fnia@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet Information Account) (06/04/91)
F O R T H O N - L I N E R E S O U R C E / T E C H N I C A L H E L P L E T T E R Last updated on 18 April 1991. If you have corrections, clarifications, comments or updates, please send them to one or more of the addresses at the end of this note. Hello, This post is to introduce you to the resources available to those who read comp.lang.forth and can also send UseNet/Internet mail or do anonynmous FTP. This message answers the questions: What is ForthNet? Where do I find Forth Libraries on-line? Answers to other frequently asked questions, such as "Where do I find a PD/Shareware/any Forth for the FrobNitz-103?" are in a separate article which is regularly posted to comp.lang.forth. FORTHNET -------- ForthNet is a virtual Forth network that links designated message bases of several Bulletin Boards and Information Services in an attempt to provide greater distribution of Forth related information. ForthNet is provided courtesy of the SysOps of its various links who shunt appropriate messages in a manual or semi-manual manner. The current branches of ForthNet include: UseNet's comp.lang.forth, BitNet's FIGI-L, the BBoard systems RCFB, ACFB, LMI BBS, Grapevine, and FIG's RoundTable on GEnie. (Info on modem-accessible systems is included below). The various branches of ForthNet do not have the same rules of appropriate postings or ettiquette. Many BBoard posts are very chatty and contain some personal information, and some also contain blatant commercial advertising. Most comp.lang.forth posts are not like that. ForthNet messages that are ported into comp.lang.forth from the rest of the ForthNet all originate on GEnie, which is a kind of defacto ForthNet message hub. All such messages are ported into comp.lang.forth with a from line of the form: From: ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us ... Most messages ported to comp.lang.forth also contain some trailer information as to where they actually originated, if it was not on GEnie. **** NOTE: **** There is NO E-MAIL link between the various branches of ForthNet. If you need to get a message through to someone on another branch, please either make your message general enough to be of interest to the whole net, or contact said person by phone, USMail, or some other means. Thoughtful message authors place *a few* lines at the end of their messages describing how to contact them (electronicly or otherwise). Phone information for the dial-in services mentioned above: RCFB (Real-Time Control Forth Board) 303-278-0364 SysOp: Jack Woehr Location: Denver, Colorado -USA- ACFB (Australia Connection Forth Board) 03-809-1787 in Australia 61-3-809-1787 International SysOp: Lance Collins Location: Melbourne, Victoria -AUSTRALIA- LMI BBS (Laboratory Microsystems, Inc.) 213-306-3530 SysOp: Ray Duncan Location: Marina del Ray, California -USA- Grapevine (Grapevine RIME hub) 501-753-8121 to register 501-753-6859 thereafter SysOp: Jim Wenzel Location: Little Rock, Arkansas -USA- GEnie 800-638-9636 for information (General Electric Network for Information Service) SysOps: Dennis Ruffer(D.RUFFER) Leonard Morgenstern(NMORGENSTER) Gary Smith(GARY-S) Location: Forth RoundTable - type M710 or FORTH FORTH LIBRARIES --------------- There are several repositories of Forth programs, sources, executables, and so on. These various repositories are NOT indentical copies of the same things. Material is available on an AS-IS basis due to the charity of the people involved in maintaining the libraries. There are several ways to access Forth Libraries: FTP --- **** NOTE: **** You can only use FTP if you are on an Internet site which supports FTP (some sites may restrict certain classes of users). If you have any questions about this, contact your system administrator for information. Your system administrator should always be your first line of resort if you have any difficulties or questions about using FTP. For MSDOS related files there are currently two sites from which you can anonymously FTP Forth related materials: WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Simtel20 for short) WUARCHIVE.WUSTL.EDU (Wuarchive for short) Wuarchive maintains