[comp.lang.forth] Looking for Z80 FORTH assembler source

sasrer@unx.sas.com (Rodney Radford) (06/25/91)

I am looking for a source listing for a Z80-based FORTH system. I have the
fig-forth listings for the 8080 that I could modify easily enough, but I
just don't want to type in all the pages...

I also have contacted the files.online archives for this group, but all I
was able to obtain were binaries for various existing Z80 systems. Since I
am doing this for an imbedded robotics controller, only the source will do...

If you have any info on where I could obtain a typed in version of a Z80
implementation (and save my fingers the drudgery of typing....) pleae email
me below. Also please indicate how I can get the source through email since
I do not have internet ftp access.

Also, if any Z80 (or ex-Z80) FORTH'ers out there have any interesting 
utilities (assembler, drivers for Z80 peripherals, misc) please email any
information on these as well.

PS: I will be using a TRS-80 Model III, and a UNIX based workstation for
    code development, and then move it to the target processer.

Rodney Radford          || Computer Graphics/Imaging
sasrer@unx.sas.com      || SAS Institute, Inc.
(919) 677-8000 x7703    || Cary, NC  27513