[comp.lang.smalltalk] teaching object-oriented simulation & modelling

sdl@linus.UUCP (06/16/87)

We may soon have a need to train several engineers in using
object-oriented techniques for discrete-event simulation and
modelling.  (Languages such as Smalltalk-80 and Simula-67 come to

We are therefore interested in finding out if there are any courses,
tutorials, textbooks, etc., that are good introductions to this
subject.  (Note what we are looking for is how to do object-oriented
simulation and modelling in Smalltalk or Simula as opposed to software
development.  We know of lots of books that teach simulation in
Simscript and GPSS, but not simulation in Smalltalk or Simula; other
than the Blue Book, which barely touches on the subject.)

Any pointers will be appreciated.  Please reply directly to me at the
following address.  Thanx very much in advance!!

Steven Litvintchouk
MITRE Corporation
Burlington Road
Bedford, MA  01730

Fone:  (617)271-7753
ARPA:  sdl@mitre-bedford.arpa
UUCP:  ...{cbosgd,decvax,genrad,ll-xn,philabs,security,utzoo}!linus!sdl