[comp.lang.smalltalk] Smalltalk/V for PM V1.0 bug fixes & enhancements Part 9

cowan@marob.masa.com (John Cowan) (07/27/90)


Purpose of SEQUENCE.ST:

Sequence is an abstract class which is similar to Stream,
but represents unbounded sequences.  It is possible to apply
next to a Sequence object arbitrarily many times.  There are
three kinds of Sequences here:  GeneratedSequence, Random,
and ProbabilityDistribution.

GeneratedSequences are based on a block which computes new
members given the old members.  A buffer containing values
already computed is maintained, and the block is given access
to it.

Random returns sequences of random numbers using a decent
congruential algorithm.

ProbabilityDistribution supports various kinds of continuous
and discrete probability distributions.


Object subclass: #Sequence
  instanceVariableNames: ''
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: '' !

!Sequence class methods ! !

!Sequence methods !
        "Answers false, for Stream compatibility."
        "Close the sequence.  Do nothing."!
        "Signals an error, for Stream compatibility."
    ^self invalidMessage!
        "Answer the next value in sequence."
    ^self subclassResponsibility!
next: anInteger
        "Answers an Array with the next anInteger
        values of the sequence."
    | answer |
    answer := Array new: anInteger.
    1 to: anInteger do: [:i |
        answer at: i put: self next].
nextPut: anObject
        "Signals an error, for Stream compatibility."
    ^self invalidMessage!
nextPutAll: anObject
        "Signals an error, for Stream compatibility."
    ^self invalidMessage! !

Sequence subclass: #GeneratedSequence
    'buffer function position limit '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: '' !

!GeneratedSequence class methods !
from: aBlock
        "Answer a new GeneratedSequence that generates
        new elements as needed using aBlock.  The
        block is passed the GeneratedSequence as its
    ^super new initialize: aBlock! !

!GeneratedSequence methods !
at: anIndex ifNone: aBlock
        "Friends only - Answer the buffer element whose position is
        anIndex.  Answer nil if no such position in
        the buffer."
    anIndex > position ifTrue: [^aBlock value].
    ^buffer at: anIndex!
        "Answer the current contents of the GeneratedSequence,
        without any new generation."
    ^buffer copyFrom: 1 to: limit!
        "Answer the receiver's generation function."
        "Enlarge the buffer."
    | newBuffer |
    newBuffer := Array new: buffer size * 4 / 3 + 10.
    1 to: buffer size do: [:i |
        newBuffer at: i put: (buffer at: i)].
    buffer := newBuffer!
initialize: aBlock
        "Private - Set up instance variables."
    function := aBlock.
    buffer := Array new: 12.
    position := 1.
    limit := 0.!
latest: aBlock
        "Friends only - Answer the last buffered element.
        If no buffered element, evaluate aBlock."
    ^self at: limit ifNone: aBlock!
        "Friends only - Answer the number of elements actually
        present in the buffer."
        "Answer the next element.  If needed, expand
        the buffer or generate new elements."
    | value |
    position > buffer size ifTrue:
        [self grow].
    [position > limit] whileTrue:
        [value := function value: self.
        limit := limit + 1.
        buffer at: limit put: value].
    value := buffer at: position.
    position := position + 1.
        "Answer the next value without changing the
    | value |
    value := self next.
    position := position - 1.
        "Answer the current position of the receiver."

position: anInteger
        "Set the receiver's current position to anInteger."
    position := anInteger! !

Sequence subclass: #Random
    'seed increment modulus fmodulus multiplier '
    'Multipliers Moduli Increments '
  poolDictionaries: ''    !

!Random class methods !
        "Set the recurrence parameters."
    Moduli := #(120050 214326 244944 233280
        175000 121500 145800).
    Multipliers := #(2311 1807 1597 1861
        2661 4081 3661).
    Increments := #(25367 45289 51749 49297
        36979 25673 30809)!
        "Answer a new random number generator.
        Seed is the millisecond clock value."
    ^super new generator: 1;
        seed: Time millisecondClockValue!
new: g seed: s
        "Answer a new random number generator."
    ^super new generator: g;
        seed: s! !

!Random methods !
generator: aSmallInteger
        "Private - Chooses parameters."
    aSmallInteger < 1 | (aSmallInteger > Increments size)
            [self error: 'No such generator'].
    increment := Increments at: aSmallInteger.
    modulus := Moduli at: aSmallInteger.
    fmodulus := modulus asFloat.
    multiplier := Multipliers at: aSmallInteger!
        "Answer the next random number."
    seed := seed * multiplier + increment \\ modulus.
    ^seed asFloat / fmodulus!

seed: aSmallInteger
        "Private - Initialize the first random number."
    seed := aSmallInteger  \\ modulus! !

Sequence subclass: #ProbabilityDistribution
  instanceVariableNames: ''
    'U '
  poolDictionaries: ''    !

