[comp.lang.smalltalk] mini-goodie

hmm@laura.UUCP (Hans-Martin Mosner) (01/19/89)

I've always been annoyed by the fact that you have to press a mouse button
to bring a window to front.  Especially when having multiple terminals on
my screen this can be confusing.  So I changed the StandardSystemController
to give up control not only when a mouse button is pressed, but also when
input characters are in the keyboard queue.  Try it, you may like it:


'From The Analyst(tm) on Smalltalk-80, Version 2.2 of July 4, 1987 on 19 January 1989 at 11:53:24 am'!

!StandardSystemController methodsFor: 'control defaults'!

	^status == #active
		and: [(sensor anyButtonPressed or: [Sensor keyboardPressed])
				ifTrue: [(view containsPoint: sensor cursorPoint)
						ifTrue: [view isCollapsed
									ifTrue: [view subViewWantingControl ~~ nil]
									ifFalse: [true]]
						ifFalse: [false]]
			ifFalse: [true]]! !

Hans-Martin Mosner		| Don't tell Borland about Smalltalk - |
hmm@unido.{uucp,bitnet}		| they might invent Turbo Smalltalk !  |
Disclaimer: Turbo Smalltalk may already be a trademark of Borland...