all we do is modify the 
 "custom" blocks for that customer.  No time consuming compiles, and NO 
 changes to the standard "core" of the application.  We don't have to build 
 in "hooks" and predict in advance what will need to be customized.

 I find that the block interface to DOS makes polyFORTH especially good at 
 handling file conversions.  Open up a file of blocks.  Read it with a 
 special interpretter, ie DBASE, WORD, etc.  Spit stuff out to DOS.  I've 
 spent nearly $1000.00 on data conversion programs, I've found its always 
 faster using FORTH.

 In general, I've found  FORTH is appropriate for any dedicated application.
 That is, those applications that are running 99% of the time.  It's fast, it
 allows you to bid minimum equipment, (at maximum profit), and it lets you 
 quickly add the custom stuff with a minimum of fuss.  And the fact that you
 can call in on a modem, and interactively, in real time, work out a problem
 is icing on the cake.

 I just hope my competitors don't find out.
  ~ EZ-Reader 1.13 ~ 
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ForthNet@willett.UUCP (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (07/29/90)

 Date: 07-26-90 (20:18)              Number: 3573 (Echo)
   To: JACK WOEHR                    Refer#: 3568
 From: PAUL PRICE                      Read: NO

 to continue
   3.  Bringing up NEW hardware..... 

 Paul Price

 NET/Mail : LMI Forth Board, Los Angeles, CA (213) 306-3530             
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ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (08/10/90)

 Date: 08-06-90 (03:26)              Number: 3618 (Echo)
   To: ALL                           Refer#: NONE
 From: CHRIS WATERS                    Read: (N/A)

 Gene Lefave writes:

 GL: I find FORTH to be excellent in small companies or departments whe
   : programs are developed by a couple of programmers or software engi
   : on tight schedules.   Granted, it's not that great for algebraic s

      It would probably be good for larger projects if appropriate
 tools were developed - code libraries, VCS, and the like.  I've
 managed teams of Forth programmers before, and have always felt
 the lack of good management tools.  This is one of my most serious
 objections to the block-oriented file access.  A Forth that used
 standard OS stream files could probably use existing project
 management tools, and would be fully suitable for projects of any
 size - or at least as suitable as a language like C.

      I agree that Forth is weak on algebraic expression, but, as
 Gene mentioned, this is not usually a major part of any given
 software package.  I certainly feel that the limitations of the
 RPN are greatly overemphasized by newcomers to Forth.  Most of the
 Algol-derived languages, like Modula and C, use a semi-random
 mixture of infix and PREFIX notation (for function calls).  At
 least Forth is consistent!  <grin>

      But I would be really interested to hear of people's
 experiences with teams of Forth programmers.  What kinds of
 problems arose, how did you cope with them, etc.  I would
 especially be interested to hear of any project management tools
 people have developed in or for Forth programming.  Tell us of
 your experiences.  If we can't learn from your successes, maybe we
 can learn from your failures!


 -> MegaMail v2.00 #609:~ Jerry is God (Rice, Garcia, or Lewis?)

 PCRelay:SNAKEPIT -> #150 MetroLink (tm) International Network
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wmb@MITCH.ENG.SUN.COM (08/10/90)

> It would probably be good for larger projects if appropriate
> tools were developed - code libraries, VCS, and the like.
> ...
> A Forth that used standard OS stream files could probably use
> existing project management tools, and would be fully suitable
> for projects of any size
> ...
> But I would be really interested to hear of people's
> experiences with teams of Forth programmers.

At Sun, we use the normal Unix software management methodologies,
primarily based on SCCS (Source Code Control System).  It works pretty
well.  Every now and then I wish for something better, but by and
large it gets the job done.  We have about 6 Forth programmers working
on the same software base, and we have fairly strict revision control
(which is absolutely necessary, since we support several different
computers, at different firmware revision levels, and a lot of money
is riding on the outcome).  We try to do software management things in
pretty much the same way that the Unix people do it, for 2 reasons:

	1) By and large, they know what they are doing, and have
	   developed a strategy which, although a little cumbersome
	   for individualistic Forth cowboys, does indeed work.
	   My butt has been saved several times by SCCS.

	2) Using the same methodologies means that we can use the
	   same release engineering team to help us do external
	   source code releases and archiving.

We use text files for everything, so all the normal Unix text processing
tools work for Forth.  We also use tag files to allow easy navigation
of the code; you just put the editor cursor on a word and you can zap
right to the definition of that word (this works in both vi and EMACS).

