[comp.lang.smalltalk] help wanted with SmalltalkV

joe@erix.ericsson.se (Joe Armstrong) (09/20/89)

	A problem and a question about SmalltalkV -

	1) How do I get rid of old windows after I've done 'move' or
'reframe:' on them.

	I have an application consisting of a single graphics window -
a subwindow of topPane, when I reframe the topPane I need to redraw
the graphics contents of the window - that works fine. BUT the old
window is not removed from the display - If I do redraw screen from
the background menu then the old window is removed (so the window
wasn't really there after all!) - I guess I need to do something in
the method 'redisplay' but what ????

	2) When I do fileIn on certain files some of the class methods
get displayed with a crotchet instead on the point at the end of every line -
what does this mean?

The offending Class is as follows:

%------------------------- cut here -------------------------

Object subclass: #WaveEd
    'pen topPane graphPane waveData '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: '' !

!WaveEd class methods ! !

!WaveEd methods !

        "The pane of the bit editor has been activated.  Change the cursor
         to the crosshair."

    CursorManager hair change.!

changeBits: aPoint
   Transcript cr;show:'changeBits'.!

changeStatus: aPoint
    " this gets sent when you click the mouse left button in the window"
  " Transcript
    show: 'changeStatus';
    show: (topPane frame  printString).   "!

    Transcript cr;show:'check cursor'!

        "The pane has been deactivated.  change the cursor to the normal
         cursor shape."

    CursorManager normal change.!

initStatus: aRectangle
    " This gets done once when we open the window "

    waveData := Array new:5.
        at:1 put: 100 @ 200;
        at:2 put: 300 @ 600;
        at:3 put: 500 @ 100;
        at:4 put: 700 @ 620;
        at:5 put: 900 @ 10.

     Display white:(graphPane frame).

     self redisplay.

    " next line must be present -- crashes if not !!!!!! "

    ^Form new extent: aRectangle extent.!

    "prompt the user for a rectangle then open self "

    self open:
        (PointDispatcher rectangleFromUserOfSize:300 @ 80).!


    topPane := TopPane new
        label: 'WaveForm Editor';
        menu: #windowMenu;
        model: self;
        minimumSize: 20@20;

    graphPane :=   (GraphPane new
            model: self;
            name: #initStatus:;
            framingRatio:(0 @ 0 extent: 1 @ 1);
            change: #changeStatus:).

    topPane addSubpane:   graphPane .

    pen := Pen new.
    pen clipRect:aRectangle; combinationRule: Form reverse; mask:nil.

    topPane reframe:aRectangle.
    topPane dispatcher openWindow scheduleWindow.!

    | rect |
    rect := graphPane frame.
        goto:(rect origin);
        goto:(rect center).

    topPane dispatcher scheduleWindow.!

reframe: aRect

    self redisplay.!

        "Answer the window menu for the bit editor."
        labels: 'collapse\cycle\frame\move\close' withCrs
        lines: #()
        selectors: #(collapse cycle frame move closeIt).! !