!ProbabilityDistribution class methods !
    "Uniformly distributed random numbers in the range [o,1]."

    U := Random new!

    ^self basicNew! !

!ProbabilityDistribution methods !
computeSample: m outOf: n

    m>n ifTrue: [^0.0].
    ^n factorial / (n-m) factorial!
density: x

    self subclassResponsibility!
distribution: aCollection

    self subclassResponsibility!
inverseDistribution: x
    self subclassResponsibility!

        "This is a general random number generation
        method for any probability law;
        use the (0,1) uniformly distributed random
        variable U as the value of the law's
        distribution function.  Obtain the next random
        value and then solve for the inverse.
        The inverse solution is defined by the subclass."
    ^self inverseDistribution: U next! !

ProbabilityDistribution subclass: #ContinuousProbability
  instanceVariableNames: ''
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''   !

!ContinuousProbability class methods ! !

!ContinuousProbability methods !
distribution: aCollection
        "This is a slow and dirty trapezoidal integration
        to determine the area under the probability
        function curve y=density (x) for x in the specified
        collection.  The method assumes that the
        collection contains numerically-ordered elements."
    | t aStream x1 x2 y1 y2 |
    t := 0.0.
    aStream := ReadStream on: aCollection.
    x2 := aStream next.
    y2 := self density: x2.
    [x1 := x2.  x2 := aStream next]
            [y1 := y2.
              y2 := self density: x2.
             t := t + ((x2-x1)*(y2+y1))].
    ^t*0.5! !

ContinuousProbability subclass: #ExponentialDistribution
    'mu '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''  !

!ExponentialDistribution class methods !
mean: p
    ^self parameter: 1.0/p!

parameter:  p

    p > 0.0
        ifTrue: [^self new setParameter: p]
        ifFalse: [self error: 'The probability parameter must be greater than 0.0']! !

!ExponentialDistribution methods !
density: x
    x > 0.0
        ifTrue: [^mu * (mu*x) negated exp]
        ifFalse: [^0.0]!
distribution: anInterval
    anInterval last <= 0.0
        ifTrue: [^0.0]
        ifFalse: [^1.0 - (mu * anInterval last) negated exp - (anInterval first > 0.0 ifTrue: [self distribution: (0.0 to: anInterval first)] ifFalse: [0.0])]!
inverseDistribution: x
    ^ x ln negated / mu!

setParameter: p
    mu := p!
    ^1.0/(mu*mu)! !

ExponentialDistribution subclass: #GammaDistribution
    'bigN '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''    !

!GammaDistribution class methods !
events: k mean: p

    |  events |
    events := k truncated.
    events > 0
        ifTrue: [^(self parameter: events/p) setEvents: events]
        ifFalse: [self error: 'the number of events must be greater than 0']! !

!GammaDistribution methods !
density: x
    | t |
    x > 0.0
        ifTrue: [t := mu * x.
            ^(mu raisedTo: bigN) / (self gamma: bigN) *(x raisedTo: bigN - 1) * t negated exp]
        ifFalse: [^0.0]!
gamma: n
    | t |
    t := n - 1.0.
    ^self computeSample: t outOf: t!

    ^super mean*bigN!
setEvents: events
    bigN := events!
    ^super variance*bigN! !

ContinuousProbability subclass: #UniformDistribution
    'startNumber stopNumber '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''  !

!UniformDistribution class methods !
from: begin to: end
    begin > end
        ifTrue: [self error: 'illegal interval']
        ifFalse: [^self new setStart: begin toEnd: end]! !

!UniformDistribution methods !

density: x
    (x between: startNumber and: stopNumber)
        ifTrue: [^1.0 / (stopNumber - startNumber)]
        ifFalse: [^0]!
inverseDistribution: x
    "x is a random  number between 0 and 1"
    ^startNumber + (x * (stopNumber - startNumber))!
    ^ (startNumber + stopNumber)/2!
setStart: begin toEnd: end
    startNumber := begin.
    stopNumber := end!
    ^ (stopNumber - stopNumber) squared / 12! !

ContinuousProbability subclass: #NormalDistribution
    'mu sigma '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: '' !

!NormalDistribution class methods !
mean: a deviation: b
    b > 0.0
    ifTrue: [^self new setMean: a standardDeviation: b]
    ifFalse: [self error: 'standard deviation must be greater than 0.0']! !

!NormalDistribution methods !

density: x

    | twoPi t |
    twoPi := 2 * 3.1415926536.
    t := x - mu/sigma.
    ^(-0.5 * t squared) exp / (sigma * twoPi sqrt)!
    | v1 v2 s rand u |
    rand := UniformDistribution from: -1.0 to: 1.0.
    [v1 := rand next.
     v2 := rand next.
     s := v1 squared + v2 squared.
     s >= 1] whileTrue.
    u := (-2.0 * s ln /s) sqrt.
    ^mu + (sigma * v1 *u)!
setMean: m standardDeviation: s
    mu := m.
    sigma := s!
    ^sigma squared! !