There is a lot to be said for being compatible with the rest of the world.

> I would especially be interested to hear of any project management
> tools people have developed in or for Forth programming.

Peter James is a Forth programmer who specializes in databases.
He sells (for big bucks; he has to pay the rent) a software project
management system that is written in Forth and uses a lot of relational
database concepts.  It looks pretty neat, although I haven't actually
used it.  It is not specific to Forth-based projects; it works for
Pascal or C or presumably most anything.  I don't remember the name
of his company.


ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (08/15/90)

 Date: 08-12-90 (17:08)              Number: 3639
   To: JACK WOEHR                    Refer#: 3568
 From: HANS PIERROT                    Read: NO

 >       2) Standalone operating system for any type of computer, as
 >          long as the selected kernel provides for:
 >               a) premptive as well as round-robin mtasking

 Jack I am surprised at your comment. After reading your article on 
 Multitasking in a recent copy of Embedded Systems Progrogramming I 
 thought that you were of the opinion that pre-emptive multitasking was 
 not realy neccessary and that round robin would meet most if not all 
 requirements. Maybe I misunderstood the intent of your article. 
    Regards Hans.
  * Via ProDoor 3.0 

 NET/Mail : Australian Connection Forth Board (Melbourne) 61 3 8091787  
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ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (08/16/90)

 Date: 08-14-90 (08:47)              Number: 3648 (Echo)
   To: HANS PIERROT                  Refer#: 3639
 From: JACK WOEHR                      Read: NO

 >>       2) Standalone operating system for any type of computer, as
 >>          long as the selected kernel provides for:
 >>               a) premptive as well as round-robin mtasking
 >Jack I am surprised at your comment. After reading your article on 
 >Multitasking in a recent copy of Embedded Systems Progrogramming I 
 >thought that you were of the opinion that pre-emptive multitasking was 
 >not realy neccessary and that round robin would meet most if not all 
 >requirements. Maybe I misunderstood the intent of your article. 

        Oh, I'm all for the roundrobin in control projects ... I can see
 where a pure roundrobin would cause problems on a multiuser system like
 a VAX 11/180 though.

        Recently I designed (but did not build) a multiuser controller
 with a combination of round-robin and pre-emptive multitasking.


 NET/Mail : RCFB Golden, CO (303) 278-0364 VESTA & Denver FIG for Forth!
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ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (09/09/90)

 Date: 09-05-90 (02:45)              Number: 3724 (Echo)
   To: ALL                           Refer#: NONE
 From: DEAN MARTINDALE                 Read: (N/A)
 Subj: THE FORTH PC                  Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

 Is anyone anywhere contemplating the possibility of a Forth PC? You
 know, a PC based on the Harris Forth chip or something likethat? I can
 already hear the objections: time, money, economic realities, etc. But a
 dream has to start somewhere, no matter howunfeasible it appears at
 first. Is anyone else out there dreaming like me?
  * MjrUTI : # 510/2.0

 4.10a14             4th Net Data Channels  (801) 943-8837  SLC UT

 NET/Mail : DC Information Exchange, MetroLink Int'l Hub.  (202)433-6639
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ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (09/09/90)

Category 2,  Topic 11
Message 72        Sat Sep 08, 1990
GARY-S                       at 08:08 EDT

  Dean Martindale in a PCRElay FORTHNET message writes:

 > Is anyone anywhere contemplating the possibility of a Forth PC? 

   You should _really_ consider participating in Jef Raskin's upcoming
   GEnie guest conference (Wednesday, October 17). Jef is credited with
   originating both the Apple Mac and the Canon Cat (a Forth pc). He 
   will be discussing 'What happened to the Cat ?'.

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rajuk@umree.isc.umr.edu (Raju Khubchandani) (09/10/90)

In article <1694.UUL1.3#5129@willett.pgh.pa.us> ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) writes:
> From: DEAN MARTINDALE                 Read: (N/A)
> Subj: THE FORTH PC                  Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
> Is anyone anywhere contemplating the possibility of a Forth PC? You
> know, a PC based on the Harris Forth chip or something likethat? I can
     ( deleted at places )
Real Time Devices,Inc. in PA must by now, be out with an IBM PC plug-in card
based on the Harris Forth chip. This is/was supposed to be for data acquisition
and control applications.

