[comp.lang.smalltalk] Software Reuse 2

neil@comp.lancs.ac.uk (Neil Haddley) (08/16/88)

	Firstly thank you to all those  who  replied  to  my
earlier posting.

        To refresh your memory I asked for comments on:

        "The  Inheritance  mechanism  of  Smalltalk   and   other
	Object-Oriented  programming  languages provides signifi-
	cant support for code level Software Reuse"

To tell you the honest my last mail message a  little  'over  the
top' in an attempt to gain a greater reaction. Seriously though I
do still feel that the wonders of inheritance are being over sold
by  some.  I would still love to gain more of an insight into how
inheritance is really used. What do real class inheritance  trees
look  like  ?  How  deep  are  they  on average ?  How useful are
Abstract Classes etc. Perhaps it would be interesting to  analyse
a  number  of  real  class  inheritance  trees (could you send me

A few points from some of the people kind enough to reply (Please
pardon the out of context nature of these quotes) :

"I have done significant work in Ada, C and Smalltalk, and am be-
ginning  to use C++.  The Smalltalk inheritance mechanism, indeed
any inheritance mechanism, provides adequate support  for  reuse,
however,  considerable  discipline is required to make it work in
practice, and other object-oriented mechanisms  aid  reuse  to  a
similar  degree.   It  is  very easy to write Smalltalk code that
cannot effectively be re-used ... as a user of several  languages
that  claim reuseability, I believe Smalltalk is the best by far,
but not just because of inheritance."

Jan Steinman (jans@tekcrl.TEK.COM)

"Some issues:
  + Can it be done (with another mechanism)
  + How easily is it done...

Next question: how often is the full power needed?"

David Keppel (pardo@cs.washington.edu)

"In Smalltalk, method lookup is done at the last possible  moment
(i.e.,  when  you need to evaluate a message send), thus reuse is
not a feature of the language that can  be  taken  advantage  of;
rather  it is a prescribed mechanism which *comes for free* (some
might say that  is  a  "paradigm"  of  o-o  programming)...   the
"reuse"  power of Smalltalk comes from the fact that the program-
ming methodology points towards extension and incrementality"

David Laukee (laukee%uucp.softeng%uk.ac.york.minster@uk.ac.rdg)

"I think that the biggest advantage Smalltalk  has  in  promoting
software reuse is that the Smalltalk environment makes it easy to
find the code that does what you want.  It does this by virtue of
a  hierarchical  system  of code classification (of which classes
are only a part) and of nifty tools (e.g. the System Browser)  to
examine the hierarchy.

To the extent that the inheritance mechanism encourages new class
formation and classes are part of the code hierarchy, inheritance
supports code reuse. By itself however,  inheritance  doesn't  do

Mark Friedman (markf@zurich.ai.mit.edu)

Very many thanks to the above, I hope this has been interesting.

As Lewis Carol might have put it:

White Knight: "People think that  the  Inheritance  mechanism  of
	       Smalltalk and other Object-Oriented programming
	       languages provides significant support  for  code
               level Software Reuse or or ..."

Alice:        "Or ?"

White Knight: "Or they don't"

Neil Haddley
EMAIL:	neil@comp.lancs.ac.uk		| Post: University of Lancaster,
UUCP:	...!mcvax!ukc!dcl-cs!neil	|	Department of Computing,
					|	Bailrigg, Lancaster, UK.

johnson@p.cs.uiuc.edu (08/19/88)

For a discussion of how Smalltalk encourages reusable software, see
the article "Designing Reusable Classes" that I wrote with Brian
Foote and which appeared in the latest (the second) issue of the
Journal of Object-Oriented Programming.

Briefly, there are a number of features of Smalltalk that encourage
software reuse, and inheritance is only one of them.  A very important
feature is late binding of procedure calls, usually called "message
sending".  This is not really related to inheritance, though languages
like C++ combine the two.  The programming environment also encourages
inheritance by providing tools for browsing class descriptions and
an interactive debugger that helps the programmer figure out what the
reused code is REALLY doing.  One of the most important "features" of
Smalltalk is the culture that has grown up around it, where the
designer of a reusable package is the chief among princes and "Not 
Invented Here" is the object of derision.

