[comp.lang.smalltalk] MVC example

trevor@mucs.UX.CS.MAN.AC.UK (Trevor Hopkins) (08/24/87)

Several people here in Manchester have been encouraging me to post some
of the `goodies' implemented locally, so here goes.....

This one is a example of using the Smalltalk `Model-View-Controller'
mechanism.  It implements a simple Printed Circuit Board editor.  You can
add and delete `pads' and `tracks' on a single-sided PCB (the model).  Note
that you can have several Views - perhaps with different scaling factors -
on the same PCB (typically a Global); updating the PCB in one view causes
all views to be modified consistently (as, of course, it should do in any
MVC application...).  PCBs can be read and written to external text files;
the file format (`Bottom Drawer') is used locally to interface to NC
machines for making boards.

NOTE: The model (class PrintedCircuit) is a subclass of class `Model',
which was newly introduced in the Xerox Virtual Image 2.2 (VI2.2).  Users
of earlier versions of the image will have to make PrintedCircuit a
subclass of Object.

There are a number of other VI2.2-specific `features' in this code.  In
particular, displaySafe: is used to ensure that view updates are done
cleanly.  Again, users of earlier images should excise this stuff; this
should be fairly easy, as this application was originally developed using
VI2.1 (and local window-manager enhancements).

Anyone who wants to add support for multiple layers and auto-routing is
welcome to have a go....

Trevor Hopkins, Department of Computer Science,
University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, U.K.
Tel: (+44) 61-273 7121 ext: 5553
JANET: trevor@uk.ac.man.cs.ux		 USENET: ..ukc!man.cs.ux!trevor
		(Don't believe the Reply-To: line!)
"So after a hectic week of believing that war was peace, that good was bad,
that the moon was made from blue cheese, and that God needed a lot of money
sent to a certain box number, the Monk started to believe that thirty-five
percent of all tables were hermaphrodites, and then broke down."
	(Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Douglas Adams)

'From Smalltalk-80, version 2, of April 1, 1983 on 29 July 1987 at 2:24:31 pm'!

SequenceableCollection removeSelector: #size!

'From Smalltalk-80, version 2, of April 1, 1983 on 29 July 1987 at 2:22:50 pm'!

!Interval methodsFor: 'accessing'!

	(self isKindOf: Number) ifFalse: [^super size].
	step < 0
		ifTrue: [start < stop
				ifTrue: [^0]
				ifFalse: [^stop - start // step + 1]]
		ifFalse: [stop < start
				ifTrue: [^0]
				ifFalse: [^stop - start // step + 1]]! !

!Interval methodsFor: 'testing'!

includes: aNumber
	"Answer whether aNumber is one of the receiver's elements.
	 Re-implemented here to gain some performance."

	(aNumber isKindOf: Number) ifFalse: [^super includes: aNumber].
	(aNumber < start or: [aNumber > stop]) ifTrue: [^false].
	^(aNumber - start) isMultipleOf: step! !

'From Smalltalk-80, version 2, of April 1, 1983 on 29 July 1987 at 2:25:00 pm'!

!Number methodsFor: 'testing'!

isMultipleOf: aNumber 
	"Answers true if the receiver is an exact multiple of 
	 aNumber, otherwise false."

	^self \\ aNumber = 0!

notMultipleOf: aNumber 
	"Answers false if the receiver is an exact multiple of 
	 aNumber, otherwise true."

	^(self isMultipleOf: aNumber) not! !

'From Smalltalk-80, version 2, of April 1, 1983 on 29 July 1987 at 2:32:40 pm'!

!Point methodsFor: 'truncation and round off'!

	"Answer a new Point that is the receiver's x and y truncated."

	^x truncated @ y truncated! !

!Point methodsFor: 'point functions'!

nearestTo45DegreeLineThrough: refPoint onGrid: aGridPoint
	"Answers the closest integer point to the receiver which
	 is both on the grid given by aGridPoint and on a
	 45 degree line through refPoint."

	| thePoints currentDistance shortestDistance closestPoint |

	" Generate the four nearest points on lines through refPoint. "
	thePoints _ OrderedCollection new.
	(Array with: 1@0 with: 1@1 with: 0@1 with: -1@1) do: [
		:aSlope | thePoints add: (self pointNearestLine: refPoint to: refPoint + aSlope)].

	" Generate the four distances from the nearest points on the line to aPoint,
		find the shortest one, and thus the closest point. "
	shortestDistance _ 1000000.
	thePoints do:
		[:eachPoint | currentDistance _ self dist: eachPoint.
				(currentDistance <= shortestDistance ifTrue: [closestPoint _ eachPoint.
					shortestDistance _ currentDistance])
	^closestPoint grid: aGridPoint!

pointNearestLine: point1 to: point2
	"Answers the closest integer point to the receiver on the
	 line determined by (point1, point2)."

	| relPoint delta |
	delta _ point2 - point1. 			"normalize coordinates"
	relPoint _ self - point1.
	delta x = 0 ifTrue: [^point1 x@y].
	delta y = 0 ifTrue: [^x@point1 y].
	delta x abs > delta y abs 		"line more horizontal?"
		ifTrue: [^x@(point1 y + (x * delta y // delta x))]
		ifFalse: [^(point1 x + (relPoint y * delta x // delta y))@y]

	"43@55 pointNearestLine: 10@10 to: 100@200"! !

'From Smalltalk-80, version 2, of April 1, 1983 on 29 July 1987 at 2:33:01 pm'!

!Rectangle methodsFor: 'truncation and round off'!

	"Answer a Rectangle whose origin and corner are truncated."

	^Rectangle origin: origin truncated corner: corner truncated! !

Point subclass: #PcbObject
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Printed-Circuits'!
PcbObject comment:
'I am the abstract superclass of objects which appear on a printed circuit
board.  Instance variables x and y (inherited from Point) indicate the
location of my instances.

!PcbObject methodsFor: 'accessing'!

	"Answer with my reference point."

	^self x@self y!

	"Answer with my reference x value."

	^self x!

	"Answer with my reference y value."

	^self y!

	"Answer with a value representing my size (for sorting purposes)."

	self subclassResponsibility! !