BTW, their present line of plug-in cards is programmable in Forth. I would like
to know if anybody on the net have used them and your opinions compared to other
data acquisition and control plug-in cards or systems.


rvn@forth.mlb.semi.harris.com (Rick VanNorman) (09/10/90)

In <1694.UUL1.3#5129@willett.pgh.pa.us>, Dean Martindale writes:

> Is anyone anywhere contemplating the possibility of a Forth PC? You
> know, a PC based on the Harris Forth chip or something likethat? I can
> already hear the objections: time, money, economic realities, etc. But a
> dream has to start somewhere, no matter howunfeasible it appears at
> first. Is anyone else out there dreaming like me?

YES! I would love to see a pocket computer, such as the Poquet (VHS tape
size, with chicklet keyboard, 25x80 lcd display, 2 AA size batteries),
with an RTX inside it.  

I don't think I can convince Harris to officially support such a project
unless someone is going to seriously sink some cash into it, but I can
provide as much support as my wife will let me 8^).

Let's create some interest, folks!  

Rick VanNorman
Staff Engineer, Software Development
RTX Marketing
Harris Semiconductor
Melbourne, Florida, USA

All opinions expressed by me, real or otherwise, are my own.

dwp@willett.pgh.pa.us (Doug Philips) (09/12/90)

In <1990Sep10.141815.21317@mlb.semi.harris.com>, rvn@forth.mlb.semi.harris.com (Rick VanNorman) writes:
> In <1694.UUL1.3#5129@willett.pgh.pa.us>, Dean Martindale writes:
> > Is anyone anywhere contemplating the possibility of a Forth PC? You
> YES! I would love to see a pocket computer, such as the Poquet (VHS tape
> size, with chicklet keyboard, 25x80 lcd display, 2 AA size batteries),
> with an RTX inside it.  
> I don't think I can convince Harris to officially support such a project
> unless someone is going to seriously sink some cash into it, but I can
> provide as much support as my wife will let me 8^).
> Let's create some interest, folks!  

You have my vote, so long as it is reasonably affordable.  I don't 
suppose you'd want to go to a three key keyboard (CM style) and cut
costs even more?  :-)

Preferred:  dwp@willett.pgh.pa.us    Daily:  {uunet,nfsun}!willett!dwp

ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (09/12/90)

 Date: 09-09-90 (01:12)              Number: 3736 (Echo)
   To: DEAN MARTINDALE               Refer#: 3724
 From: JACK WOEHR                      Read: NO
 Subj: THE FORTH PC                  Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

        Dean ...

        There have been stabs at this in the past.

        I have always thought that a Forth PC would be neat. My
 latest attempt to sell such a project focused on the Philips/Signetics
 68070, an M68010-clone with MMU on board for multi-user protected
 memory standalone Forth operating system ... :-)


 NET/Mail : RCFB Golden, CO (303) 278-0364 VESTA & Denver FIG for Forth!
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ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (09/18/90)

 Date: 09-13-90 (15:52)              Number: 3785 (Echo)
   To: JACK WOEHR                    Refer#: 3736
 From: DEAN MARTINDALE                 Read: NO
 Subj: THE FORTH PC                  Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE

 To really get a Forth PC off the ground would require a well-established
 backer, if nothing else for the prestige. I think the days of Apple
 Computers built in a garage being successful are over.

 Either that or someone with a big dream and a lot of patiece. I'd even
 consider doing it except I don't have the technical expertise to design
 such a thing.

 What do you think? Anybody want to approach IBM about the idea?
  * MjrUTI : # 510/2.0

 PCRelay:FORTHNET -> RelayNet (tm)
 4.10a14             4th Net Data Channels  (801) 943-8837  SLC UT

 NET/Mail : DC Information Exchange, MetroLink Int'l Hub.  (202)433-6639
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cwpjr@cbnewse.att.com (clyde.w.jr.phillips) (09/21/90)

In article <1756.UUL1.3#5129@willett.pgh.pa.us>, ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) writes:
>  To really get a Forth PC off the ground would require a well-established
>  backer, if nothing else for the prestige. I think the days of Apple
>  Computers built in a garage being successful are over.
>  Either that or someone with a big dream and a lot of patiece. I'd even
>  consider doing it except I don't have the technical expertise to design
>  such a thing.
>  What do you think? Anybody want to approach IBM about the idea?

WHat about SUN? They have FORTH in rom on their mother boards I beleive,
And I know they use it for bring-up testing, S_BUS autoconfig and
in Other areas.


ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (10/16/90)

 Date: 10-05-90 (10:23)              Number: 3958 (Echo)
   To: JACK WOEHR                    Refer#: NONE
 From: MICHAEL HAM                     Read: NO

 I noted that you were to give a presentation at the Embedded Systems
 Conference on managing Forth projects.  I didn't hear the presentation,
 but I very much hope that the content will appear as an article in
 Embedded Systems Programming.  The topic has been of interest to me, and
 I would be delighted to read of your experience and the lessons you have
 gleaned from it.

