[comp.lang.smalltalk] Conference Announcement

perretg@cernvax.UUCP (denis perret-gallix) (09/12/89)


		       MARCH 19-24 1990



	      G.    Auger           GANIL        Caen
	      K. H. Becks           B.U.         Wuppertal
	      R.    Brun            CERN DD      Geneve
	      F.    Etienne         CPPM         Marseille
	      V.    Frigo           CERN DG      Geneve
	      D.    Heuer           ISN          Grenoble
	      E.    Malandain       CERN PS      Geneve
	      M.    Metcalf         CERN DD      Geneve
	      M.    Mouyssinat      GRECO PROG.  Bordeaux
	      P.    Palazzi         CERN DD      Geneve
	      D.    Perret-Gallix   LAPP         Annecy
	      M.    Van Caneghem    G.I.A.       Marseille
	      J.    Vermaseren      NIKHEF-H     Amsterdam
	      C.    Vogel           CISI         Paris
	      W.    Wojcik          CCIN2P3      Lyon


Dear Colleague,

  The ever increasing complexity of high energy and nuclear physics
experiments is now in an accelerating phase with the LEP detectors
and the planned LHC, SSC, UNK,.. experiments.
  Physics simulations, equipment designs, detector and accelerator control,
on-line data taking and data analysis, all computing related activities
absorb a huge part of the financial and manpower resources of these
  Recently developed techniques of software management and expert systems
have become an essential ingredient of the success of current and
forthcoming "big" experiments.
  However, these techniques and methods, to be efficient, have to be
integrated properly into our environment and well accepted and
endorsed by the community.

We are organizing an International Workshop dedicated to these topics:

" Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
	     for Nuclear and High Energy Physics "

The goals of this workshop are essentially threefold:

  1) To present reports on recent applications or developments of these
     techniques in Nuclear and High Energy Physics.

  2) To update and improve our knowledge on these techniques by inviting
     the best experts on software engineering and expert systems.

  3) To foster collaboration across various H.E.P. and N.P. experiments
     and other physics fields, on specific subjects of importance for our


Session I

Software Engineering: Concepts and Techniques

CASE and Software Automation.
Application Analysis and Design.
Cognitive Engineering.
Design and Management of Data Structures.
Automatic coding and documentation.
Debugging, validity proof and performance measurement.
Software re-usability issues.

Session II

Software Engineering : Practical Applications

How to manage a million lines of codes written by a hundred physicists
		   scattered all over the World ?

Current status: Presentation of real-world applications,
their successes and failures.
Experience from 'Big Experiments'.
Special needs for H.E.P. and N.P.
Networks and workstations: the "Server" concept.

Session III

Languages for H.E.P. and N.P.

Procedural Language: Fortran 77 and 8x, Ada, C.
Object Oriented Programming:  SmallTalk, C++, Eiffel.
AI languages: Lisp -- Prolog.
DBMS languages.
Managing applications involving several languages.

Session IV

Techniques and Tools from A.I.

Behavioral simulation of detector components and object-oriented programming.
Pattern recognition (tracks, energy bumps); event recognition and sorting.
Qualitative physics.
Neural Networks for H.E.P. and N.P.
Query and update of very large distributed relational databases.

Session V

Expert Systems

Knowledge Engineering in Physics Research.
Mainframe user "help" and documentation systems.
Aids for setting up analysis and simulation programs.
Data Management.
Real-time Expert Systems:
Accelerator control, electronic equipment test and
monitoring, user interface to data acquisition systems.

Session VI

Symbolic Manipulation Techniques.

Feynman Diagram automatic Computation and expert systems for algebra.
Higher order pertubative QCD computation.
Specific needs for large computation in H.E.P. and N.P.
Symbolic manipulation techniques for Super-Algebra.
A critical survey of Reduce, Macsyma, Schoonschip, Maple, Scratchpad II,
Form, Mathematica.

Session VII

Commercial Products Presentation

Session VIII
Some demo will be organized from any one willing to present their
development or products on the local computer or from some remote

Session IX

Summary Talks, Round Table...


If you intend to attend this workshop, please, return the following form
and a resume (2-3 pages) of your proposed contribution (if any)
before November 30, 1989 to:

 Mme  Michele JOUHET             e-mail: JOUHET @ CERNVM
  CERN EP Division               Tel: (41) 22 767 2277
1211 Geneve 23 Switzerland       Telex 419000
				 FAX: (41) 22 782 4439

I can be reached as follows:

 D. Perret-Gallix                e-mail: PERRETG @ CERNVM
  CERN EP Division
 1211 Geneve 23 Switzerland
Name, Firstname:

Laboratory Address:

Telephone, telex, fax, bitnet:

I intend to participate to the workshop:  YES  NO

I am planning to present a contribution:  YES  NO



I suggest the following topics be added to the sessions:


lpj@hpctdlu.HP.COM (Laura Johnson) (09/14/89)

Why is this in comp.lang.smalltalk ??