[comp.lang.smalltalk] For sale: Smalltalk/V 286 v1.1

craig@CIS.OHIO-STATE.EDU (Craig J Wallace) (12/07/89)

I'm posting this for a friend, so please contact him directly.  Thank you!
I have for sale Smalltalk/V 286 v1.1 from Digitalk.  I used it to evaluate the
possibility of using it for development at work, and it looks like I'll have
to use an alternative object-oriented language (probably C++).  It's about a
month old, and includes everything that came with the software except the
registration card.  I paid about $185 for it, selling it for $130 or OBO, you
pay shipping.  If you're interested, please contact:

	Nobuya Higashiyama
	(614) 766-9064 home
	(614) 447-3600 x3386 work
	nxh24@cas.bitnet (Internet)
	nxh24@cas (BITNET)