[comp.lang.smalltalk] Smalltalk/V Mac Integers

peskin@caip.rutgers.edu (R. L. Peskin) (05/10/90)

Class Integer in Smalltalk/V Mac has a class method 'new:'. The method 
documentation states "Example, Integer new: 4 creates an integer ........". In 
fact executing Integer new: 4 (or any other number) gives an error from new: in 
Class Behavior. In effect, Integer is not indexable. According to Digitalk, 
Integer is meant to be an abstract class. In PPS Smalltalk, Integer is also an 
abstract class, but at least the method 'new:  neg: ' returns an instance. My 
question is why are there class methods in Smalltalk/V that don't apply, i.e. 
shouldn't those methods be handled by some reference to "subclass 
responsibility"? How does the user know in Smalltalk/V that he dealing with an 
abstract class? How would I ever write and test a class method in Smalltalk/V 
like 'new: size' for Class Integer?

-- r. peskin  <peskin@caip.rutgers.edu>

 Richard L. Peskin     CAIP Parallel Computing Lab                      
 CAIP Center CN - 1390  Rutgers University       
 Piscataway, N. J. 08855-1390             
         net: peskin@caip.rutgers.edu              