 NET/Mail : LMI Forth Board, Los Angeles, CA (213) 306-3530             
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ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (12/19/90)

 Date: 12-15-90 (07:55)              Number: 557 of 573
   To: THOMAS MCWILLIAMS             Refer#: 502
 From: STEVE PALINCSAR                 Read: NO
 Subj: SMALL FORTH                   Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
 Conf: FORTH (58)                 Read Type: GENERAL (+)

 You can use both HS/Forth and LMI's forths for producing turnkey EXE

 I know only hearsay about LMI's products, but have been using HS/Forth
 for several years now.  Everything I do with it gets TURNKEYed and
 distributed as an EXE file that, when running, is an application like
 any other application, regardless of the language used for production.
 I find that the minimum size of an EXE file produced is about 24K,
 ranging up to a maximum (assuming you do not have large amounts of
 buffer space saved within the dictionary, etc.) of 35-40K for a complex
 program.  An extremely complex application of mine, with many saved
 screens, internal data files, etc., is 71K.

 The process of producing a turnkey application is quite simple.  After
 having written the program, with a top level word like DO_IT that does
 the entire thing, from start-up to BYE, load the SEAL utility, rearrange
 system segments for compaction if you wish to (rearranging the segments
 so that headers and any user-defined data buffers in segments will be
 discarded rather than saved as part of the on-disk image results in huge
 savings) enter the following: TURNKEY [turnkeyword] [filename.exe].

 TURNKEYed applications may be distributed freely without any royalties,
 licensing fees, etc.

 PCRelay:VIRGIN -> #448 RelayNet (tm)
 4.10              The Virginia Connection (CASA) 703-648-1841
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ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (01/08/91)

 Date: 01-04-91 (19:11)              Number: 772 of 783
   To: MITCH BRADLEY                 Refer#: NONE
 From: IAN WATTERS                     Read: NO
 Conf: FORTH (58)                 Read Type: GENERAL (+)

 GS] ^ This "embedded system" is not small in the traditional sense, in that
   ] ^ the code runs on a 28 MIPS processor and occupies about 128K of ROM

 Cough!  Gasp!  Wasn't it C. Moore who said if it couldn't be done in 16K it
 wasn't worth doing?

   ] ^ but it is very constrained; we have had to use numerous shrinking
   ] ^ techniques to make the needed functions fit in the available space.

 Apart from using colon defintions  :-)  any examples?

  ~ SLMR 1.05 #109 ~ It's noisy next door.  A Dr Herbert West lives there...

 PCRelay:OLEF -> #181 RelayNet (tm)
 4.10a15         The Node is OLEF, HUB is HUBOLEF1 in the UK
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ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (01/12/91)

Category 2,  Topic 11
Message 94        Thu Jan 10, 1991
B.RODRIGUEZ2 [Brad]          at 07:32 EST
Slightly off topic...
 > [from Mitch Bradley] ...the source control tools (we use SCCS) have
 > been invaluable.

I've never used SCCS, but its advocates sound like Forth programmers in their
enthusiasm for it, so maybe I'm missing out on something. Has anyone attempted
to develop something like SCCS for the (non- Unix) Forth domain?

- Brad
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wmb@mitch.Eng.Sun.COM (Mitch Bradley) (01/14/91)

> Has anyone attempted
> to develop something like SCCS for the (non- Unix) Forth domain?

1) One of my clients uses a data base system (maybe DBase, but I'm not
sure) to maintain the Forth source files for their rather-large
application.  They have a Novell network of PC's that they use for
editing, etc.  The application delivery platform is a 680x0-based VME
system that is gatewayed to the Novell network.

2) Peter James has a company, the name of which eludes me right now,
that sells a source-code-management/software project support database
system written in Forth.  I think it supports several software
development environments, including Macintosh PWB.  I doubt that it
is cheap; he's trying to make a living selling it.  Peter has been
doing database systems implemented in Forth for several years.

3) I think that the Valdocs people developed some sort of screen-based
project management tools.  I vaguely remember that there was some talk
of commercializing it.  Somebody may have the rights to it.  Ron
Braithwaite might know.

