[comp.lang.smalltalk] Smalltalk source examples 3

new@udel.edu (Darren New) (10/06/89)

Upon getting WISE (an Estelle interpreter in Smalltalk program from NIST), 
I found that most of
the methods were formatted in a manner unpleasant to my eye.  I therefore
            wrote this little gem, which goes through all the classes and metaclasses
in WISE and reformats the program.  Be sure to do 
a newSources (SystemDictionary)
after this, because it does not put out the categories for the messages
it formats.  Also, it takes a long time.  Hack away!
		-- Darren

'From Smalltalk-80, Version 2.2 of July 4, 1987 on 5 October 1989 at 3:26:52 pm'!

!Wise class methodsFor: 'fileOut'!

	"Wise formatSources"

	| estClasses more i j src aCompiler newText |
	estClasses _ #GropeWiseDriver.
	estClasses _ OrderedCollection new.
	estClasses add: TypedValue; add: Definition; add: ActiveAction; add: VariableDeclaration; 
	add: SynchronizationPrimitive; add: List; addAll: List allSubclasses; add: IpQueue; add: Parent; 
	addAll: Parent allSubclasses; add: ServiceHandler; addAll: ServiceHandler allSubclasses; add: ModuleInstance; 
	addAll: ModuleInstance allSubclasses; add: Range; add: IpReference.
	estClasses addAll: TypedValue allSubclasses.
	estClasses addAll: Definition allSubclasses.
	estClasses addAll: ActiveAction allSubclasses.
	estClasses addAll: VariableDeclaration allSubclasses.
	estClasses addAll: SynchronizationPrimitive allSubclasses.
	more _ OrderedCollection new.
	more addAll: (SystemOrganization listAtCategoryNamed: 'Estelle-ActivationEnvironment' asSymbol).
	more addAll: (SystemOrganization listAtCategoryNamed: 'Estelle-Interface' asSymbol).
	more do: [:n | estClasses add: (Smalltalk at: n)].
	more _ estClasses shallowCopy.
	1 to: more size do: [:n | more at: n put: (more at: n) class].
	more do: [:n | estClasses add: n].
	i _ j _ 0.
	estClasses do: 
		[:cls | 
		j _ j + 1.
		Transcript cr; show: cls printString , ' (' , j printString , ' of ' , estClasses size printString , ')'.
		cls selectors do: 
			[:sel | 
			i _ i + 1.
			src _ cls sourceCodeAt: sel.
			aCompiler _ cls compilerClass new.
			newText _ aCompiler
						format: src
						in: cls
						notifying: self.
			newText == nil ifFalse: [(cls compiledMethodAt: sel)
					putSource: newText inFile: 2]]].
	Transcript cr; show: 'A total of ' , i printString , ' methods in ' , j printString , ' classes were modified.'; cr! !