pwh@gt-stratus.UUCP (05/27/87)
We at Georgia Tech are looking for a fairly complete implementation of Smalltalk which runs under UN*X on Suns, uVaxen, and similar workstations. We also need something that is either public domain or available at a fair price under an educational license. Rumor has it that Berkeley supplies such a creature. I've seen a number of papers about people who have managed to shave a few more useconds off the speed of a Smalltalk implementation (mostly at POPL conferences). Surely one of these efforts has become available to the academic world?! I'll summarize and post responses. Thanks! Phil Hutto School of Info and Computer Science, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332 CSNET pwh@GATech.CSNET O_o ARPANET pwh%GATech.CSNet@Relay.CS.NET =( )= Ack! UUCP {ihnp4,decvax,ulysses}!gatech!pwh U -- Phil Hutto School of Info and Computer Science, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332 CSNET pwh@GATech.CSNET O_o ARPANET pwh%GATech.CSNet@Relay.CS.NET =( )= Ack! UUCP {ihnp4,decvax,ulysses}!gatech!pwh U