Conceptually, it shouldn't be too difficult to cobble-together something
like SCCS.  The hardest component would be a good "minimum set of
differences" finder.  On the other hand, I would be hard-pressed to
justify the effort of writing it, compared to buying an off-the-shelf
database system or porting RCS (RCS is a source management system,
roughly equivalent to SCCS in scope, that is, or at least used to be,
available in C source form).


ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (02/27/91)

 Date: 02-24-91 (13:03)              Number: 1302 of 1313 (Echo)
   To: ALL                           Refer#: NONE
 From: JERRY SHIFRIN                   Read: (N/A)
 Subj: HARRIS NEWS                   Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
 Conf: FORTH (58)                 Read Type: GENERAL (+)

 According to the 2/11/91 issue of EE Times, under the heading:

      Harris shuffles IC sector
      ASIC division axed, 500 face layoffs in reorganization

      "Harris will continue to invest in its Intel 80286 and
      Motorola 6805 lines of CMOS microprocessors, but it will not
      make new investments in its proprietary RTX family of
      real-time controllers. "The base technology [for the RTX] is
      still excellent, but we didn't anticipate the amount of
      software and support tools that we had to develop for the
      processors," [Semiconductor chief Jon] Cornell said.  He
      added that the RTX is "still alive" but would not elaborate.

 I think this amplifies what I've said previously about one of
 Forth's problems being the lack of common tools.  Every Forth
 programmer does not need his/her own unique library of routines
 for strings, arrays, math, graphics, and so on.  I think it's a
 damn shame that Martin Tracy's efforts in this area (the FIG
 Model Library) went so totally unacknowledged and unrewarded!
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koopman@a.gp.cs.cmu.edu (Philip Koopman) (02/28/91)

In article <2418.UUL1.3#5129@willett.pgh.pa.us>, ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) writes:
>  According to the 2/11/91 issue of EE Times, ...
>       still excellent, but we didn't anticipate the amount of
>       software and support tools that we had to develop for the
>       processors," [Semiconductor chief Jon] Cornell said.  He
>       added that the RTX is "still alive" but would not elaborate.
The tools Cornell was talking about were the C compiler and other
conventional language support stuff (as well as ICE and hardware
support items).  Forth was a done deal and already mostly
paid for (a PD Forth by Rick VanNorman, and a commercial Forth
from Steve Pelc).  These were probably 10% of the total software
tools cost.

"Still alive" means if you want rad-hard parts, there is still
active development work (these parts are *very* expensive!).
If you want commercial parts, they have some still on the shelves.

>  I think this amplifies what I've said previously about one of
>  Forth's problems being the lack of common tools.  Every Forth
>  programmer does not need his/her own unique library of routines
>  for strings, arrays, math, graphics, and so on.
The Harris Forth customers rolled their own just like other Forthers.
Strings, arrays, graphics, etc. were completely useless to most
commercial RTX system-builders -- they were into little tiny
embedded controller boards.  The only real call for support
was for a Floating Point package, which I provided from my
MVP Forth floating point book (and which was to be augmented
with a commercial DSP library for the 2010).

  Phil Koopman                koopman@greyhound.ece.cmu.edu   Internet
  2525A Wexford Run Rd.       (412) 935-6697
  Wexford, PA  15090
*** this space for rent ***

ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (03/04/91)

Category 2,  Topic 11
Message 100       Sat Mar 02, 1991
GARY-S                       at 06:15 EST
  I had an interesting walk through a land called nostalgia. I came across
 an old pile of "Dr. Dobb's Journals". A language called Forth was quite
 the vogue then. 

  The September 1982 issue was still published by People's Computer Company,
 but that's a story unto itself. The editor was a fellow named Marlin
 Ouverson. Some of the products advertised included Armadillo Forth for the
 Radio Shack Color Computer (Frank Sergeant, know anything about them ?),
 Lifboat Associates was marketing Mitch Timin's Forth for CP/M (whatever
 became of Mitch ?) and a couple of 'wanna be' Forth Vendors named Miller
 Microcomputer Services and Laboratory Microsystems, Inc.

  By September 1983, Marlin was gone and Reynold Wiggins was the editor.
 It was still published by People's Computer but the end of their reign was 
 near. By the following September the banner would read M & T Publishing.
 In that same interim the magazine would no longer profess to be 'For Users
 of Small Computer Systems' and would proudly announce it was the source of
 'Software Tools for Advanced Programmers'. Advertisers in 1983 included
 HAWG WILD Software selling to the Sinclair market (Timex would soon end
 my misguided plans <grin>), the appearance of Randy Dumse's New Micros, Inc
 and the R65F11, and a couple of 'wanna be' Forth vendors, Laboratory
 Microsystems, Inc. and Miller Microcomputer Services. 