a "mirror" of the material available on Simtel20. Simtel20 has a limited amount of material, most of it binaries for MSDOS computers. The Forth files on Simtel20 are in directory 'PD1:<MSDOS.FORTH>'. The Forth files on Wuarchive are in directory '/mirror/msdos/forth'. For detailed information on how use FTP and the Simtel20 archive see the text files in: (it is too much to include here) PD1:<MSDOS.STARTER>SIMTEL20.INF or /mirrors/starter/simtel20.inf EMAIL access to FTP sites ------------------------- Date: Tue, 2 Apr 91 09:13:41 CST From: pitt!sifvs9.SINet.SLB.COM!fisher Message-Id: <9104021513.AA10971@SLCS.SLB.COM> Subject: Re: F.O.R/T.H. Letter Firstly, F.O.R/T.H. mentions BITNET/EARN servers for SIMTEL20 in passing. These may easily be accessed via EMail if you can provide an EMail path to and from the Internet. Mail a message containing 'help' in the body of the message to either :- listserv@rpiecs.bitnet or listserv@ndsuvm1.bitnet Secondly, all FTP sites are accessable from Internet using a program at Princeton Uni. called BITFTP. This allows you to send whatis basically an FTP batch job to BITFTP@PUCC.BITNET, which will execute the job and mail any files back to you in UUENCODED format. Mail a message containing 'help' in the body of the message to :- bitftp@pucc.bitnet Craig Fisher |**** fisher@sifvx6.sinet.slb.com **** Schlumberger Technologies | Instruments Division | Disclamer: These views are mine, Farnborough, Hants. UK | my boss thinks I'm working. ;-) MODEM ----- For those desiring (or stuck with?) to use modems, the dial-in systems listed above also have Forth libraries. **** NOTE: **** GEnie is the repository of the Forth Interest Group's official Forth Library. **** NOTE: **** If you are unable to access SIMTEL20 via Internet FTP or through one of the BITNET/EARN file servers, most SIMTEL20 MSDOS files, including the PC-Blue collection, are available for downloading on the Detroit Download Central network at 313-885-3956. DDC has multiple lines which support 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 bps (HST/V.32/V.42/V.42bis/MNP5). This is a subscription system with an average hourly cost of 17 cents. It is also accessable on Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via StarLink outdial. New files uploaded to SIMTEL20 are usually available on DDC within 24 hours. Information provided by: Keith Petersen Maintainer of SIMTEL20's MSDOS, MISC & CP/M archives [IP address] Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil or w8sdz@vela.acs.oakland.edu Uucp: uunet!wsmr-simtel20.army.mil!w8sdz BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND EMAIL ----- For those with email only access there is not much. For now, posts from ForthNet ported into comp.lang.forth sometimes advertise files being available on GEnie. Those messages also contain information on how to get UUencoded EMail copies of the same files. There is an automated email service being developed. When it is functional an article will be posted to comp.lang.forth with details on who/what/how, etc. and this paragraph will be replaced by the appropriate instructions. As many of you who have written me (Doug Philips) know, this is nearly finished. Expect word soon! **** NOTE: **** EMail is the mode of last resort. EMail archive access compared to the other forms puts the heaviest load on the network. If you have access to other methods, please use them! --- If you have any questions about ForthNet/comp.lang.forth or any information to add/delete or correct in this message or any suggestions on formatting or presentation, please contact either Doug Philips or Gary Smith (preferably both, but one is OK) via the following addresses: o Internet: dwp@willett.pgh.pa.us -or- ddi1!lrark!gars@uunet.uu.net o Usenet: ...!uunet!ddi1!lrark!gars -or- ...!uunet!willett.pgh.pa.us!dwp o GEnie: GARY-S or D.PHILIPS3 o ForthNet: Grapevine, Gary Smith - leave mail in Main Conference (0)
fnia@willett.pgh.pa.us (ForthNet Information Account) (06/17/91)