!PcbObject methodsFor: 'file handling'!

writeBottomDrawerOn: aFileStream
	"Write the closest possible representation of the receiver
	 in bottom drawer format on aFileStream."

	aFileStream nextPutAll: '/ '.
	aFileStream nextPutAll: self asBottomDrawer.
	aFileStream nextPutAll: ' //'.
	aFileStream lf! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

PcbObject class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!PcbObject class methodsFor: 'private'!

getIntegerFrom: aFileStream 
	"Gets a sequence of 1 or more digit characters from 
	 aFileStream, terminated by any non-digit. Answer the 
	 corresponding integer."

	| aChar anInteger |
	anInteger _ 0.
	aChar _ aFileStream next.
	[aChar isDigit] whileFalse: [aChar _ aFileStream next].
	[aChar isDigit] whileTrue: [
			anInteger _ anInteger * 10 + aChar digitValue.
			aChar _ aFileStream next].

getSlashFrom: aFileStream
	"Gets a Slash character from aFileStream."

	| aChar |
	aChar _ aFileStream next.
	[aChar = $/] whileFalse: [aChar _ aFileStream next].
	^aChar! !

PcbObject subclass: #Pad
	instanceVariableNames: 'diameter '
	classVariableNames: 'DefaultDiameter PadSlide '
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Printed-Circuits'!
Pad comment:
'I represent a Pad (component fixing) on a printed circuit board.
I add an instance variable diameter, indicating my size.

!Pad methodsFor: 'accessing'!

	"Answer with the diameter of the receiver."


diameter: aNumber
	"Set the diameter of the receiver."

	diameter _ aNumber!

	"Answers a point equal to current position of the receiver."

	^self x@self y!

	"Answer with my diameter"

	^diameter! !

!Pad methodsFor: 'testing'!

	"Answer whether the receiver has a diameter of zero."

	^self diameter = 0! !

!Pad methodsFor: 'comparing'!

= anObject
	"Answer whether the receiver is the same as anObject."

	^super = anObject and: [self diameter = anObject diameter]! !

!Pad methodsFor: 'truncation and rounding'!

	"Answer with a new Pad that is a rounded version of the receiver."

	^Pad point: super rounded diameter: (self diameter rounded max: 1)!

	"Answer with a new Pad that is a truncated version of the receiver."

		x: self x rounded
		y: self y rounded
		diameter: (self diameter truncated max: 1)! !

!Pad methodsFor: 'transforming'!

scaleBy: aPoint 
	"Answer a new Pad scaled by aPoint"

		point: (super scaleBy: aPoint)
		diameter: self diameter * (aPoint x min: aPoint y)!

translateBy: delta 
	"Answer a new Pad translated by delta."

		point: (super translateBy: delta)
		diameter: self diameter! !

!Pad methodsFor: 'point functions'!

grid: aPoint
	"Answer with a new Pad, with the endpoints rounded
	 to a grid given by aPoint."

	^Pad point: (super grid: aPoint) diameter: self diameter! !

!Pad methodsFor: 'printing'!

printOn: aStream 
	"The receiver prints on aStream in terms of infix notation."

	x printOn: aStream.
	aStream nextPut: $@.
	y printOn: aStream.
	aStream nextPutAll: ' dia '.
	diameter printOn: aStream.! !

!Pad methodsFor: 'file handling'!

	"Answers with a string which is the closest Bottom Drawer 
	 representation of the receiver."

	^(self bottomDrawerPadSize: self diameter), ' X' ,
		self x printString, ' Y', self y printString! !

!Pad methodsFor: 'private'!

bottomDrawerPadSize: aDiameter 
	"Answers a String with the nearest Bottom Drawer Pad size to 
	aDiameter. "

	PadSlide associationsDo: [:assoc |
		(assoc value includes: aDiameter) ifTrue: [^assoc key asString]].
	^self error: 'Diameter outside range of Pad sizes for the current slide.'!

setX: xPad setY: yPad setDiameter: diameterPad
	"Set up the x, y and diameter for the receiver."

 	x _ xPad.
	y _ yPad.
	diameter _ diameterPad! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

Pad class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!Pad class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!

bottomDrawerPadFrom: aFileStream 
	"Gets a BottomDrawer Pad representation from aFileStream.  
	 Answers the corresponding Pad."

	| anInterval size aPad |
	anInterval _ PadSlide at: ('P', (self getIntegerFrom: aFileStream) printString) asSymbol.
	aPad _ self
				x: (self getIntegerFrom: aFileStream)
				y: (self getIntegerFrom: aFileStream)
				diameter: anInterval first + anInterval last // 2.
	self getSlashFrom: aFileStream.
	self getSlashFrom: aFileStream.		" Discard double slash"
	aFileStream next.					" Discard lf"

point: aPoint 
	"Answer a new instance of me with coordinates given 
	 by the point aPoint, and diameter equal to the DefaultDiameter."

		point: aPoint
		diameter: DefaultDiameter!

point: aPoint diameter: aNumber
	"Answer a new instance of me with coordinates given 
	 by the point aPoint, and diameter equal to aNumber."

		x: aPoint x
		y: aPoint y
		diameter: aNumber!

x: xInteger y: yInteger 
	"Answer a new instance of me with coordinates xInteger 
	 and yInteger, and diameter equal to the DefaultDiameter."

		x: xInteger
		y: yInteger
		diameter: DefaultDiameter!

x: xInteger y: yInteger diameter: diameterInteger 
	"Answer a new instance of me with coordinates xInteger 
	 and yInteger, diameter diameterInteger."

	^self new
		setX: xInteger
		setY: yInteger
		setDiameter: diameterInteger! !

!Pad class methodsFor: 'class initialization'!

	"Initialize class variables."
	"Pad initialize."