  Vesta was making the scenne in 1985. Also a couple of 'wanna be' vendors
 called Laboratory Microsystems, Inc. and Miller Microcomputer Services.
 Besides Vesta Technologies there were a couple of other ROM'd Forths. They
 apparently were foolish enough to believe there would be a future in 
 embedded systems. 
  By 1986 M & T Publishing had decided the magazine was 'For The Professional
 Programmer' and the sixth annual Special Forth Issue had a nice article on
 Binary Trees in 'C'. Some 'wanna be' company called Laboratory Microsystems,
 Inc. was announcing a couple of Forth products. Vesta Technologies was still
 trying to push ROM'd Forth. Some people never learn.

   The pile of old 'Dr. Dobbs Journals' burned rather nicely.
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ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (03/04/91)

Category 2,  Topic 11
Message 101       Sat Mar 02, 1991
F.SERGEANT [Frank]           at 17:14 CST
 GS> Some of the products advertised included Armadillo Forth for the 
 GS> Radio Shack Color Computer (Frank Sergeant, know anything about 
 GS> them ?)
 Yes, I do!  I wrote that Forth for the 6809 RS Color Computer that  Armadillo
was selling.  I've learned a lot since then.  One of these  days I'll put
Pygmy on the Color Computer.  I still run Color Forth as  I have my EPROM
programmer plugged into a CoCo.  I load a tiny boot  loader from a cassette
recorder into the CoCo and then download the  Color Forth image into the CoCo
from the PC (that way I don't have to  fool with CoCo disks drives, which
never were worth a damn, in my  opinion, besides which, the EPROM programmer
is plugged into the  cartridge connector that the disk controller would want
to use).  Then  I use the PC as a terminal and disk server to talk to the
CoCo,  download the EPROM image, etc.  The CoCo is a lousy system to get for 
your main, full-featured, word-processing, massive memory & disk  computer
system.  This is because by the time you add a disk, memory,  decent terminal,
etc  you'll have more invested than if you got a PC  clone.  BUT, for a
dedicated computer, where you use your existing PC  as terminal & disk server,
it is not a bad deal.  I think you can often  find the CoCo III available
discount mail-order for around $100.  It  comes with 128K RAM (upgradable to
512K), serial port, cassette  interface, color graphics (to a TV or a color
monitor), A to D, D to A,  etc.  And, it uses a great microprocessor (the
Motorola 6809).  Ah fond  (and otherwise) memories ...
 Thanks for your DDJ review, I enjoyed it.
 -- Frank
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ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (03/30/91)

Category 2,  Topic 11
Message 103       Sun Mar 24, 1991
D.RUFFER [Dennis]            at 19:17 EST
I don't think there would be any problem in making copies of the order form
Elliott.  However, it is usually updated every issue, so it goes out of date
very quickly.  I'd think a few hundred would last a little while, thus you'd
be ending up giving out obsolete information.

It's a thought though.   {B-{)>   DaR
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ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet articles from GEnie) (05/22/91)

Category 2,  Topic 11
Message 107       Mon May 20, 1991
R.CAVANAUGH [BobC]           at 21:32 MDT
Please forward to M. Bradley:

The point I was trying to make, and may have obscured due to fat- fingering,
it that I _definitely_ consider Turbo C Professional package to be a fully
functional system for developing code on the IBM PC et. al. type of machines. 
Given that this piece of software is a complete development tool, its cost is
roughly 10% that of some of the other packages (DaR: pF, etc)that were
discussed.  Without any thought of taking bread from anybody's mouth, it seems
to me that Forth, Inc, LMI, and the other development houses could offer a
less expensive though polished alternative to their main packages. This would
hopefully have the effect of getting more people interested in looking at
forth, without the risk of a significant investment to start out.  I am using
F-PC for a project at work because (while I purchased all the manuals from
Offette)I could afford to buy it myself, whereas it would have _never_ been
approved for capital purchase.  Since I have introduced it into my engineering
group, I have succeeded in interesting some of my collegues into looking at
forth, and the end result may be that our house could become a customer of a
full-up system.  I learned "C" on a development package that cost less than
$100.00, which at that time (1985) was the only one another engineer could
convince the boss to spring for, as assembly was the primarily language used.
We now have Turbo C++, Datalight, and a multi-kilobuck 68000 cross development
system, because "C" has been proven in several of our products.  I would like
to see Forth follow that same path.

-- BobC.
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