F O R T H O N - L I N E R E S O U R C E / T E C H N I C A L H E L P L E T T E R Last updated on 16 June 1991. If you have corrections, clarifications, comments or updates, please send them to one or more of the addresses at the end of this note. This is the first of two regularly posted articles to comp.lang.forth. Both of these messages are posted on or about the 1st and the 15th of each month. The other article's subject is: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions That article covers more specific questions about where to get particular versions of Forth, etc. You should probably read this article completely before reading that one. New with version 1.3 is a pointer to more info on how to do FTP under the NOTE in the FTP section. Hello, This post is to introduce you to the resources available to those who read comp.lang.forth and can also send UseNet/Internet mail or do anonynmous FTP. This message answers the questions: What is ForthNet? Where do I find Forth Libraries on-line? Answers to other frequently asked questions, such as "Where do I find a PD/Shareware/any Forth for the FrobNitz-103?" are in a separate article which is regularly posted to comp.lang.forth. FORTHNET -------- ForthNet is a virtual Forth network that links designated message bases of several Bulletin Boards and Information Services in an attempt to provide greater distribution of Forth related information. ForthNet is provided courtesy of the SysOps of its various links who shunt appropriate messages in a manual or semi-manual manner. The current branches of ForthNet include: UseNet's comp.lang.forth, BitNet's FIGI-L, the BBoard systems RCFB, ACFB, LMI BBS, Grapevine, and FIG's RoundTable on GEnie. (Info on modem-accessible systems is included below). The various branches of ForthNet do not have the same rules of appropriate postings or ettiquette. Many BBoard posts are very chatty and contain some personal information, and some also contain blatant commercial advertising. Most comp.lang.forth posts are not like that. ForthNet messages that are ported into comp.lang.forth from the rest of the ForthNet all originate on GEnie, which is a kind of defacto ForthNet message hub. All such messages are ported into comp.lang.forth with a from line of the form: From: ForthNet@willett.pgh.pa.us ... Most messages ported to comp.lang.forth also contain some trailer information as to where they actually originated, if it was not on GEnie. **** NOTE: **** There is NO E-MAIL link between the various branches of ForthNet. If you need to get a message through to someone on another branch, please either make your message general enough to be of interest to the whole net, or contact said person by phone, USMail, or some other means. Thoughtful message authors place *a few* lines at the end of their messages describing how to contact them (electronicly or otherwise). Phone information for the dial-in services mentioned above: RCFB (Real-Time Control Forth Board) 303-278-0364 SysOp: Jack Woehr Location: Denver, Colorado -USA- ACFB (Australia Connection Forth Board) 03-809-1787 in Australia 61-3-809-1787 International SysOp: Lance Collins Location: Melbourne, Victoria -AUSTRALIA- LMI BBS (Laboratory Microsystems, Inc.) 213-306-3530 SysOp: Ray Duncan Location: Marina del Ray, California -USA- Grapevine (Grapevine RIME hub) 501-753-8121 to register 501-753-6859 thereafter SysOp: Jim Wenzel Location: Little Rock, Arkansas -USA- GEnie 800-638-9636 for information (General Electric Network for Information Service) SysOps: Dennis Ruffer(D.RUFFER) Leonard Morgenstern(NMORGENSTER) Gary Smith(GARY-S) Location: Forth RoundTable - type M710 or FORTH FORTH LIBRARIES --------------- There are several repositories of Forth programs, sources, executables, and so on. These various repositories are NOT indentical copies of the same things. Material is available on an AS-IS basis due to the charity of the people involved in maintaining the libraries. There are several ways to access Forth Libraries: FTP --- **** NOTE: **** You can only use FTP if you are on an Internet site which supports FTP (some sites may restrict certain classes of users). If you have any questions about this, contact your system administrator for information. Your system administrator should always be your first line of resort if you have any difficulties or questions about using FTP. You can also read comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d where you can find a regulary