One of the things that makes it difficult to talk about inheritance is
that inheritance has many uses.  The most obvious is sharing code, but
even code sharing has at least two uses.  One is making a system smaller
and simpler by reducing the number of procedures and adding structure.
This kind of code sharing requires a great deal of hard work and
inspiration on the part of the designers.  The other use of code sharing
is during rapid-prototyping, when the designer makes subclasses of
anything that is handy, forcing classes to serve roles for which they
were never designed.  

These two kinds of code sharing result in very different class hierarchies,
and a class hierarchy of the second kind, which arose by chance, will never
be mistaken for a class hierarchy of the first kind, which arose by design.
However, it is a fact that the poorly designed class hierarchies are much
easier to design, and that usually it is impossible to design a good class
hierarchy until you have made a few versions.  Thus, you might as well start
with an ugly class hierarchy and not even try to design a good one until you
know what you are doing.

I am exagerating a bit.  It is always worthwhile to think about a problem
before you start coding, and a little though can result in a class hierarchy
that is much better than what you would get by chance.  However, unless you
have done it before, you will NEVER, NEVER get the class hierarchy right
the first time, and if you think differently than you are just fooling
yourself.  Our major class hierarchies have been redone half a dozen times,
and there is no evidence that we are done with them yet.  We are searching
for perfection, however, and we probably could have stopped a little while
ago and claimed victory if we were just looking for something that was
good enough.

The size of class hierarchies varies greatly depending on the problem
domain.  My Smalltalk compiler has 32 parse node classes.  There are five or
six flow node classes.  Small class hierarchies will not have much
structure, just a common super class and a few subclasses, but a large
class hierarchy should have a fair bit of structure.  If I see a class
hierarchy consisting of a superclass and 20 subclasses then I know that
the design is not very far along.  However, usually class hierarchies
grow incrementally, with occasional reorganizations, so it is very unlikely
to have a class with 20 direct subclasses.  A well design class hierarchy
containing 20 classes will have a depth of from 3 to 5.  For example,
the parse node class hierarchy is

TypedParseNode ()
    TypedAssignmentNode ('variable' 'value' )
    TypedBlockNode ('arguments' 'statements' 'type' 'returns' 'codeIndex' 'nestingLevel' 'blockTemps' )
    TypedCascadeNode ('receiver' 'messages' )
    TypedCaseNode ('testCase' 'options' 'otherwise' )
    TypedChoiceNode ('choice' 'trueCase' )
        TypedChoiceClassNode ()
    TypedCoercionNode ('statement' 'type' )
    TypedIndexNode ('rcvr' 'index' 'type' )
    TypedInlineNode ('argSetup' 'stmts' 'inlineInterval' )
        TypedInlineBlockNode ()
        TypedInlineMethodNode ()
    TypedJumpDestinationNode ('label' 'result' 'references' )
    TypedJumpNode ('destinationNode' )
    TypedLeafNode ('key' )
        TypedArgVarNode ()
        TypedBlockArgNode ('myBlock' )
        TypedBlockTempNode ('myBlock' )
        TypedContextNode ()
        TypedGlobalVarNode ('type' )
        TypedInstVarNode ()
        TypedLiteralNode ('type' )
        TypedSelfNode ()
        TypedSpecialVarNode ()
        TypedTempVarNode ()
            TypedTempRegVarNode ()
    TypedMessageNode ('receiver' 'selector' 'arguments' 'type' )
    TypedMethodNode ('selectorOrFalse' 'arguments' 'statement' 'encoder' 'temporaries' 'rcvType' 'retType' 'myLabel' 'literals' 'blockInfo' )
    TypedPrimitiveNode ('number' 'rtlList' 'argList' 'codeString' 'codeStream' 'returnTo' 'failCase' 'receiver' 'returnType' )
    TypedProcedureNode ('receiver' 'arguments' 'selector' 'class' 'methodIndex' 'retType' )
    TypedReturnNode ('expr' )
    TypedStatementListNode ('statements' )

Note that 17 of the 34 classes, or half of them, are at level 2 (with the
root being level 1) and there is only one level 4 class.  Thus, the class
hierarchy has the general form


This is not too uncommon in a single inheritance class hierarchy, though
usually it is a little thicker at the bottom.  I think that some of our
TypedLeafNode subclasses need to be reorganized, resulting in some more
level 4 classes.

Ralph Johnson