[comp.lang.smalltalk] REPOST: Simulation-method query

loggen@cs.eur.nl (R.P. Loggen) (03/26/90)

I have a question about a method in the simulation-classes.
In my opinion the method is not very nice. (nice ?)
It has to do with the message 'proceed' in the class Simulation.
The current version of that method is as follows :

Class Simulation : method proceed
 | eventProcess |

 [self readyToContinue] whileFalse:[Processor yield].
 eventQueue isEmpty
   ifTrue:[^self finishUp]
   ifFalse:[eventProcess <- eventQueue removeFirst.
			currentTime <- eventProcess condition.
			eventProcess resume]

.....In pseudo code this would be something like :

Wait until 
  all simulationProcesses are suspended or terminated.
Look if a simulationObject is waiting
  No : Stop
  Yes: Activate proces and return from method.

In my humble opinion this is not very nice. This method has
the side-effect that another process if available is started.
Whenever the calling process return's somewhere out there is
a little creepy process lingering....

I think a better way is to start up a waiting process and terminate
only then when there are no simprocesses running anymore. In that way
when starting or leaving the method, the simulation is in a passive

In pseudo-code:
 Look if a simulationObject is waiting
     No : Stop
     Yes: Activate process
 Wait until
  all simulationProcesses are suspended or terminated.

 In ST :
| eventProcess |

 eventQueue isEmpty
   ifTrue:[^self finishUp]
   ifFalse:[eventProcess <- eventQueue removeFirst.
			currentTime <- eventProcess condition.
			eventProcess resume]
 [self readyToContinue] whileFalse:[Processor yield].
 It may be a simple change, but please comment me on this one

					   Roeland Loggen

=    Loggen@cs.eur.nl      *  Roeland Loggen, student Informatics *  =  
=  Nothing is an Object,   *  Erasmus University, the Netherlands *  =
=    even Nothing...                                                 =