[comp.lang.smalltalk] BDF Font to Strikefont conversion goodie

ryland@mfci.UUCP (Chris Ryland) (05/11/89)

The enclosed code converts BDF 2.1 (Adobe bitmap distribution format) fonts
into ST-80 Strikefonts.  I wrote it so that I could take advantage of all
the Adobe/DEC/Bitstream screen fonts distributed with X11 Release 3 and
later (Times, Helvetica, Charter, in a bunch of sizes and styles).

For example,

"(BDFFont newFrom: 'helvr12.bdf') asStrikeFont"

produces a 12-point Helvetica Roman strikefont from the given file.

I didn't provide any packaged way to collect a bunch of related fonts
into a TextStyle.  This is left as an exercise.

This code has only been tested minimally under PPS ST-80 V2.3.

--Chris Ryland, Multiflow Computer
  ryland@multiflow.com, ...!uunet!mfci!ryland

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

Object subclass: #BDFChar
	instanceVariableNames: 'encoding bbw bbh bbox bboy xWidth yWidth glyph '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Graphics-BDF Support'!
BDFChar comment:
'This is a support class for BDFFont, used to hold
BDF character objects.

!BDFChar methodsFor: 'accessing'!









bbw: width bbh: height bbox: xOffset bboy: yOffset

	bbw _ width.
	bbh _ height.
	bbox _ xOffset.
	bboy _ yOffset!



encoding: code

	 ^encoding _ code!



glyph: aForm

	^glyph _ aForm!



xWidth: xw yWidth: yw

	xWidth _ xw.
	yWidth _ yw!


	^yWidth! !

!BDFChar methodsFor: 'printing'!

printOn: aStream 
	aStream nextPutAll: 'BDFchar('.
	"This knows too much about the ascii representation 
	of Characters."
	(encoding >= 32 and: [encoding <= 127])
		ifTrue: [aStream nextPut: encoding asCharacter]
		ifFalse: [encoding printOn: aStream].
	aStream nextPut: $)! !

!BDFChar methodsFor: 'converting'!

	"The width of this character in a strike format. 
	This is a slightly damaged concept, since strike format 
	oversimplifies the notions of bounding box and character 
	advance vector."

	| minX maxX |
	minX _ 0 min: bbox.
	maxX _ xWidth max: bbw + bbox.
	^maxX - minX!

	"BBox, normalized for a strike font approach."

	bbox >= 0 ifTrue: [^bbox] ifFalse: [^0]!

	"Top of glyph, normalized for a strike format."

	^bbh + bboy! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

BDFChar class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!BDFChar class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!


	^super new! !
Object subclass: #BDFFont
	instanceVariableNames: 'name pointSize xRes yRes bbw bbh bbox bboy chars currentChar source sourceLine '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Graphics-BDF Support'!
BDFFont comment:
'This class implements only the two aspects of Adobe
Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF) font handling we need:
BDF source file parsing, and conversion to StrikeFont.

BDF file parsing insists on strictly following the font file
format described in "Bitmap Distribution Format 2.1", the
X Consortium document provided by Adobe Systems.

	Chris Ryland, ryland@multiflow.com, ...!!uunet!!mfci!!ryland

!BDFFont methodsFor: 'parsing'!

	"Assign to sourceLine next non-empty line of BDF file as an 
	array of token strings.  If hit EOF, sourceLine will be nil."

	| buffer bufferSize isString i j |
	source atEnd ifTrue: [^sourceLine _ nil].
	buffer _ source upTo: Character cr.
	(bufferSize _ buffer size) <= 0 ifTrue: [^self lexLine].
	"Recursively ignore blank lines."
	sourceLine _ OrderedCollection new: 4.
	i _ 1.
	"Track start of token."
	[bufferSize >= i]
			[[bufferSize >= i and: [(buffer at: i) isSeparator]]
				whileTrue: [i _ i + 1].
			j _ i + 1.
			"Track end of token."
			(isString _ (buffer at: i)
						= '"') ifTrue: [i _ i + 1].
			[bufferSize < j or: [isString
					ifTrue: [(buffer at: j)
							= '"']
					ifFalse: [(buffer at: j) isSeparator]]]
				whileFalse: [j _ j + 1].
			sourceLine add: (buffer copyFrom: i to: j - 1).
			i _ j + 1].
	sourceLine size <= 0 ifTrue: [^self lex].

newFrom: aString

	source _ FileStream oldFileNamed: aString.
	[self parse] whileTrue.
	source close!

	"Parse the next item or set of items in the BDF source. 
	Returns true iff parsing should continue."

	| keyword |
	self lex.
	sourceLine = nil ifTrue: [^false].
	"EOF check."
	keyword _ sourceLine at: 1.
	(keyword sameAs: 'startfont')
		ifTrue: [^self parseStartFont].
	(keyword sameAs: 'comment')
		ifTrue: [^self parseComment].
	(keyword sameAs: 'font')
		ifTrue: [^self parseFont].
	(keyword sameAs: 'size')
		ifTrue: [^self parseSize].
	(keyword sameAs: 'fontboundingbox')
		ifTrue: [^self parseFontBoundingBox].
	(keyword sameAs: 'startproperties')
		ifTrue: [^self parseStartProperties].
	(keyword sameAs: 'chars')
		ifTrue: [^self parseChars].
	(keyword sameAs: 'startchar')
		ifTrue: [^self parseStartChar].
	(keyword sameAs: 'encoding')
		ifTrue: [^self parseEncoding].
	(keyword sameAs: 'swidth')
		ifTrue: [^self parseSWidth].
	(keyword sameAs: 'dwidth')
		ifTrue: [^self parseDWidth].
	(keyword sameAs: 'bbx')
		ifTrue: [^self parseBBX].
	(keyword sameAs: 'attributes')
		ifTrue: [^self parseAttributes].
	(keyword sameAs: 'bitmap')
		ifTrue: [^self parseBitmap].
	(keyword sameAs: 'endchar')
		ifTrue: [^self parseEndChar].
	(keyword sameAs: 'endfont')
		ifTrue: [^self parseEndFont].
	^true "Just ignore any unrecognized keywords."!