ProbabilityDistribution subclass: #DiscreteProbability
  instanceVariableNames: ''
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: '' !

!DiscreteProbability class methods ! !

!DiscreteProbability methods !
distribution: aCollection
    "Answer the sum of the discrete values of the density function for each element in the collection."

    | t |
    t := 0.0.
    aCollection do: [:i | t := t + (self density: i)].
    ^t! !

DiscreteProbability subclass: #BernoulliDistribution
    'prob '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''    !

!BernoulliDistribution class methods !

    "is the first draw of a card an ace?"
    (BernoulliDistribution parameter: 4/52) next

    "does a car arrive in the next second?"

    "will a machine break down today?"!
parameter: aNumber
    (aNumber between: 0.0 and: 1.0)
        ifTrue: [^self new setParameter: aNumber]
        ifFalse: [^self error: 'The probability must be between 0.0 and 1.0']! !

!BernoulliDistribution methods !

density: x

    x=1 ifTrue: [^prob].
    x=0 ifTrue: [^1.0 - prob].
    self error: ' outcomes of a BernoulliDistribution can only be 1 or 0'!
inverseDistribution: x

    x <= prob
        ifTrue: [^1]
        ifFalse: [^0]!

setParameter: aNumber
    prob :=aNumber!
    ^prob * (1.0 - prob)! !

BernoulliDistribution subclass: #BinomialDistribution
    'bigN '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''   !

!BinomialDistribution class methods !

events: n mean: m

    n truncated <= 0 ifTrue: [self error: 'number of events must be > 0'].
    ^self new events: n mean: m!

    | sampleA sampleB |
    sampleA := BernoulliDistribution parameter: 0.5.

    "Did I get heads?"
    sampleA next.

    sampleB := BinomialDistribution events: 5 mean: 2.5.

    "How many heads did I get in 5 trials?"
    sampleB next! !

!BinomialDistribution methods !
density: x

    (x between: 0 and: bigN)
        ifTrue: [^((self computeSample: x outOf: bigN) / (self computeSample: x outOf: x)) * (prob raisedTo: x)*((1.0 - prob) raisedTo: bigN - x)]
        ifFalse: [^0.0]!

events: n mean: m

    bigN := n truncated.
    self setParameter: m/bigN!

    t := 0.
    bigN timesRepeat: [t := t + super next].
    ^t! !

BernoulliDistribution subclass: #GeometricDistribution
  instanceVariableNames: ''
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: '' !

!GeometricDistribution class methods !

    | sample |

    "two cars arrive every minute"
    sample := GeometricDistribution mean: 60/2.

    "what is the probability that it will take 30 sec before the next car arrives?"
    sample density: 30.

    "Did the next car arrive in 30 to 40 seconds?"
    sample distribution: (30 to: 40)!
mean: m

    ^self parameter: m! !

!GeometricDistribution methods !

density: x

    x>0 ifTrue: [^prob * ((1.0 - prob) raisedTo: x - 1)]
        ifFalse: [^0.0]!

inverseDistribution: x

    ^(x ln / (1.0 - prob) ln) ceiling!

    ^ 1.0 / prob!
    ^ (1.0 - prob) / prob squared! !

DiscreteProbability subclass: #PoissonDistribution
    'mu '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''    !

!PoissonDistribution class methods !
mean: p

    p > 0.0
        ifTrue: [^self new setMean: p]
        ifFalse: [self error: 'mean must be greater than 0.0']! !

!PoissonDistribution methods !
density: x

    x >= 0
        ifTrue: [^ ((mu raisedTo: x) * (mu negated exp)) / x factorial]
        ifFalse: [^0.0]!
    | p n q |
    p := mu negated exp.
    n := 0.
    q := 1.0.
    [q := q * U next.
     q >= p]
        whileTrue: [n := n + 1].
setMean: p
    mu := p!

    ^mu! !

DiscreteProbability subclass: #SampleSpace
    'data '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''  !

!SampleSpace class methods !
data: aCollection

    ^self new setData: aCollection!


    | heights |
    heights := SampleSpace data: #(60 60 60 62 62 64 64 64 64 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 70 70 70).

    "what is the probability of randomly selecting a student with height 64?"
    heights density: 64.

    "what is the probability of randomly selecting a student whose height is between 60 and 64?"
    heights distribution: (60 to: 64 by: 2)! !

!SampleSpace methods !
density: x
    "x must be in the sample space;  the probability must sum over all occurrences of x in the sample space."

    (data includes: x)
        ifTrue: [^(data occurrencesOf: x) / data size]
        ifFalse: [^0]!
inverseDistribution: x

    ^data at: (x*data size) truncated + 1!

setData: aCollection

    data := aCollection! !
cowan@marob.masa.com			(aka ...!hombre!marob!cowan)
			e'osai ko sarji la lojban