	DefaultDiameter _ 60.   "Default Pad diameter"

	PadSlide _ Dictionary new.		" EMMA Pad Slide"
	PadSlide at: #P1 put: (Interval from: 0 to: 7).			" Nominal 5 thou "
	PadSlide at: #P2 put: (Interval from: 8 to: 12).			" Nominal 10 thou "
	PadSlide at: #P3 put: (Interval from: 13 to: 17).		" Nominal 15 thou "
	PadSlide at: #P4 put: (Interval from: 18 to: 22).		" Nominal 20 thou "
	PadSlide at: #P5 put: (Interval from: 23 to: 29).		" Nominal 25 thou "
	PadSlide at: #P6 put: (Interval from: 30 to: 35).		" Nominal 32 thou "
	PadSlide at: #P7 put: (Interval from: 36 to: 45).		" Nominal 37 thou "
	PadSlide at: #P8 put: (Interval from: 46 to: 55).		" Nominal 50 thou "
	PadSlide at: #P9 put: (Interval from: 56 to: 68).		" Nominal 60 thou "
	PadSlide at: #P10 put: (Interval from: 69 to: 77).		" Nominal 75 thou "
	PadSlide at: #P11 put: (Interval from: 78 to: 90).		" Nominal 80 thou "
	PadSlide at: #P12 put: (Interval from: 91 to: 112).		" Nominal 100 thou "
	PadSlide at: #P13 put: (Interval from: 113 to: 137).	" Nominal 125 thou "
	PadSlide at: #P14 put: (Interval from: 138 to: 175).	" Nominal 150 thou "
	PadSlide at: #P15	put: (Interval from: 176 to: 10000). "Nominal 200 thou "! !

!Pad class methodsFor: 'class access'!

	"Answer with the default pad size."

	^DefaultDiameter! !

Pad initialize!

PcbObject subclass: #TrackSegment
	instanceVariableNames: 'endX endY width '
	classVariableNames: 'DefaultWidth TrackSlide '
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Printed-Circuits'!
TrackSegment comment:
'I represent a segment of a track on a printed circuit board.  I add
instance variables indicating my end point (endX, endY) and my
size (width).

!TrackSegment methodsFor: 'accessing'!

	"Answers a point corresponding to the end of the receiver."

	^self x2 @ self y2!

	"Answer with my width."


	"Answers a point corresponding to the start of the receiver."

	^self x1 @ self y1!

	"Answer with the track width."


	"Answer with the starting x coordinate."


	"Answer with the end x coordinate."


	"Answer with the starting y coordinate."


	"Answer with the end y coordinate."

	^endY! !

!TrackSegment methodsFor: 'testing'!

	"Answer whether the receiver is of zero Length."

	^self startPoint = self endPoint! !

!TrackSegment methodsFor: 'comparing'!

= aTrackSegment 
	"Answer whether the receiver is equal to aTrackSegment."

	self species = aTrackSegment species
		ifTrue: [^(self sameWidthAs: aTrackSegment)
				and: [self sameLineAs: aTrackSegment]]
		ifFalse: [^false]!

sameEndAs: aTrackSegment
	"Answer whether the reciver has the same end value
	 as aTrackSegment."

	^self x2 = aTrackSegment x2 and: [self y2 = aTrackSegment y2]!

sameLineAs: aTrackSegment
	"Answer whether the reciver has the same start and end points as

	^(self sameStartAs: aTrackSegment) and: [self sameEndAs: aTrackSegment]!

sameStartAs: aTrackSegment
	"Answer whether the reciver has the same starting value
	 as aTrackSegment."

	^self x1 = aTrackSegment x1 and: [self y1 = aTrackSegment y1]!

sameWidthAs: aTrackSegment
	"Answer whether the receiver has the same width as aTrackSegment."

	^self width = aTrackSegment width! !

!TrackSegment methodsFor: 'truncation and rounding'!

	"Answer with a new TrackSegment that is a rounded version 
	 of the receiver."

		from: self startPoint rounded
		to: self endPoint rounded
		width: (self width rounded max: 1)!

	"Answer with a new TrackSegment that is a truncated version 
	 of the receiver."

		from: (self startPoint truncateTo: 1@1)
		to: (self endPoint truncateTo: 1@1)
		width: (self width truncated max: 1)! !

!TrackSegment methodsFor: 'transforming'!

scaleBy: aPoint 
	"Answer a new TrackSegment scaled by aPoint."

		from: (self startPoint scaleBy: aPoint)
		to: (self endPoint scaleBy: aPoint)
		width: self width * (aPoint x min: aPoint y)!

translateBy: delta 
	"Answer with a new TrackSegment translated by delta."

		from: (self startPoint translateBy: delta)
		to: (self endPoint translateBy: delta)
		width: self width! !

!TrackSegment methodsFor: 'point functions'!

grid: aPoint 
	"Answer with a new TrackSegment, with the endpoints 
	 rounded to a grid given by aPoint."

		from: (self startPoint grid: aPoint)
		to: (self endPoint grid: aPoint)
		width: self width! !

!TrackSegment methodsFor: 'printing'!

printOn: aStream 
	"The receiver prints on aStream in terms of infix notation."

	self x1 printOn: aStream.
	aStream nextPut: $@.
	self y1 printOn: aStream.
	aStream nextPutAll: ' to '.
	self x2 printOn: aStream.
	aStream nextPut: $@.
	self y2 printOn: aStream.
	aStream nextPutAll: ' width '.
	self width printOn: aStream.! !

!TrackSegment methodsFor: 'file handling'!

	"Answers with a string which is the closest Bottom Drawer 
	 representation to the receiver."

	^'X', self x1 printString, ' Y', self y1 printString, ' ',
		(self bottomDrawerTrackSize: self width),
		' X', self x2 printString , ' Y', self y2 printString! !

!TrackSegment methodsFor: 'private'!

bottomDrawerTrackSize: aTrackWidth 
	"Answers a String with the nearest Bottom Drawer Track size to 
	aTrackWidth. "

	TrackSlide associationsDo: [:assoc |
		(assoc value includes: aTrackWidth) ifTrue: [^assoc key asString]].
	^self error: 'Diameter outside range of Track sizes for the current slide.'!

setX1: x1 setY1: y1 setX2: x2 setY2: y2 setWidth: trackWidth 
	"If the first point is above and to the left of the second point, 
	 set the instance variables as given.  Otherwise, reverse the 
	 order of the points."