	"ATTRIBUTES <encoding>"


	"BBX <x width> <y height> <x offset> <y offset>"

		bbw: (sourceLine at: 2) asNumber
		bbh: (sourceLine at: 3) asNumber
		bbox: (sourceLine at: 4) asNumber
		bboy: (sourceLine at: 5) asNumber.

	(... BBh lines of bitmap ...)"

	| bits i hex bbww fill |
	bbww _ currentChar bbw + 15 // 16.
	"Bounding box word width"
	bits _ Array new: bbww * currentChar bbh.
	i _ 1.
	1 to: currentChar bbh do: 
		[:x | 
		self lex.
		sourceLine = nil ifTrue: [^false"Hit EOF."].
		hex _ sourceLine at: 1.
		"Fill out each hex line to a multiple of 16-bit hex values."
		(fill _ hex size \\ 4) = 0 ifFalse: [hex _ hex , ('0000' copyFrom: 1 to: 4 - fill)].
			to: bbww * 4
			by: 4
				[:j | 
				bits at: i put: (((hex at: j) digitValue bitShift: 12)
						bitOr: (((hex at: j + 1) digitValue bitShift: 8)
								bitOr: (((hex at: j + 2) digitValue bitShift: 4)
										bitOr: (hex at: j + 3) digitValue))).
				i _ i + 1.
				j _ j + 4]].
	currentChar glyph: (Form
			extent: currentChar bbw @ currentChar bbh
			fromArray: bits
			offset: 0 @ 0).

	"CHARS <# chars>"
	"Glyph definitions follow, so set up for receiving them."

	chars _ Array new: 128.

	"COMMENT ..."


	"DWIDTH <x width> <y width>"

		xWidth: (sourceLine at: 2) asNumber
		yWidth: (sourceLine at: 3) asNumber.

	"ENCODING <value>"

	currentChar encoding: (sourceLine at: 2) asNumber.


	| encoding |
	encoding _ currentChar encoding.
	encoding >= 0 & (encoding < chars size) ifTrue: [chars at: encoding + 1 put: currentChar].



	"FONT <fontname>"

	name _ sourceLine at: 2.

	"FONTBOUNDINGBOX <x width> <y height> <x offset> 
	<y offset>"

	bbw _ (sourceLine at: 2) asNumber.
	bbh _ (sourceLine at: 3) asNumber.
	bbox _ (sourceLine at: 4) asNumber.
	bboy _ (sourceLine at: 5) asNumber.

	"SIZE <point size> <x resolution> <y resolution>"

	pointSize _ (sourceLine at: 2) asNumber.
	xRes _ (sourceLine at: 3) asNumber.
	yRes _ (sourceLine at: 4) asNumber.

	"STARTCHAR <glyph name>"

	currentChar _ BDFChar new.

	"STARTFONT <version>"

	(sourceLine at: 2)
		= '2.1' ifFalse: [self error: 'Font is version ' , (sourceLine at: 2) , ', not version 2.1'].

	"STARTPROPERTIES <# properties>"

	[self lex.
	sourceLine = nil ifTrue: [^false].
	(sourceLine at: 1)
		sameAs: 'endproperties'] whileFalse.

	"SWIDTH <x width> <y height>"

	^true! !

!BDFFont methodsFor: 'converting'!

	"Convert BDFFont to StrikeFont.  
	This knows too much about StrikeFonts, but I don't see any  
	other way to use the StrikeFont>setFrom:glyphs:xTable method  
	(albeit private) that enables this conversion."

	| info xTable glyphs x char baseline strikeFont |
	glyphs _ Form extent: self strikeWidth @ self strikeHeight.
	xTable _ Array new: chars size + 1.
	baseline _ bbh + bboy.
	x _ 0.
	1 to: chars size do:
		[:i |
		xTable at: i put: x.
		char _ chars at: i.
		char isNil ifFalse:
			[glyphs copyBits: char glyph boundingBox
					from: char glyph
					at: (x + char strikeXOffset)
						@ (baseline - char strikeYOffset)
					clippingBox: glyphs boundingBox
					rule: Form over
					mask: Form black.
			x _ x + char strikeWidth]].
	xTable at: chars size + 1 put: x.
	info _ Array new: 9.
	info at: 1 put: name. "name"
	info at: 2 put: 0. "min ascii"
	info at: 3 put: chars size - 1. "max ascii"
	info at: 4 put: bbw. "max character width"
	info at: 5 put: self strikeWidth.
	info at: 6 put: self strikeAscent.
	info at: 7 put: self strikeDescent.
	info at: 8 put: 0. "xOffset (unused)"
	info at: 9 put: 0. "raster (unused)"
	strikeFont _ StrikeFont new.
	strikeFont setFrom: info glyphs: glyphs xTable: xTable.

	"The ascent of the entire font in strike format."

	^bbh + bboy!

	"The descent of the entire font in strike format."

	^bboy < 0 ifTrue: [0 - bboy] ifFalse: [0]!

	"The height of the entire font in strike format."

	^bbh + (bboy < 0 ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: [bboy])!

	"The width of the entire font in strike format."

	^chars inject: 0 into:
		[:width :char |
		width + (char isNil ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: [char strikeWidth])]! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

BDFFont class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!BDFFont class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!

newFrom: aString
	"Instantiate a BDFFont and initialize it from the given BDF source file."

	^self basicNew newFrom: aString! !