bs@alice.UUCP (12/29/86)
European Conference on Object Oriented Programming Preliminary call for papers Paris, France: June 15-17 1987 Following the AFCET group's three previous Working Sessions on Object Oriented Languages next encounter will take place at the Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris) on June 15-17th 1987. With regard to the success of the previous workshops and to the increasing interest on the subject, the next meeting will be an international conference organized by AFCET. The program committee is: G. Attardi, DELPHI, Italy J. Bezivin, LIB (UBO & ENSTbr), France P. Cointe, CMI & LITP, France S. Cook, London University, England J.M. Hullot, INRIA, France B. Kristensen, Aalborg University, Denmark H. Lieberman, MIT, USA L. Steels, Brussels University, Belgium H. Stoyan, Konstanz University, West Germany B. Stroustrup, AT&T Bell Labs, USA J. Vaucher, Montreal University, Canada A. Yonezawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan The conference will consist of a presentation of selected papers. Well-known researchers having made major contributions in the field - including Carl Hewitt and Kristen Nygaard - will give invited lectures. This new conference will deal with all domains using the techniques and methodologies of Object Oriented Programming. It is likely to interest both software designers and users. Proposed themes are the following: Theory : semantic models (instantiation, inheritance), compilation. Conception : new languages, new hardware, new language extensions. Applications : man/machine interfaces, simulation, knowledge representation, data bases, operating systems. Methodology : Smalltalk-80 methodology, actor methodology, frame methodology, the abstract type approach. Development : industrial applications. The papers must be submitted in English and should not be longer than ten pages. Five copies must be received by the AFCET organization at the address below no later than January 9th,1987 (and, if possible, by electronic mail to the conference chairman: mvcax!inria!hullot). Papers selection will be done by circulating papers to members of the program committee having appropriate expertise. Authors will be notified of acceptance by February, 15th 1987. To be included in the Proceedings the definitive version of the paper must reach the AFCET office before April, 27th 1987. ************************************************************************ Conference Chairman J.M. Hullot (INRIA) mcvax!inria!hullot USA Coordinator B. Stroustrup (AT&T, Bell) research!bs Program Chairman P. Cointe (LITP) mcvax!inria!cointe Organization Claire Van Hieu AFCET 156 Boulevard Pereire 75017 Paris, France T'el: (1) ************************************************************************* People interested in Tutorials, Workshops, or Exibitions may contact the AFCET organization. Following the conference - and in the same place - Jerome Chailloux and Christian Queinnec will organize on June 18th and 19th a workshop about Lisp and its standardization.