	(x1 < x2 and: [y1 < y2])
		ifTrue: [
			x _ x1.  endX _ x2.
			y _ y1.  endY _ y2]
		ifFalse: [
			x _ x2.  endX _ x1.
			y _ y2.  endY _ y1].
	width _ trackWidth! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

TrackSegment class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!TrackSegment class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!

bottomDrawerTrackFrom: aFileStream 
	"Gets a Bottom Drawer Track representation from aFileStream 
	 Answers the corresponding Track Segment"

	| anInterval x1 y1 aTrackSegment |
	x1 _ self getIntegerFrom: aFileStream.
	y1 _ self getIntegerFrom: aFileStream.
	anInterval _ TrackSlide at:
		('L' , (self getIntegerFrom: aFileStream) printString) asSymbol.
	aTrackSegment _ self
				x1: x1
				y1: y1
				x2: (self getIntegerFrom: aFileStream)
				y2: (self getIntegerFrom: aFileStream)
				width: anInterval first + anInterval last // 2.
	self getSlashFrom: aFileStream.
	self getSlashFrom: aFileStream.		" Discard double slash"
	aFileStream next.					" Discard lf"

from: point1 to: point2 
	"Answer a new instance of me with endpoints given by point1 
	 and point2, and width equal to the default width."

		x1: point1 x
		y1: point1 y
		x2: point2 x
		y2: point2 y
		width: DefaultWidth!

from: point1 to: point2 width: widthInteger 
	"Answer a new instance of me with endpoints given by point1  
	 and point2, and width equal to widthInteger."

		x1: point1 x
		y1: point1 y
		x2: point2 x
		y2: point2 y
		width: widthInteger!

x1: x1 y1: y1 x2: x2 y2: y2 
	"Answer a new instance of me with endpoints (x1,y1), (x2,y2), with 
	 the default width."

		x1: x1
		y1: y1
		x2: x2
		y2: y2
		width: DefaultWidth!

x1: x1 y1: y1 x2: x2 y2: y2 width: widthInteger 
	"Answer a new instance of me with endpoints (x1,y1), (x2,y2),  
	 with width given by widthInteger."

	^self new
		setX1: x1
		setY1: y1
		setX2: x2
		setY2: y2
		setWidth: widthInteger! !

!TrackSegment class methodsFor: 'class initialization'!

	"Initialize class variables."
	"TrackSegment initialize."

	DefaultWidth _ 20.   "Default Track Width"

	TrackSlide _ Dictionary new.		"EMMA Track slide"
	TrackSlide at: #L1 put: (Interval from: 0 to: 7).		" Nominal 5 thou "
	TrackSlide at: #L2 put: (Interval from: 8 to: 15).		" Nominal 10 thou "
	TrackSlide at: #L3 put: (Interval from: 16 to: 26).		" Nominal 20 thou "
	TrackSlide at: #L4 put: (Interval from: 27 to: 34).		" Nominal 32 thou "
	TrackSlide at: #L5 put: (Interval from: 35 to: 45).		" Nominal 37 thou "
	TrackSlide at: #L6 put: (Interval from: 46 to: 55).		" Nominal 50 thou "
	TrackSlide at: #L7 put: (Interval from: 56 to: 70).		" Nominal 60 thou "
	TrackSlide at: #L8 put: (Interval from: 71 to: 90).		" Nominal 80 thou "
	TrackSlide at: #L9 put: (Interval from: 15 to: 25).		" Nominal 20 thou "
	TrackSlide at: #L12 put: (Interval from: 91 to: 125).	" Nominal 100 thou "
	TrackSlide at: #L14 put: (Interval from: 126 to: 175).	" Nominal 150 thou "
	TrackSlide at: #L15 put: (Interval from: 176 to: 225).	" Nominal 200 thou "
	TrackSlide at: #L16 put: (Interval from: 226 to: 100000). " Anything larger!!"! !

!TrackSegment class methodsFor: 'class access'!

	"Answer with the default track width."

	^DefaultWidth! !

TrackSegment initialize!

MouseMenuController subclass: #PrintedCircuitController
	instanceVariableNames: 'currentTrackWidth currentPadSize redButtonFunction '
	classVariableNames: 'DefaultPadSize DefaultRedButtonFunction DefaultTrackWidth
			PCBYellowButtonMenu PCBYellowButtonMessages '
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Printed-Circuits'!
PrintedCircuitController comment:
'I represent a controller for a PrintedCircuitView.  I maintain a
currentTrackWidth and a currentPadSize, which are used to
create new Pads and TrackSegments.  The instance variable
redButtonFunction indicates which operation (add/delete Pad/Track)
is performed by the red mouse button.

!PrintedCircuitController methodsFor: 'initialize-release'!

	"Initialize the yellow button menus and the current pad
	 and track sizes.  Initialize the red button action."

	super initialize.
		yellowButtonMenu: PCBYellowButtonMenu
		yellowButtonMessages: PCBYellowButtonMessages.

	self trackWidth: DefaultTrackWidth.
	self padSize: DefaultPadSize.
	self redButtonFunction: DefaultRedButtonFunction! !

!PrintedCircuitController methodsFor: 'accessing'!

	"Answer with the current pad size."


padSize: aNumber
	"Set the current pad size."

	currentPadSize _ aNumber!

	"Answer with the current red button function (a Symbol)."


redButtonFunction: aSymbol
	"Set the current red button function to a Symbol."

	redButtonFunction _ aSymbol!

	"Answer with the current track width."


trackWidth: aNumber
	"Set the current track width."

	currentTrackWidth _ aNumber! !

!PrintedCircuitController methodsFor: 'menu messages'!

	"Set the current red button action to be adding Pads."

	self redButtonFunction: #addPads!

	"Set the current red button action to be adding Tracks."

	self redButtonFunction: #addTracks!

	"Prompt the user for a new grid size, and set this value as the
	 current grid size."

	| aGridSize aNumber |
	aGridSize _ FillInTheBlank
				request: ' New Grid Size? '
				initialAnswer: self model grid x printString.
	aGridSize isEmpty ifFalse: [
		aNumber _ Number readFrom: (ReadStream on: aGridSize).
		self model grid: (aNumber@aNumber).
		self view grid ifTrue: [self model changed]]!

	"Prompt the user for a new pad size, and set this value as the
	 current pad size."

	| aPadSize |
	aPadSize _ FillInTheBlank
			request: ' New Pad Size? '
			initialAnswer: (self padSize printString) .
	aPadSize isEmpty ifFalse: [
		self padSize: (Number readFrom: (ReadStream on: aPadSize))]!

