(Max Ott) (10/15/90)
Friends and Countrymen, Haven't seen much traffic on small goodies for st/V. So here is one. I just started the horrible task of documenting my own programs (@#$!!@&&*) and got frustrated by the missing support when trying to search through this jungle of methods. So I just added "implementors" and "senders" to the normal text menu. This commands now work on the selected string in the text pane. If you install it you can either make this extensions the default for all text menus (see Texteditor class>>menu) or change the menu call in your application to "TextEditor extMenu". Hope there will be no problems, I didn't test it on a virgin image, but it is small anyway. Enjoy, max p.s. If you read this far, could you just drop me a short line, I am never really sure how far our messages go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Max Ott e-mail: !*!*!* USE BELOW ADDRESS Hatori Laboratory Dept. of E.E.; U of Tokyo I am not a tourist, I live here, but +(81)-(03) 812 2111 Ext. 6761 would not mind being one. "**************************** * Sep 9, 1990 05:59:55 * * Project: infoTool * (Disk file: 'infoTool.cls') fileIn; close. "! ScrollDispatcher subclass: #TextEditor instanceVariableNames: 'modified priorSelection priorText newSelection ' classVariableNames: 'PriorCommand StandardEditMenu CopyBuffer ExtEditMenu ' poolDictionaries: 'FunctionKeys CharacterConstants '! TextEditor class comment: nil. ! !TextPane methodsInCategory: 'infoService'! implementors "Private - Pop-up a window with the implementors of the selected method." | aString | aString := (textHolder stringIn: selection). Smalltalk implementorsOf: aString asSymbol! senders "Private - Pop-up a window with the senders of the selected method." | aString | aString := (textHolder stringIn: selection). Smalltalk sendersOf: aString asSymbol! ! !TextEditor class methodsInCategory: 'etc'! extMenu "Answer the standard edit menu." ^ExtEditMenu! initialize "Private - Initialize the standard edit menu." StandardEditMenu := Menu labels: 'restore\copy\cut\paste\show it\do it\save\next menu' withCrs lines: #(1 4 7) selectors: #(cancel copySelection cutSelection pasteSelection printIt doIt accept misc). ExtEditMenu := Menu labels: 'restore\copy\cut\paste\show it\do it\save\senders\implementors\next menu' withCrs lines: #(1 4 9) selectors: #(cancel copySelection cutSelection pasteSelection printIt doIt accept showSenders showImplementors misc)! menu "Answer the standard edit menu. Only use when you want to make the extended menu the default one." ^ExtEditMenu! ! !TextEditor methodsInCategory: 'infoService'! showImplementors "Private - Pop-up a window with the implementors of the selected method." pane implementors! showSenders "Private - Pop-up a window with the senders of the selected method." pane senders! !