[comp.lang.smalltalk] Multi-Sun Smalltalk

mmt@client1.DRETOR.UUCP (Martin Taylor) (01/18/90)

We are developing a simulation program under Objectworks 2.5 from ParcPlace,
and would like to be able to write it as a set of coupled modules, in which
messages are passed between objects running on different Ethernetted Suns.
Has anyone done this? If so, how?  We take as an example the networked
Mandelbrot program in C that some Suns have as a demo.  Processes are
spawned on the remote Suns, and the results reported back to the initiating

If this kind of distribution is not possible, can one run instances of the
simulation simultaneously on several Suns, keeping the statistics of
their individual work on one of the Suns.

All the Suns will be licenced for Objectworks 2.5 (up to 8 of them).
Martin Taylor (mmt@zorac.dciem.dnd.ca ...!uunet!dciem!mmt) (416) 635-2048
If the universe transcends formal methods, it might be interesting.
     (Steven Ryan).

schang@netcom.UUCP (Sehyo Chang) (01/20/90)

In article <2849@client1.DRETOR.UUCP> mmt@client1.DRETOR.UUCP (Martin Taylor) writes:
>We are developing a simulation program under Objectworks 2.5 from ParcPlace,
>and would like to be able to write it as a set of coupled modules, in which
>messages are passed between objects running on different Ethernetted Suns.
>Has anyone done this? If so, how?  We take as an example the networked
PP 2.5 has pretty extensive Unix Socket method calls you take advantage
There has been couple of distributed smalltalk projects done.  Most of
papers are in the OOPSLA proceedings (87,86) as well as book on 
Concurrent Object Oriented Programming by 'Yonezawa and Tokoro'.

Sehyo Chang						schang@netcom.uucp
Ascent Logic Corp.