	"Prompt the user for a new track width, and set this value as the
	 current track size."

	| aTrackWidth |
	aTrackWidth _ FillInTheBlank
			request: ' New Track Width? '
			initialAnswer: (self trackWidth printString).
	aTrackWidth isEmpty ifFalse: [
		self trackWidth: (Number readFrom: (ReadStream on: aTrackWidth))]!

	"Prompt the user for a new window."

	self view setNewWindow.
	self view update: self model!

	"Set my view's window to its default value."

	self view setDefaultWindow.
	self view update: self model!

	"Set the current red button action to be deleting Pads."

	self redButtonFunction: #deletePads!

	"Set the current red button action to be deleting TrackSegments."

	self redButtonFunction: #deleteTracks!

	"Toggle the displaying of the grid associated with my model."

	self view grid: (self view grid not).
	self view update: #grid! !

!PrintedCircuitController methodsFor: 'basic control sequence'!


	Cursor crossHair show!


	Cursor normal show! !

!PrintedCircuitController methodsFor: 'control defaults'!


	^(view containsPoint: sensor cursorPoint) & sensor blueButtonPressed not! !

!PrintedCircuitController methodsFor: 'button activities'!

action: aSymbol at: aPoint
	"Perform the action indicated by aSymbol at aPoint."

	aSymbol == #addPads ifTrue: [^self addPadAt: aPoint].
	aSymbol == #deletePads ifTrue: [^self removePadAt: aPoint].
	aSymbol == #addTracks ifTrue: [^self addTrackAt: aPoint].
	aSymbol == #deleteTracks ifTrue: [^self removeTrackAt: aPoint]!

addPadAt: aPoint 
	"Add a Pad of the current size to the printed circuit represented 
	 by my model."

	| newPad |
	newPad _ Pad
				point: (self view inverseDisplayTransform: aPoint)
				diameter: self padSize.
	self model changed: (self model addPad: newPad).
	self sensor waitNoButton!

addTrackAt: aPoint
	"Add a track of the current size to the collection of tracks
	 represented by my model, starting at aPoint.  The end point
	 is indicated by the user and is locked to the view's grid."

	| realStartPoint currentPoint realCurrentPoint endPoint newTrack |
	realStartPoint _ self view inverseDisplayTransform: aPoint.
	currentPoint _ self sensor cursorPoint.
	realCurrentPoint _ self view inverseDisplayTransform: currentPoint.
	self view
		displayRubberBandFrom: realStartPoint
		to: realCurrentPoint.
	[self sensor redButtonPressed] whileTrue: [
		(self sensor cursorPoint = currentPoint) ifFalse: [
			self view
				displayRubberBandFrom: realStartPoint
				to: realCurrentPoint.
			currentPoint _ self sensor cursorPoint.
			realCurrentPoint _ self view inverseDisplayTransform: currentPoint.
			self view
				displayRubberBandFrom: realStartPoint
				to: realCurrentPoint]].
	endPoint _ self view
		displayRubberBandFrom: realStartPoint
		to: realCurrentPoint.
	newTrack _ TrackSegment
		from: realStartPoint
		to: endPoint
		width: self trackWidth.
	self model changed: (self model addTrack: newTrack)!

	"Perform the current red button activity at the current input point."

	self sensor redButtonPressed ifTrue: [
		self action: self redButtonFunction at: self sensor cursorPoint]!

removePadAt: aPoint 
	"Remove the nearest Pad in the printed circuit represented 
	 by my model.  Search in the view's currently displayed pads
	 for the nearest one."

	| nearest pos |
	nearest _ self view nearestPadTo: aPoint.
	nearest isNil ifFalse: [
		pos _ (self view inverseDisplayTransform: nearest position)
					grid: self model grid.
		self model removePad: pos.
		self model changed: pos].
	self sensor waitNoButton!

removeTrackAt: aPoint
	"Remove the nearest track segment to aPoint, provided it
	 is close enough."

	| nearest anArray |
	nearest _ self view nearestTrackSegmentTo: aPoint.
	nearest isNil ifFalse: [
		anArray _ Array
		 ((self view inverseDisplayTransform: nearest startPoint) grid: self model grid)
		 ((self view inverseDisplayTransform: nearest endPoint) grid: self model grid).
		self model removeTrackSegment: anArray.
		self model changed: anArray].
	self sensor waitNoButton!

	"Change the cursor while the yellow button menu is active."

	Cursor normal showWhile: [super yellowButtonActivity]! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

PrintedCircuitController class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!PrintedCircuitController class methodsFor: 'class initialization'!

	"Initialize the yellow button menus, and various default values."

	PCBYellowButtonMenu _ PopUpMenu
		labels: 'add pads\add tracks\delete pads\delete tracks\track width\pad size\grid size\toggle grid\zoom\un-zoom' withCRs
		lines: #(4 6 8).
	PCBYellowButtonMessages _
		#(addPads addTracks deletePads deleteTracks
		   changeTrackWidth changePadSize changeGridSize toggleGrid
		   changeWindow defaultWindow).

	DefaultPadSize _ Pad defaultDiameter.
	DefaultTrackWidth _ TrackSegment defaultWidth.
	DefaultRedButtonFunction _ #addPads.

	"PrintedCircuitController initialize."! !

PrintedCircuitController initialize!

View subclass: #PrintedCircuitView
	instanceVariableNames: 'currentPadForm currentPadDiameter currentTrackWidth currentTrackForm currentPads currentTracks currentTransformation gridFlag '
	classVariableNames: 'DefaultWindow '
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Printed-Circuits'!
PrintedCircuitView comment:
'I represent a view on a PrintedCircuit.  I maintain a cache of
the parts of the underlying model which can be seen at present
in instance variables currentPads and currentTracks.  I keep the current
Pad and Track sizes in currentPadForm/currentPadDiameter and
currentTrackForm/currentTrackWidth respectively.

!PrintedCircuitView methodsFor: 'initialize-release'!

	"Initialize some instance variables."

	super initialize.
	self grid: false.		"Don't display the grid."!


	currentTracks release.
	currentPads release.
	currentPadForm release.
	currentTrackForm release.
	currentPadDiameter release.
	currentTrackWidth release. 
	currentTransformation release.
	gridFlag release.
	super release! !