posted article with the subject: Beginner's Guide to FTP For MSDOS related files there are currently two sites from which you can anonymously FTP Forth related materials: WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Simtel20 for short) WUARCHIVE.WUSTL.EDU (Wuarchive for short) Wuarchive maintains a "mirror" of the material available on Simtel20. Simtel20 has a limited amount of material, most of it binaries for MSDOS computers. The Forth files on Simtel20 are in directory 'PD1:<MSDOS.FORTH>'. The Forth files on Wuarchive are in directory '/mirror/msdos/forth'. For detailed information on how use FTP and the Simtel20 archive see the text files in: (it is too much to include here) PD1:<MSDOS.STARTER>SIMTEL20.INF or /mirrors/starter/simtel20.inf EMAIL access to FTP sites ------------------------- Date: Tue, 2 Apr 91 09:13:41 CST From: pitt!sifvs9.SINet.SLB.COM!fisher Message-Id: <9104021513.AA10971@SLCS.SLB.COM> Subject: Re: F.O.R/T.H. Letter Firstly, F.O.R/T.H. mentions BITNET/EARN servers for SIMTEL20 in passing. These may easily be accessed via EMail if you can provide an EMail path to and from the Internet. Mail a message containing 'help' in the body of the message to either :- listserv@rpiecs.bitnet or listserv@ndsuvm1.bitnet Secondly, all FTP sites are accessable from Internet using a program at Princeton Uni. called BITFTP. This allows you to send whatis basically an FTP batch job to BITFTP@PUCC.BITNET, which will execute the job and mail any files back to you in UUENCODED format. Mail a message containing 'help' in the body of the message to :- bitftp@pucc.bitnet Craig Fisher |**** fisher@sifvx6.sinet.slb.com **** Schlumberger Technologies | Instruments Division | Disclamer: These views are mine, Farnborough, Hants. UK | my boss thinks I'm working. ;-) MODEM ----- For those desiring (or stuck with?) to use modems, the dial-in systems listed above also have Forth libraries. **** NOTE: **** GEnie is the repository of the Forth Interest Group's official Forth Library. **** NOTE: **** If you are unable to access SIMTEL20 via Internet FTP or through one of the BITNET/EARN file servers, most SIMTEL20 MSDOS files, including the PC-Blue collection, are available for downloading on the Detroit Download Central network at 313-885-3956. DDC has multiple lines which support 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 bps (HST/V.32/V.42/V.42bis/MNP5). This is a subscription system with an average hourly cost of 17 cents. It is also accessable on Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via StarLink outdial. New files uploaded to SIMTEL20 are usually available on DDC within 24 hours. Information provided by: Keith Petersen Maintainer of SIMTEL20's MSDOS, MISC & CP/M archives [IP address] Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil or w8sdz@vela.acs.oakland.edu Uucp: uunet!wsmr-simtel20.army.mil!w8sdz BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND EMAIL ----- For those with email only access there is not much. For now, posts from ForthNet ported into comp.lang.forth sometimes advertise files being available on GEnie. Those messages also contain information on how to get UUencoded EMail copies of the same files. There is an automated email service being developed. When it is functional an article will be posted to comp.lang.forth with details on who/what/how, etc. and this paragraph will be replaced by the appropriate instructions. As many of you who have written me (Doug Philips) know, this is nearly finished. Expect word soon! **** NOTE: **** EMail is the mode of last resort. EMail archive access compared to the other forms puts the heaviest load on the network. If you have access to other methods, please use them! --- If you have any questions about ForthNet/comp.lang.forth or any information to add/delete or correct in this message or any suggestions on formatting or presentation, please contact either Doug Philips or Gary Smith (preferably both, but one is OK) via the following addresses: o Internet: dwp@willett.pgh.pa.us -or- ddi1!lrark!gars@uunet.uu.net o Usenet: ...!uunet!ddi1!lrark!gars -or- ...!uunet!willett.pgh.pa.us!dwp o GEnie: GARY-S or D.PHILIPS3 o ForthNet: Grapevine, Gary Smith - leave mail in Main Conference (0)