I am running Smalltalk/v PM(1.1) in OS/2 version 1.1 now. The computer has 6744k of memory. But yesterday I suddenly found that I cannot run the Smalltalk anymore. Every time I boot it, it opens a window and gives the following message: Insufficient memory to start Smalltalk/v. The thing what is strange is I ran it normally the day before yesterday and I tried another set of image which I used several days before, the result is the same. Several files related are: v.exe 2353549 bytes, change.log 117031 bytes, sources.sml: 702571 bytes. The v.exe is quite big but what I cannot understand is why I could run it yesterday but cannot run it today with the same image. (I have booted the computer just to check the memory). If it is the problem that the image is too large, is it saying that there is a limit for development under Smalltalk/v PM. How to reduce the v.exe file? Anyway what is urgent is that could any one give me some help to solve the problem so that I wouldnot lost the code I have donen for several months. Is there anyway to survive? any suggestions welcome. E-mail : Thank you!