!PrintedCircuitView methodsFor: 'accessing'!

	"Answer whether the grid is to be displayed."


grid: aBoolean
	"The grid is to be displayed if aBoolean is true."

	gridFlag _ aBoolean!

nearestPadTo: aPoint 
	"Answer with the pad which is the nearest to aPoint in the currently 
	 displayed pads, or nil if there is no sufficiently close pad."

	| grid box collection sortedCollection |
	grid _ self model grid scaleBy: self displayTransformation scale.
	box _ Rectangle origin: aPoint - grid corner: aPoint + grid.
	collection _ currentPads select: [:each | box containsPoint: each].
	collection size = 0 ifTrue: [^nil].
	sortedCollection _ collection asSortedCollection: [:first :second |
		(first - aPoint) abs r < (second - aPoint) abs r].
	^collection first!

nearestTrackSegmentTo: aPoint 
	"Answer with the TrackSegment which is the nearest one
	 to aPoint in the currently displayed collection of TrackSegments,
	 or nil if there is no sufficiently close TrackSegment."

	| eachDistance closest closestDistance |
	closestDistance _ 7.		"Max distance - seems about right."
	currentTracks do: [:each |
		eachDistance _ aPoint dist:
			(aPoint pointNearestLine: each startPoint to: each endPoint).
		eachDistance < closestDistance ifTrue: [
			closestDistance _ eachDistance.
			closest _ each]].
	closestDistance < 7 ifTrue: [^closest] ifFalse: [^nil]! !

!PrintedCircuitView methodsFor: 'displaying'!

	"Check whether the grid should be displayed.  If so, display the
	 grid associated with the model."

	self grid ifTrue: [
		(self model grid scaleBy: self displayTransformation scale) < (8@8)
		  ifTrue: [Transcript cr; show: 'Scale too small to display grid.']
		  ifFalse: [self displaySafe: [self reallyDisplayGrid]]]!

displayPad: aPad
	"Display aPad.  Add it to the currently displayed pads."

	currentPadDiameter = aPad diameter ifFalse: [
		currentPadForm _ Form dotOfSize: aPad diameter.
		currentPadDiameter _ aPad diameter].
	currentPads add: aPad.
	self displaySafe: [
			displayOn: Display
			at: aPad position
			clippingBox: self insetDisplayBox
			rule: Form paint
			mask: Form black]!

	"Display the pads associated with the model."

	currentPadDiameter _ 0.
	currentPads do: [:each |
		(currentPadDiameter = each diameter)
		ifFalse: [
			currentPadForm _ Form dotOfSize: each diameter.
			currentPadDiameter _ each diameter].
			displayOn: Display
			at: each position
			clippingBox: self insetDisplayBox
			rule: Form paint
			mask: Form black]!

	"Display the grid, pads and tracks associated with the model."

	self displayGrid.
	self displayPads.
	self displayTracks!

displayRubberBandFrom: startPoint to: endPoint 
	"Display a rubber-band line from the nearest 
	 point to startPoint on the model's grid, to the nearest 
	 point to endPoint on the model's grid.  Answer
	 the real end point."

		displayRubberBandFrom: startPoint
		to: endPoint
		onGrid: self model grid!

displayTrack: aTrackSegment.
	"Display aTrackSegment.  Add it to the currently displayed tracks."

	currentTrackWidth = aTrackSegment width ifFalse: [
		currentTrackForm _ Pen new defaultNib: aTrackSegment width.
		currentTrackForm frame: self insetDisplayBox.
		currentTrackWidth _ aTrackSegment width].
	currentTracks add: aTrackSegment.
	self displaySafe: [
		currentTrackForm place: aTrackSegment startPoint.
		currentTrackForm goto: aTrackSegment endPoint]!

	"Display the track segments associated with the model."

	currentTrackWidth _ 0.
	currentTracks do: [:each |
		currentTrackWidth = each width
		ifFalse: [
			currentTrackForm _ Pen new defaultNib: each width.
			currentTrackForm frame: self insetDisplayBox.
			currentTrackWidth _ each width].
		currentTrackForm place: each startPoint.
		currentTrackForm goto: each endPoint]!

	"Recalculate the displayed pads and tracks, then display the model."

	self displaySafe: [
		(currentTransformation == self displayTransformation)	ifFalse: [
			Cursor wait showWhile: [
				currentPads _ self doTransformation: self model pads.
				currentTracks _ self doTransformation: self model tracks.
				currentTransformation _ self displayTransformation]].
		self displayParts]!

removePad: aPoint
	"Remove the displayed Pad at aPoint.  Remove it from the set
	 of currently displayed pads."

	| oldPad form |
	oldPad _ self findOldPad: aPoint.
	currentPads remove: oldPad.
	self displaySafe: [
		self deleteDisplayedPad: oldPad.
		self restoreGridAt: aPoint]!

removeTrack: anArray
	"Remove the TrackSegment indicated by anArray."

	| oldTrackSegment |
	oldTrackSegment _ self findOldTrack: anArray.
	currentTracks remove: oldTrackSegment.
	self displaySafe: [self deleteDisplayedTrack: oldTrackSegment]!

update: aParameter
	"The model has changed.  If aParameter is my model, redisplay
	 all parts of the model from the currently displayed collection.  If aParameter
	 is #all, completely re-create the display from the underlying model.
	 If aParameter is #grid, just redisplay the parts necessary for the grid.
	 If aParameter is a Pad, just display this pad.  If aParameter is a Point,
	 remove the pad at this location.  If aParameter is a TrackSegment,
	 just display this track.  If aParameter is an Array, remove the
	 track represented by this array."

	aParameter == self model ifTrue: [^self display].
	aParameter == #all ifTrue: [
		currentTransformation _ nil.
		^self display].
	aParameter == #grid ifTrue: [
		self grid ifTrue: [^self displayGrid] ifFalse: [^self display]].
	(aParameter isMemberOf: Pad) ifTrue: [
		^self displayPad: (self displayTransform: aParameter)].
	(aParameter isMemberOf: Point) ifTrue: [
		^self removePad: (self displayTransform: aParameter)].
	(aParameter isMemberOf: TrackSegment) ifTrue: [
		^self displayTrack: (self displayTransform: aParameter)].
	(aParameter isMemberOf: Array) ifTrue: [
		^self removeTrack: (Array
				with: (self displayTransform: (aParameter at: 1))
				with: (self displayTransform: (aParameter at: 2)))]! !

!PrintedCircuitView methodsFor: 'display transformation'!

displayTransform: anObject 
	"Override to use truncation rather than rounding."

	^(self displayTransformation applyTo: anObject) truncated! !

!PrintedCircuitView methodsFor: 'window access'!

	"Set the receiver's window to be the default size."

	self window: DefaultWindow viewport: Display boundingBox!

	"Get a rectangle from the user, and change the receiver's window
	 using this."

	| rect tr |
	rect _ Rectangle fromUser.
	tr _ (self inverseDisplayTransform: rect origin)
			corner: (self inverseDisplayTransform: rect corner).
	self window: tr viewport: Display boundingBox! !

!PrintedCircuitView methodsFor: 'controller access'!

	^PrintedCircuitController! !

!PrintedCircuitView methodsFor: 'private'!

deleteDisplayedPad: aPad
	"Overwrite the displayed version of aPad."

	| form |
	form _ Form dotOfSize: aPad diameter + 1.
	form white.
		displayOn: Display
		at: aPad position
		clippingBox: self insetDisplayBox
		rule: Form over
		mask: Form black!

deleteDisplayedTrack: aTrackSegment
	"Overwrite the displayed version of aTrackSegment"

	| pen |
	pen _ Pen new defaultNib: aTrackSegment width + 1.
	pen frame: self insetDisplayBox.
	pen white.
	pen combinationRule: Form over.
	pen place: aTrackSegment startPoint.
	pen goto: aTrackSegment endPoint!

displayRubberBandFrom: startPoint to: endPoint onGrid: aGrid
	"Display a rubber-band, XOR thin line from the nearest
	 point to startPoint on aGrid, to the nearest point to
	 endPoint on aGrid.  The line is constrained to be at a
	 multiple of 45 degrees.  Answer with the real end point
	 so located."

	| pen realEndPoint |
	pen _ Pen new combinationRule: Form reverse.
	pen frame: self insetDisplayBox.
	pen place: (self displayTransform: (startPoint grid: aGrid)).
	realEndPoint _ endPoint
		nearestTo45DegreeLineThrough: (startPoint grid: aGrid) onGrid: aGrid.
	pen goto: (self displayTransform: realEndPoint).

doTransformation: aCollection
	"Answer with a transformed and sorted collection containing
	 the elements in aCollection."

	| corner origin collection |
	corner _ self window corner.
	origin _ self window origin.
	collection _ aCollection reject:
		[:each | each refPoint > corner or: [each refPoint < origin]].
	^(collection collect: [:each | self displayTransform: each])
		asSortedCollection: [:first :second | first size > second size]!

findOldPad: aPoint
	"Find the old displayed Pad corresponding to aPoint.  If not
	 found, perform aBlock."

	| box |
	box _ Rectangle origin: (aPoint - (1@1)) corner: (aPoint + (2@2)).
	^currentPads detect: [:each | box containsPoint: each position]!

findOldTrack: anArray 
	"Find the old displayed TrackSegment corresponding to anArray."

	| startBox endBox |
	startBox _ Rectangle
			origin: (anArray at: 1) - (1 @ 1)
			corner: (anArray at: 1) + (2 @ 2).
	endBox _ Rectangle
			origin: (anArray at: 2) - (1 @ 1)
			corner: (anArray at: 2) + (2 @ 2).
	^currentTracks detect: [:each |
			((startBox containsPoint: each startPoint)
					and: [endBox containsPoint: each endPoint])
			or: [(startBox containsPoint: each endPoint)
					and: [endBox containsPoint: each startPoint]]]!

	"Actually display the grid."

	| form xStart xEnd yStart yEnd |
	form _ Form dotOfSize: 1.
	xStart _ (self window origin grid: self model grid) x.
	xEnd _ (self window corner grid: self model grid) x.
	yStart _ (self window origin grid: self model grid) y.
	yEnd _ (self window corner grid: self model grid) y.
	xStart to: xEnd by: self model grid x do: [:x |
		yStart to: yEnd by: self model grid y do: [:y |
				displayOn: Display
				at: (self displayTransform: x@y)
				clippingBox: self insetDisplayBox]]!

restoreGridAt: aPoint
	"If the grid is enabled, restore the grid point at aPoint."

	| form |
 	self grid ifTrue: [
		form _ Form dotOfSize: 1.
			displayOn: Display
			at: aPoint
			clippingBox: self insetDisplayBox]! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

PrintedCircuitView class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!PrintedCircuitView class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!

	"Create and schedule a printed circuit editor on a new
	 printed circuit board."
	"PrintedCircuitView open."

	self openOn: PrintedCircuit new!

openOn: aPrintedCircuit 
	"Create and schedule a new instance of me on aPrintedCircuit."
	"PrintedCircuitView openOn: TestPCB."

	| topView pcbView |
	topView _ StandardSystemView
				model: aPrintedCircuit
				label: 'Printed Circuit Editor'
				minimumSize: 250@200.
	pcbView _ self new model: aPrintedCircuit.
	pcbView borderWidth: 1.
	pcbView insideColor: Form white.
	pcbView setDefaultWindow.
	topView addSubView: pcbView.
	topView controller open!

openOnFile: aFilename
	"Create and schedule a new instance of me on a new printed
	 circuit with a bottom drawer representation in the file given
	 by aFilename."
	"PrintedCircuitView openOnFile: 'test.bd'."

	self openOn: (PrintedCircuit fromBottomDrawerFile: aFilename)! !

!PrintedCircuitView class methodsFor: 'class initialization'!

	"Initialize various default values."
	"PrintedCircuitView initialize."

	DefaultWindow _ -20@-20 extent: 5200@3000! !

!PrintedCircuitView class methodsFor: 'class access'!

defaultWindow: aRectangle
	"Make aRectangle the default window."

	DefaultWindow _ aRectangle! !

!PrintedCircuitView class methodsFor: 'examples'!

	"Select and execute the expressions here to create and
	 manipulate PrintedCircuits"

	Smalltalk at: #TestPCB put: PrintedCircuit new.

	TestPCB readBottomDrawerFile: '../pcbs/test.bd'.
	TestPCB readBottomDrawerFile: 'slim.pad.bd'.

	PrintedCircuitView openOn: TestPCB.

	TestPCB writeBottomDrawerOn: 'new.bd'.

	Smalltalk removeKey: #TestPCB.
	Smalltalk garbageCollect.
	"! !

PrintedCircuitView initialize!

Model subclass: #PrintedCircuit
	instanceVariableNames: 'pads tracks grid '
	classVariableNames: 'DefaultGrid '
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Printed-Circuits'!
PrintedCircuit comment:
'I represent a printed circuit board.  I have instance variables:

tracks	A <Set> of the tracks making up this printed circuit board.

pads	A <Set> of the pads making up this board.

grid		A <Point> indicating the grid size of this printed circuit
		board.  All Pads and TrackSegments are constrained to
		lie on this grid.

!PrintedCircuit methodsFor: 'initialize-release'!

	"Initialize the pads and tracks of the receiver."

	tracks _ Set new.
	pads _ Set new.
	grid _ DefaultGrid!


	pads release.
	tracks release.
	grid release.
	super release!

	"Discard the current contents of the receiver."

	self initialize.
	self changed: #all! !

!PrintedCircuit methodsFor: 'accessing'!

	"Answer with the current grid (a Point)."


grid: aPoint
	"Set the current grid size."

	grid _ aPoint!

	"Answer with the set of pads."


	"Answer with the set of tracks."

	^tracks! !

!PrintedCircuit methodsFor: 'adding'!

addPad: aPad
	"Add aPad to the set of pads in the receiver, using the current
	 grid size.  Answer with the pad just added"

	^self addPad: aPad onGrid: self grid!

addPad: aPad onGrid: aPoint
	"Add aPad (rounded to the nearest grid point) to the set
	 of pads in the receiver.  Answer with the pad just	

	| pad |
	pad _ aPad grid: aPoint.
	self pads add: pad.

addTrack: aTrack 
	"Add aTrack to the set of tracks in the receiver.  Answer with
	 the track just added."

	^self addTrack: aTrack onGrid: self grid!

addTrack: aTrack onGrid: aPoint
	"Add aTrack (rounded to the nearest grid point) to the set
	 of tracks in the receiver.  Answer with the track just inserted."

	| track |
	track _	 aTrack grid: aPoint.
	track isZeroLength ifTrue: [^nil] ifFalse: [self tracks add: track].
	^track! !

!PrintedCircuit methodsFor: 'removing'!

removePad: aPoint
	"Remove the pad at aPoint from the receiver's list of pads."

	self pads remove: (self pads detect: [:each | aPoint = each position])!

removeTrackSegment: anArray
	"Remove the TrackSegment indicated by anArray from the
	 receiver's list of tracks."

	| start end |
	start _ anArray at: 1.
	end _ anArray at: 2.
	self tracks remove:
		(self tracks detect: [:each |
				(start = each startPoint and: [end = each endPoint])
			 or: [start = each endPoint and: [end = each startPoint]]])! !

!PrintedCircuit methodsFor: 'file handling'!

bottomDrawerItemFrom: aFileStream 
	"Gets a BottomDrawer Item representation from aFileStream. 
	 Adds the item returned to the appropriate set (tracks or pads)."

	| aChar |
	aChar _ aFileStream next.
	[aChar = $P | (aChar = $X)] whileFalse: [aChar _ aFileStream next].
	aChar = $P ifTrue: [
		self addPad: (Pad bottomDrawerPadFrom: aFileStream)].
	aChar = $X ifTrue: [
		self addTrack: (TrackSegment bottomDrawerTrackFrom: aFileStream)]!

readBottomDrawerFile: aFilename
	"Initialize the receiver from the file indicated by aFilename."

	| file |
	file _ FileStream fileNamed: aFilename.
	file text.
	file readOnly.
	file reset.
	Cursor read showWhile: [
		[file atEnd] whileFalse: [self bottomDrawerItemFrom: file]].
	file close.
	self changed: #all!

writeBottomDrawerOn: aFilename 
	"Writes a BottomDrawer representation of the receiver
	 on the named file."

	| file temp routeNumber |
	file _ FileStream fileNamed: aFilename.
	file text.
	Cursor wait showWhile: [
		temp _ self tracks asSortedCollection.
		temp addAll: self pads].
	routeNumber _ 0.
	Cursor write showWhile: [
		temp do: [:each |
			routeNumber _ routeNumber + 1.
			file nextPutAll: routeNumber printString.
			each writeBottomDrawerOn: file]].
	file close!

writeBottomDrawerPadsOn: aFilename 
	"Writes a BottomDrawer representation of the receiver
	 (pads only) on the named file."

	| file temp routeNumber |
	file _ FileStream fileNamed: aFilename.
	file text.
	Cursor wait showWhile: [temp _ self pads asSortedCollection].
	routeNumber _ 0.
	Cursor write showWhile: [
		temp do: [:each |
			routeNumber _ routeNumber + 1.
			file nextPutAll: routeNumber printString.
			each writeBottomDrawerOn: file]].
	file close!

writeBottomDrawerTracksOn: aFilename 
	"Writes a BottomDrawer representation of the receiver
	 (tracks only) on the named file."

	| file temp routeNumber |
	file _ FileStream fileNamed: aFilename.
	file text.
	Cursor wait showWhile: [temp _ self tracks asSortedCollection].
	routeNumber _ 0.
	Cursor write showWhile: [
		temp do: [:each |
			routeNumber _ routeNumber + 1.
			file nextPutAll: routeNumber printString.
			each writeBottomDrawerOn: file]].
	file close! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

PrintedCircuit class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!PrintedCircuit class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!

fromBottomDrawerFile: aFilename
	"Create a new printed circuit board from the bottom drawer
	 file given."

	^self new readBottomDrawerFile: aFilename!

	"Create a new printed circuit board, with no pads or tracks."

	^super new initialize! !

!PrintedCircuit class methodsFor: 'class initialization'!

	"Initialize various default values."
	"PrintedCircuit initialize."

	DefaultGrid _ 25@25.! !

PrintedCircuit initialize!